CEDAR email: Kintner memorial, Prize nominations due, CAWSES newsletter, summer schools in CO and Greenland, visitors at Dartmouth, URSI and IUGG
Barbara Emery
emery at ucar.edu
Fri Jan 21 17:36:53 MST 2011
This is a generic mailing to the CEDAR community sent 21 Jan 2011.
Meetings and jobs are listed at http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu under
'Community' as 'Calendar of Meetings' and 'CEDAR related opportunities'.
CEDAR email messages are under 'Community' as 'CEDAR email Newsletters'.
All are in 'Quick Links' on the main page.
(1) Celebration of the Life of Paul M. Kintner, Jr. on Saturday March 26 at
Cornell University.
From: Laurie S. Shelton <ls55 at cornell.edu>.
(2) CEDAR Prize Lecture Nominations due 04 February 2011.
Reply to Larissa Goncharenko (lpg at haystack.mit.edu).
See also http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu/ (Workshops, Traditions, Prize).
(3) The third issue of the CAWSES-II TG4 newsletter is online at
From Michi Nishioka (nishioka at stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp).
(4) Heliophysics Summer School 2011, July 27 - August 03, Boulder, CO -
applications due 01 April.
From Susanne Demaree (sdemaree at ucar.edu) or reply to vspapply at ucar.edu.
See also http://www.vsp.ucar.edu/heliophysics.
(5) International Incoherent Scatter Radar Summer Workshop/School, July 18 - 23,
2011 at the Sondrestrom Research Facility in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland -
applications due 01 March.
From Elizabeth Kendall <elizabeth.kendall at sri.com>.
See also http://www.haystack.mit.edu/edu/workshop and
(6) Visiting Young Scientist at Dartmouth 2011-2012 teaching year for up to 6
months - application reviews start 15 March.
From James LaBelle (james.w.labelle at dartmouth.edu).
(7) 13-20 August 2011, 30th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium
(XXXth URSI GASS), Istanbul, Turkey, abstracts due 11 February, student poster
prize (up to $1500) competition, http://www.usnc-ursi.org/.
(a) G06 – Recent Developments in Incoherent Scatter Radar, Wednesday, August 17.
From Michael Nicolls <michael.nicolls at sri.com>.
(8) 25th IUGG General Assembly in Melbourne, Australia (June 28 - July 7, 2011),
abstracts due 01 February, http://www.iugg2011.com/.
(a) Sessions A06.1, 2, 3 are in the 2nd week!!
From Mamoru Yamamoto <yamamoto at rish.kyoto-u.ac.jp>.
(1) Celebration of the Life of Paul M. Kintner, Jr. on Saturday March 26 at
Cornell University.
From: Laurie S. Shelton <ls55 at cornell.edu>.
You are cordially invited to the Celebration of the Life of Paul M. Kintner, Jr.
This event will feature speakers from the many facets of Paul's life. A
reception will follow.
Place: Cornell University, Biotech Building, Room G10, Ithaca, NY
Date & Time: Saturday, March 26, 2011, 3:00-5:30 pm
Please RSVP Laurie Shelton <ls55 at cornell.edu> if you are likely to attend, and
include the number of people for planning purposes.
Thank you.
A more detailed announcement with suggested hotels, maps, etc. will follow in
the coming weeks.
Important Note: Please feel free to forward this announcement to friends and
(2) CEDAR Prize Lecture Nominations due 04 February 2011.
Reply to Larissa Goncharenko (lpg at haystack.mit.edu).
Nominations are currently being solicited for the 2011 CEDAR Prize
Lecture. The Prize Lecture is the principal means by which the CEDAR
community acknowledges outstanding achievement in research. The
nomination should be based on research reported in a peer-reviewed
publication within the previous four years. The CEDAR Phase III
document (http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu under Community, Community documents,
CEDAR Phase III report) lists the priorities of our community, and
preference should be given to colleagues moving in those directions.
The Prize Lecture is open to non-U.S. citizens as well as U.S. citizens,
provided a strong connection to CEDAR can be demonstrated.
A nomination consists of three items:
(1) Name,
(2) Paper Citation(s)
(3) A brief statement of why the research is important.
Please submit nominations by email to Larisa Goncharenko
(lpg at haystack.mit.edu) by Friday February 04.
For more information on the Prize Lecture, including a list of past
recipients, see http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu (Workshops, Traditions, Prize).
(3) The third issue of the CAWSES-II TG4 newsletter is online at
From Michi Nishioka (nishioka at stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp).
