CEDAR email: Search for new Editor in Chief of JGR Space Physics

Judith Lean judith.lean at nrl.navy.mil
Wed Jul 10 11:02:43 MDT 2013

Dear CEDAR members,

AGU is actively seeking candidates for the next Editor in Chief of the Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics, to replace outgoing Senior Editor Dr Robert Lysak.

Because of the relatively large number of aeronomy, ionosphere and thermosphere papers submitted to JGR Space Physics, scientists among the CEDAR community are likely to be particularly suitable.

Please consider applying and encouraging suitable colleagues to also apply. Or please contact me directly if you have some suggestions for Editor in Chief candidates- including yourself!

Attached is AGU's job description for the JGR Editor in Chief position, which has begun appearing in Eos. 

Thanks for your help,
Judith Lean
(Chair of JGR Space Physics Editor in Chief search committee)

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