CEDAR email: CEDAR Challenge open to 15 Oct; DC Decadal meeting; Heliophysics post-docs; GEM proposals due 15 Oct
Barbara Emery
emery at ucar.edu
Thu Sep 30 14:39:45 MDT 2010
This is a generic mailing to the CEDAR community sent Sep 30, 2010.
Meetings and jobs are listed at http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu under
'Community' as 'Calendar of Meetings' and 'CEDAR related opportunities'.
CEDAR email messages are under 'Community' as 'CEDAR email Newsletters'.
All are in 'Quick Links' on the main page.
(1) Call for Participation in CEDAR ETI Challenge, model submissions due 15
October at http://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/support/CETI2010/.
From Masha Kuznetsova (Maria.M.Kuznetsova at nasa.gov) and JaSoon Shim
(jasoon.shim at nasa.gov).
(2) DC Area Town Hall Meeting on the 2013-2022 NRC Decadal Strategy for Solar
and Space Physics (http://www.nas.edu/ssb) on October 22, 0830 AM - 0530 PM, in
the Hoff Theater at the University of Maryland.
From Judith Lean (judith.lean at nrl.navy.mil).
See also http://www.terpconnect.umd.edu/~drake/DCTownHall.
(3) Heliophysics Postdoctoral 2011 Fellowship Program for Post-docs and Hosts
due 10 January 2011.
From Susanne Demaree (sdemaree at ucar.edu).
See also http://www.vsp.ucar.edu/Heliophysics.
(4) NSF/GEM proposals are due 15 October.
From Barbara Emery (emery at ucar.edu).
See also http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5506.
From Masha Kuznetsova (Maria.M.Kuznetsova at nasa.gov) and JaSoon Shim
(jasoon.shim at nasa.gov).
The CEDAR Electrodynamics Thermosphere Ionosphere (ETI) Challenge was initiated
at the 2009 CEDAR workshop. The goal of the CEDAR Challenge is to help to
evaluate the current state of the ionosphere/thermosphere models, to track model
improvements over time, and to facilitate interaction between research and
operation communities in developing metrics for space weather model evaluations.
The Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) at the Goddard Space Flight
Center is supporting the activity. The time intervals, physical parameters, and
observational data for the Challenge selected at the first CETI Workshop are
available at the 2009 CEDAR Workshop webpage
( http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu/wiki/index.php/2009_Workshop:CEDAR_ETI_Challenge),
described in the 2010 CETI Workshop at the 2010 CEDAR Workshop
and at the CCMC web site (http://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/support/CETI2010).
The outcome of the preliminary round of model output comparisons was
discussed at the CEDAR 2010 workshop. Based on the discussion at the CEDAR 2010
workshop, heights where 90% of the electron density above hmF2 and below hmF2
have been included for the comparison because the peak electron density at hmF2
can be located in a broad altitude region. The CCMC on-line CETI submission
interface has been redesigned in order to make the submission process easier.
Final report of the first round of the Challenge will be presented at the AGU
2010 Fall Meeting. It is still possible to participate in this Challenge
covering the 9 events. Please submit your model results using the CCMC on-line
submission interface by 15 October 2010.
Further details of the Challenge and instructions on how to participate can be
found at the CCMC web site: http://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/support/CETI2010/ .
The Challenge will be expanded to include TEC, Joule heat, and a year-long
climatological study (around March 2007 to March 2008) for the joint
CEDAR-GEM 2011 Workshop 26 June to 01 July in Santa Fe, NM.
Please send questions and comments to
Masha Kuznetsova ( Maria.M.Kuznetsova at nasa.gov)
Barbara Emery (emery at ucar.edu)
JaSoon Shim (jasoon.shim at nasa.gov)
(2) DC Area Town Hall Meeting on the 2013-2022 NRC Decadal Strategy for Solar
and Space Physics (http://www.nas.edu/ssb) on October 22, 0830 AM - 0530 PM, in
the Hoff Theater at the University of Maryland.
From Judith Lean (judith.lean at nrl.navy.mil).
Dear Colleagues,
As part of the Solar and Space Science Decadal Survey (www.nas.edu/ssb), a Town Hall
Meeting will be held in the Hoff Theater at the University of Maryland
(www.terpconnect.umd.edu/~drake/DCTownHall) on Friday October 22 (830AM-530PM).
The meeting will
provide an opportunity for the community to discuss the Decadal Survey Process with
members of the Survey Steering Committee and Panels, and to present ideas for
concept papers
(white papers).
The meeting will begin with an overview presentation of the Survey Process
followed by a
question and answer session between attendees and Survey Committee/Panel members.
