CEDAR email: CEDAR Workshop: Thermosphere-Ionosphere Climate

Shunrong Zhang shunrong at haystack.mit.edu
Sat Jun 23 18:15:08 MDT 2012

Dear colleagues,

We are inviting you to attend the upcoming CEDAR workshop on 
Thermosphere-Ionosphere Climate. Here is the workshop agenda:

** Time: 13:30 -- 18:00, Thursday 6/28/2012
Room: Sun for Anasazi-South

Part 1: Long-term changes in the thermosphere and ionosphere (13:30-15:30)

1. Overview of thermosphere climate and climate change observations -- 
John Emmert
2. Ionospheric trends: an overview and latest result -- Shunrong Zhang
3. Modeling long-term changes in the thermosphere and ionosphere -- 
Liying Qian
4. T-I response to geomagnetic dipole changes -- Ingrid Cnossen
5. Geocorona climate -- Susan Nossal
?. Thermospheric wind trends -- Christiano Brum (?)

Open discussions: 30 min      ----  Break: 15:30-16:00

Part 2: Other topics of thermosphere-ionosphere climatology (16:00-18:00)
1. Lunar tide and SSW climatological effects -- Brian Tracy
2. Neutral winds and temperature climatology from Brazil FPI 
observations -- Dan Fisher
3. Climatology of the tides -- Jens Oberheide
4. The E-region climatology -- Fabiano Rodrigues
5. Global E region MOIRE campaigns --- Jan Sojka
6. Anomalously low geomagnetic energy inputs during 2008 solar minimum 
--- Yue Deng

Open Discussions: 30 min

Shunrong Zhang, Ph.D.
MIT Haystack Observatory
Off Route 40
Westford, MA 01886 USA

phone: 781-981-5725
fax:   781-981-5766
email: shunrong at haystack.mit.edu

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