CEDAR email: Students at Jicamarca, Peru; Whole Atmosphere Model job in MD

Barbara Emery emery at ucar.edu
Tue Oct 2 16:03:14 MDT 2012

This is a generic mailing to the CEDAR community sent 02 Oct 2012.
Meetings and jobs are listed at http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu under
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(1) Jicamarca International Research Experience Program - JIREP 2013 - 
applications due 15 January.
 From Sandra Mendieta and Angela Calle at <jirep at jro.igp.gob.pe>.
See also http://jro.igp.gob.pe/jirep/

(2) Whole Atmospheric Model (WAM) model job at EMC in College Park, MD.
 From Rashid Akmaev <rashid.akmaev at noaa.gov>.
See also http://www.imsg.com/index.php/careers/current-opportunities/wam/

(1) Jicamarca International Research Experience Program - JIREP 2013 - 
applications due 15 January.
 From Sandra Mendieta and Angela Calle at <jirep at jro.igp.gob.pe>.

The students will work with staff engineers and scientists on projects
related to ongoing research or instrumentation development programs.
Research may be conducted in neutral atmospheric and ionospheric science as
well as radar/radio instrumentation and software development. Given its
location, frequency of operation, and array system, most JRO's research
capabilities are unique. Besides the unique research capabilities where
students are welcomed to propose and run their own experiments, JRO offers a
good opportunity to get hands-on-experience on different aspects of radar
systems, from changing the antenna connections, improving RF components of
the system, to develop sophisticated acquisition and processing programs.

A side benefit of the program is that students will get to know Peru,
heir to ancient cultures and rich colonial tradition. This program is
offered to junior/senior undergraduate and/or first and second year graduate
students and will cover the travel expenses (to and from Lima), as well as a
reasonable stipend. Given that the Observatory is located outside Lima city,
transportation will be provided.

* Application deadline: January 15th, 2013
* Decision: February 15th, 2013
* Starting date: Anytime between May 10th until June 30th, 2013
* Duration: 10 weeks

More information and application/recommendation forms can be found at
http://jro.igp.gob.pe/jirep/ or by contacting us at  jirep at jro.igp.gob.pe

(2) Whole Atmospheric Model (WAM) model job at EMC in College Park, MD.
 From Rashid Akmaev <rashid.akmaev at noaa.gov>.

I.M. Systems Group, Inc. (IMSG), (www.imsg.com), a Federal Government 
Contractor, is seeking a Support Scientist to work at NOAA's National Centers 
for Environmental Prediction’s Environmental Modeling Center (EMC) located in 
College Park, MD.  The Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) and the 
Environmental Modeling Center of the National Centers for Environmental 
Prediction have undertaken the extension of the Global Forecast System to very 
high levels of the atmosphere.  A support position to assist in the development, 
testing, routine application, and maintenance of this system is available. 
Specific activities will include:
*    Assist in coordination of the development work between SWPC and EMC
*    Develop appropriate scripts for testing, evaluating and eventual transition 
to operations for the Whole Atmospheric Model (WAM) system
*    Contribute to the development of the WAM forecast model and/or data 
assimilation system
*    Coordinate development and code management with other projects involving 
global forecast system

For details of required qualifications, desired skills and how to apply please 
see http://www.imsg.com/index.php/careers/current-opportunities/wam/


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