CEDAR email: CEDAR workshop on "FPI Measurements of Neutral Winds and Temperatures in the Upper Atmosphere"

iazeem at astraspace.net iazeem at astraspace.net
Sun Jun 24 08:30:45 MDT 2012

Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to attend the "FPI Measurements of Neutral Winds and Temperatures in the Upper Atmosphere" workshop at CEDAR. The workshop will be on Tuesday 26 June, 2012 from 10:00am-12:00pm in Zia room.
Workshop Abstract:
The measurement of winds and temperatures is fundamental to our understanding of the structure and variability of the atmosphere. The Fabry-Perot Interferometer (FPI) is a unique instrument for measuring atomic line profiles of low-light emission from the upper atmosphere with a long heritage in upper atmosphere observations. The application of the interferometer to atmospheric emissions such as aurora and airglow offers an opportunity for remote sensing of atmospheric wind and temperature from the ground and in space. This workshop solicits contributions on studies involving observations and modeling of neutral winds and temperatures from ground-based FPIs. This workshop is intended to provide an opportunity for discussing recent FPI measurements, new instrument development, and modeling of neutral winds and temperatures.

10:00am Introduction, Azeem, Noto, Crowley
10:05 am “Sustained Vertical Thermospheric Winds in the Auroral Zone", D. Hampton (Univ. of Alaska), J. Meriwether and M. Larsen (Clemson Univ.)
10:17 am “Comparisons of thermospheric winds and temperatures for PARI and MHO with WAM”,
J. Meriwether, S. Sanders (Clemson University), J. Noto, R. Kerr, S. Kapali, M. Migliozzi, J. Riccobono (Scientific Solutions Inc.), J. Makela, D. Fisher (Univ. of Illinois), M. Castelez (Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute), Tim Fuller-Rowell and Rashid Akmaev (NOAA)
10:29 am “Role of equatorial thermospheric winds on the pre-reversal enhancement”, A. Gerrard nd Dhvanit Mehta* (NJIT)
10:41 am “Thermospheric Winds Observation and Modeling at NCAR”, Q. Wu (HAO/NCAR)
10:53 am “First light from the NATION network of FPIs" – J. Makela (U. Illinois), J. Meriwether (Clemson U), A. Ridley (U of Mich.), Fisher, Harding
11:05 am “Further upgrades to the facility FPI's: A progress report”, J. Noto, R.B. Kerr, M. Migliozzi, S. Kapali and J. Riccobono (SSI)
11:17 am “A two-dimensional minimum mean-square error approach to Fabry-Perot interferometer analysis”, Thomas W. Gehrels, Brian Harding, J. Makela (U. Illinois)
11:29 am “Geocoronal FP temperature results”, Ed Mierkiewicz (U. of Wisc)
11:41 – 12:00 pm Discussions
 12:00 pm Adjournment

Irfan Azeem, ASTRA LLC 
Geoff Crowley, ASTRA LLC
John Noto, SSI
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