CEDAR email: JGR papers solicited for the extended solar min by Sep 9

Barbara Emery emery at ucar.edu
Sun Jun 16 18:20:05 MDT 2013

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(1) JGR papers solicited for the extended solar min by Sep 9 if possible.
 From Simon.Wing at jhuapl.edu on 16 June 2013, respond positively to stans at 

Dear Colleague,

We are seeking contributions to a Journal of Geophysical Research (Space
Physics) special section described below.  A main purpose of this special
section is to publish papers derived from the recent Chapman Conference on the 
Causes and
Consequences of the Extended Solar Minimum (4CSEM), but the special
section is open to any paper that is relevant to this topic. There is no
requirement for a specific connection to the 4CESM meeting.

The special section is essentially an electronic entity, but we are also
investigating whether we can also obtain a CD and/or hard copy collection
for distribution to authors and others.

The time frame for submissions is July 1 through September 9, 2013.  The
submission and refereeing process is the same as for any JGR article.

If you anticipate that you will, please send an email to stans at ucar.edu
with a working title or subject, and an estimate of the likelihood that
you will get your paper in by the Sept. 9 deadline (certain, probable,
or possible).  This is not a commitment; the purpose is to supply JGR
with an estimate of the number of papers to be expected.


The Guest Editors:  Alexis Rouillard, Stan Solomon, Simon Wing

Description of papers for this special issue of JGR:

The period of low solar activity between solar cycles 23 and 24, that
occurred from 2007 through 2009, was as long and as quiet as any on
record since the beginning of space flight, and likely in over a
century. The overarching challenge for solar physics is to explain why
this happened, how unusual it was, and what the ramifications are for
solar activity and the strength of the solar cycle on longer time
scales. The unusual conditions provide a unique opportunity to assess
the nature and structure of a very quiet Sun, and an upper atmosphere of
the Earth relatively devoid of solar influences, which has helped to
advance understanding of the role of solar activity in the dynamics and
variability of the Earth¹s upper atmosphere and ionosphere. This special
issue of the Journal of Geophysical Research solicits research papers
that analyze the physical causes and consequences of this solar minimum
at the Sun, the heliosphere and in the near-Earth space environment. The
special issue will be organized in the same format as the Chapman
conference on which it was based. The first section of the special issue
will treat the magnetic field inside the Sun, and its influence on the
corona and heliosphere. The second section will discuss the
electromagnetic radiation output of the Sun, and its effect on the
ionosphere-thermosphere system. The third section will describe the
plasma output of the Sun from the corona and heliosphere to the
magnetosphere-ionosphere system.


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