CEDAR email: SCOSTEP Awards
Marianna Shepherd
mshepher at yorku.ca
Fri Jun 21 10:23:08 MDT 2013
*SCOSTEP Awards Announcement
Recognizing the societal importance of studies in the field of
solar-terrestrial physics and willing to give credit to scientists who
contribute significantly to these studies and to SCOSTEP activities, the
SCOSTEP Bureau decided to institute the following awards://
/SCOSTEP Science Award/
The award is given to recognize an outstanding contribution of a
scientist to solar-terrestrial physics;
/ Young Scientist Award/
The award is given to young scientists who achieved considerable success
in solar-terrestrial physics and took an active part in SCOSTEP-related
/ SCOSTEP Service Award/
The award is given to recognize a unique contribution to SCOSTEP-related
activities, to realization of its programs and events.
It was decided that the awards would be given biannually. The first
/SCOSTEP Service Award/ would be given in November 2013 during the
SCOSTEP CAWSES-II International Symposium at Nagoya, Japan (November
18-22, 2013). The first /Science Award/ and the first Young Scientist
Award will be given at the 13th STP Symposium in Xi'An, China in 2014.
The Award Statute and Procedure were adopted and were placed on the
SCOSTEP web site, section "Awards".
Award nomination packages need to be submitted to the SCOSTEP
secretariat as a single pdf file: mshepher at yorku.ca
<mailto:mshepher at yorku.ca>. The award decision will be made by the
SCOSTEP Awards Committee (SAC) and communicated to the Bureau after
considering submissions. In the future, the SCOSTEP award winners may be
invited to serve on the SAC.
The Current SCA membership is as follows:
Brian Fraser (Australia)
Marvin Geller (USA) - Chair
Mark Lester (UK) - Deputy Chair and Liaison to the Bureau
Marius S. Potgieter (South Africa)
Z. Xiao (China, NR)
Dr. Marianna G. Shepherd, Adjunct Professor
Scientific Secretary
Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP)
Centre for Research in Earth and Space Science
York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON, Canada M3J 1P3
Phone: +1 416 736 2100 ext. 33828
FAX: +1 416 736 5626
Mobile: +1 647 236 8382
E-mail: mshepher at yorku.ca
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