CEDAR email: meeting "Solar influences on the magnetosphere, ionosphere and atmosphere"

Katya kgeorg at bas.bg
Mon Jan 24 09:27:24 MST 2011

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the Scientific Organizing Committee, I am pleased to invite
you to the meeting "Solar influences on the magnetosphere, ionosphere and
atmosphere" to be held in Sozopol, Bulgaria, 6-10 June 2011.

Sun and solar activity
Solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions
Solar effects in the ionosphere
Solar influences on the lower atmosphere and climate
The variable Earth radiation field and its impact on humans
Instrumentation for space weather monitoring
Data proccessing, modelling and e-science

Katya Georgieva (Space and Solar-Terrestrial Influences Institute,
Bulgaria) - Chair
Joe Borovsky (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)
Crisan Demetrescu (Institute of Geodynamics, Romanian Academy)
Nat Gopalswamy (NASA USA)
Rositza Koleva (Space and Solar-Terrestrial Influences Institute, Bulgaria)
Petra Koucka Knizova (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Czech Republic)
Marianna Shepherd (York University, Canada)
Lev Zelenyi (IKI, Russia)
Kalevi Mursula (University of Oulu, Finland)
Dibyendy Nandi (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research)

Deadline for abstract submission: 29 April 2011

web-site: http://www.stil.bas.bg/WS-sozopol/

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