This session will be followed by presentations from community members on ideas
for concept
papers. Please note that the Decadal Survey encompasses all aspects of our
science; therefore,
the concept papers are not limited to mission proposals, but include theory,
observation, and
modeling programs. The Decadal Survey will set science priorities for both NASA
and NSF;
therefore, concepts for ground‐based capabilities are also encouraged. Consult
the NAS website
above for details on the concept papers. The deadline for the submission of
concept papers to
the Survey is Nov 12, 2010.
The goal of this Town Hall Meeting is for preparers of concept papers to receive
feedback from
the community on their ideas and to faciliate collaborations that will lead to
stronger papers.
Since the concept papers will be the foundation for the Survey Report, which
will set the
science priorities for our field, it is essential that these community‐produced
papers identify
and address the most important science issues of our field in the most
compelling manner. Our
hope is that this meeting will facilitate production of the best possible
concept papers.
If you would like to present a concept paper at the Town Hall Meeting, e‐mail a
title and brief
abstract to one of the organizers listed below. Please include in the subject
line: DC Town Hall.
We plan to allocate approximately 10 minutes per community presentation, but of
course, this
is contingent on the number of requests received. Due to the short time fuse, we
expect that
this meeting will be attended primarily by colleagues in the DC area, but
broader participation
is welcome. Note that Decadal Survey Town Halls are planned for other locations
across the
country (www.nas.edu/ssb).
We look forward to an interesting and productive Town Hall Meeting. Please consult
(www.terpconnect.umd.edu/~drake/DCTownHall) for the latest meeting information.
*Brian Anderson Brian.Anderson at jhuapl.edu
*Spiro Antiochos spiro.antiochos at nasa.gov
*Jim Drake drake at umd.edu
*Michael Hesse michael.hesse at nasa.gov
*Judith Lean judith.lean at nrl.navy.mil
(3) Heliophysics Postdoctoral 2011 Fellowship Program for Post-docs and Hosts
due 10 January 2011.
From Susanne Demaree (sdemaree at ucar.edu).
UCAR Visiting Scientist Programs announces the 2011 call for applications to the
Heliophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, sponsored by the NASA Living with
a Star (LWS) program. The 2-year fellowships are designed to train the next
generation of researchers in the emerging field of Heliophysics.
Heliophysics embraces all science aspects of the Sun-Solar System, and includes
many of the basic physical processes found in our solar system, the laboratory,
and throughout the universe. These processes generally involve the interactions
of ionized gases (plasmas) with gravitational and electro-magnetic (both
radiation and DC) fields, and with neutral matter. The physical domain of
interest ranges from deep inside the Sun to the Earth’s upper atmosphere. Within
this broad science discipline, LWS is a program designed to develop the
scientific understanding required for the Nation to address effectively those
aspects of the Sun-Earth system that affect life and society.
Two major topics of focus for LWS are the science of space weather and of the
Sun-climate connection. Preference will be given to applicants whose proposed
research addresses one of these two foci; but any research program relevant to
LWS will be considered.
Since the goal of this postdoctoral program is to train Sun-Earth system
researchers, preference also given to research projects that cross the
traditional Heliophysics subdomains of the Sun, heliosphere, magnetosphere, and
ionosphere/upper atmosphere, as well as Sun-climate investigations. Therefore,
proposals addressing the LWS program that are interdisciplinary are encouraged.
In order to succeed at such cross-disciplinary research, the host mentoring
scientist plays a critical role. Consequently, applicants must select a host
scientist, who is different from the candidate’s PhD advisor (preferably at a
different institution), and coordinate a joint application with the potential
host scientist and institution.
• Potential host scientists are required to submit letters of intent and vita as
part of the selection process. Hosts are expected to mentor the fellow, provide
a reasonable office environment, which may include a workstation, and any other
unique research costs.
• Applicants to this postdoctoral program are expected to have had a PhD for no
more than five years at the start of tenure. A UCAR steering committee selects
the fellows.
The deadline for applications is 10 January 2011. Appointments will be announced
in March.
For additional information and instructions on how to apply, please visit the
Heliophysics website: http://www.vsp.ucar.edu/Heliophysics
NASA Living With a Star, Heliophysics Division sponsors this program. The
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research is an EE/AAE who values and
encourages diversity in the workplace.
(4) NSF/GEM proposals are due 15 October.
From Barbara Emery (emery at ucar.edu).
Proposals for the NSF GEM (Geospace Environment Modeling) program are due
on 15 October, 2010. (The NSF CEDAR proposals are due 10 May 2011.)
See also http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5506 for further
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