The third CAWSES-II TG4 newsletter is issued. It can be downloaded from
the CAWSES-II Wiki page at
The purpose of this newsletter is to make more communications among
scientists related to the CAWSES-II Task Group 4 (particularly between
those of the atmosphere and the ionosphere). The editors would like to
invite you to submit the following articles to the TG4 newsletter. Our
newsletter has four categories of the articles:
# Articles: ~500 words and four figures (maximum) on campaigns, ground
observations, satellite observations, modeling, workshop/conference/symposium
reports, etc
# Highlights on young scientists: ~200 words and two figures on his/her own
work related to CAWSES-TG4
# Short news: ~100 words for announcements of campaigns, workshops, etc
# List of planned workshops
Category 2 (Highlights on young scientists) starts from this issue. This
helps both young scientists and TG4 members to know each other. Please
contact the editors for recommendation of young scientists who are
willing to write an article on this category.
Your suggestions and comments on this newsletter are also very welcome.
Editor of CAWSES-II TG4 newsletter, Michi Nishioka
(nishioka at stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp)
(4) Heliophysics Summer School 2011, July 27 - August 03, Boulder, CO -
applications due 01 April.
From Susanne Demaree (sdemaree at ucar.edu) or reply to vspapply at ucar.edu.
Applications are invited for the 2011 Heliophysics Summer School, to be held in
Boulder, Colorado. NASA
Living with a Star sponsors the Heliophysics Summer Schools. The UCAR Visiting
Scientist Programs
administers these schools for NASA. This series of summer schools helps
graduate students and scientists
learn and develop the science of heliophysics as a broad, coherent discipline
that reaches in space from the
Earth's troposphere to the depths of the Sun, and in time from the formation of
the solar system to the distant
The first three schools produced textbooks for use at universities worldwide.
The continuation of the school
program each summer will teach new generations of students and develop the
complementary materials that
support teaching of heliophysics at both graduate and undergraduate levels.
The Summer School has two principal aims:
* Deepen the appreciation of the basic science of heliophysics for a select
group of students as teachers
take them through highly interactive seminars and hands-on working groups, and
* Expand the newly-published textbook series to include labs, problem sets and
background material,
from which heliophysics may be taught at universities worldwide.
This year's program will focus on long-term processes, from the Sun's modulated
activity to its influences on
the climate systems of the heliosphere, Earth's atmosphere and planetary
environments. This will draw
material from the third volume of the textbook series, "Evolving solar activity
and the climates of space and
Earth" as well as basic material from the first volume: "Plasma physics of the
local cosmos".
Approximately 30 students are selected through a competitive process organized
by UCAR VSP. The school
lasts for seven days, and each participant receives travel support for air
travel, lodging and per diem costs.
Successful candidates are:
* Enrolled as a graduate student in any phase of training, or first or second
year doctoral students.
* Majoring in physics with an emphasis on astrophysics, geophysics, plasma
physics and space physics, or
experienced in at least one of these areas.
* Pursuing a career in heliophysics or astrophysics.
For additional information on this program and instructions on how to apply,
please visit the Heliophysics website at www.vsp.ucar.edu/heliophysics.
For further information, call (303) 497-8649 or e-mail vspapply at ucar.edu
(5) International Incoherent Scatter Radar Summer Workshop/School, July 18 - 23,
2011 at the Sondrestrom Research Facility in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland -
applications due 01 March.
From Elizabeth Kendall <elizabeth.kendall at sri.com>.
An international incoherent scatter radar workshop aimed at providing
participants with hands-on experience in designing and running incoherent scatter
radar (ISR) experiments will be held near the Sondrestrom Research Facility in
Kangerlussuaq, Greenland, 18-23 July 2011. This workshop is a collaboration
between the annual AMISR summer school (the fourth of its kind) and the EISCAT
radar school. This workshop aims at teaching the participants how to request,
design and analyze ISR experiments. All participants will have the opportunity to
work one-on-one with experienced scientists. The workshop is structured to
provide lectures in the morning and hands-on experience in experiment design and
analysis in the afternoons. The morning presentations will include an
introduction to the theory of incoherent scatter, radar operations, ISR analysis
techniques, and the Madrigal database. The afternoon exercises will involve
working closely with school staff in the topic areas of proposal design,
experiment execution, and data analysis. Participants will have the opportunity
to work with data from globally distributed ISRs.
This workshop is suitable for graduate and advanced undergraduate students, as
well as scientists new to the incoherent scatter radar technique. The workshop is
jointly sponsored by the EISCAT Scientific Association and the US National
Science Foundation.
Attendance is limited to 50 participants in total. Due to the different funding
sources, the method of applying for the school will depend on location, as below.
Please fill out an application at http://www.haystack.mit.edu/edu/workshop. Travel,
housing, and meals are provided to all students accepted in the program.
Preference will be given to graduate students. For further information contact
Anthea Coster (ajc at haystack.mit.edu) or Anja Strømme (anja.stromme at sri.com).
Please visit http://www.sgo.fi/Greenland2011 for details on how to apply. For
information contact Thomas Ulich (greenland2011 at sgo.fi).
Please fill out an application at http://www.haystack.mit.edu/workshop.
Acceptance and
funding will be considered on a case-by-case basis. For further information
contact Anthea Coster (ajc at haystack.mit.edu) or Anja Strømme
(anja.stromme at sri.com).
For more information on the school location please visit the following:
www.isr.sri.com for information on the Sondrestrom Research Facility.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kangerlussuaq for information on Kangerlussuaq.
http://www.greenland.com for local tourist information.
(6) Visiting Young Scientist at Dartmouth 2011-2012 teaching year for up to 6
months - application reviews start 15 March.
From James LaBelle (james.w.labelle at dartmouth.edu).
A visiting appointment for a recent Ph.D. scientist is available at Dartmouth
College. The appointment would be for up to 6 months during academic year
2011-2012. The position includes teaching in the departments of Physics and
Astronomy, Engineering, or Earth Sciences. Extension of appointment may be
possible using appropriate sponsored research projects. To qualify, candidates
must be U.S. citizens engaged in research related to space science, planetary
science, astrophysics, remote sensing, aerospace technology, or technology
dependent on space-based platforms. To apply, send a 1-2 page summary of
teaching and research goals, curriculum vitae, and the names of three references
to: Visiting Young Scientist, c/o James LaBelle, Department of Physics and
Astronomy, Dartmouth College, 6127 Wilder Hall, Hanover, NH 03755. For more
information, e-mail James.W.LaBelle at dartmouth.edu. Applications will be
reviewed starting March 15, 2011. The position is funded by NASA NH Space
Grant. Dartmouth College is committed to diversity in hiring, and members of
under-represented groups are encouraged to apply.
(7) 13-20 August 2011, 30th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium
(XXXth URSI GASS), Istanbul, Turkey, abstracts due 11 February, student poster
prize (up to $1500) competition, http://www.usnc-ursi.org/.
(a) G06 – Recent Developments in Incoherent Scatter Radar, Wednesday, August 17.
From Michael Nicolls <michael.nicolls at sri.com>.
Conveners: Michael Nicholls michael.nicolls at sri.com, Ingemar Häggström
ingemar at eiscat.se
The last several years has seen exciting advances for incoherent scatter based
probing of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere, including deployments of the
Poker Flat and Resolute Bay Advanced Modular Incoherent Scatter Radars,
progress on EISCA T -3D conception and prototyping, significant developments in
experimental and data analysis techniques, and unprecedented long-duration
operations. Papers on a broad range of topics relating to ISR systems, may
include progress relating to the deployment and design of new systems and the
development of new experimental techniques including pulse coding, inversion,
imaging, interferometry, and analysis. Papers addressing scientific applications
of new ISR-based techniques are also welcome. These may include studies of the
middle and lower atmosphere, micro- and macro-physics of the associated
processes at all latitudes, and general aeronomy of the ionosphere.
(8) 25th IUGG General Assembly in Melbourne, Australia (June 28 - July 7, 2011),
abstracts due 01 February, http://www.iugg2011.com/.
(a) Sessions A06.1, 2, 3 are in the 2nd week!!
From Mamoru Yamamoto <yamamoto at rish.kyoto-u.ac.jp>.
In the 25th IUGG General Assembly (June 28 - July 7, 2011),
we have three sessions A06.1, A06.2, A06.3 that are closely
related to the CEDAR research fields. The IUGG GA is
unfortunately conflicts with CEDAR+GEM meeting, but the
following sessions are planned to be in the 2nd week of IUGG.
We hope that many able researchers of CEDAR would submit
papers to our sessions. Abstract deadline is
February 1, 2011. Session information are seen from the
following web pages.
IUGG IAGA session information
A06.1 Coupling Processes in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System
Organiser: IAGA Div II
Convenors: D. Pancheva (Bulgaria), and P. Knizova (Czech Republic)
A06.2 Low Latitude Atmosphere-ionosphere Coupling Processes and
Responses to Forcing from Lower Atmosphere and Magnetosphere
Organiser: IAGA Div II and Div III
Convenors: M. Yamamoto (Japan) and M. A. Abdu (Brazil)
A06.3 Coupling Processes in low- and high-latitude ionosphere/atmosphere
and space weather
Organiser: IAGA ICDC and Div II
Convenors: H. Takahashi (Brazil) and A. Bhattacharyya (India)
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