CEDAR email: postdoc and job openings in CO and NY

Barbara Emery emery at ucar.edu
Tue Nov 17 16:57:21 MST 2009

This is a generic mailing to the CEDAR community sent Nov 17, 2009.
Meetings and jobs are listed at http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu under
'Community' as 'Calendar of Meetings' and 'CEDAR related opportunities'.
CEDAR email messages are under 'Community' as 'CEDAR email Newsletters'.
All are in 'Quick Links' on the main page.
(1) HAO post-doc fellowship applications due 4 Jan 2010.
Reply to Travis Metcalfe (travis at ucar.edu).
See also http://www.hao.ucar.edu/people/visitors/postdoc.php.

(2) Siena College Job Opening - applications due 31 Dec.
Reply to Allan Weatherwax (aweatherwax at siena.edu).
Send applications to Dr. Mark Rosenberry (mrosenberry at siena.edu).
See also http://www.sos.siena.edu/physics.

(1) HAO post-doc fellowship applications due 4 Jan 2010.
 From Travis Metcalfe (travis at ucar.edu).

The High Altitude Observatory (HAO) in Boulder, Colorado announces its 2010
postdoctoral fellowship program.

Scientists at HAO conduct research related to solar/stellar interiors and
variability (including asteroseismology and the solar-stellar connection),
the lower solar atmosphere, corona and heliosphere, and terrestrial and
planetary atmospheres, ionospheres and magnetospheres. Projects involving
radiative transfer, hydrodynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, radiation
hydrodynamics, plasma physics and other topics are pursued both out of
fundamental physical interest and for their application to the above
areas of research. Successful applicants will be expected to pursue
research in collaboration with members of the scientific staff and
other long-term visitors in these and related areas.

Postdoctoral Fellows are appointed for a maximum of 2 years beginning in
September or October; a degree of flexibility is possible on the specific
times of arrival and departure. Fellows are expected to work at HAO in
Boulder, Colorado, with the exception of time spent participating in
field research and observing programs. Fellows will have access to the
HAO Linux/Unix computers, NCAR supercomputer systems, and the HAO and
NCAR libraries and data archives from Mauna Loa Solar Observatory and
other facilities.

Fellows will receive a salary commensurate with NCAR postdoctoral rates.
The current annual rate is $55,000 in the first year and $57,500 in the
second year. A scientific travel budget of up to $2,000 per year is also
normally available. Relocation expenses to NCAR will be reimbursed up to
a maximum of $1000 for the fellow and his or her family. Fellows living
abroad will have round-trip travel for themselves and their families paid
up to a maximum of $2,500. An allowance of $750 for moving and storing
personal belongings is provided. In accordance with NCAR policy, benefits
include health insurance, vacation time and retirement contributions, and
NCAR will provide assistance in finding Boulder accommodations.

For complete application details, please see the associated URL at
The deadline for applications is January 4, 2010.

(2) Siena College Job Opening - applications due 31 Dec.
 From Allan Weatherwax (aweatherwax at siena.edu).

Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Siena College.

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Siena College invites applications
for a tenure track Assistant Professor position starting Fall, 2010. A PhD in
physics or a closely related field is required, and postdoctoral and teaching
experience are desirable. The successful candidate will be expected to teach
enthusiastically and effectively in introductory and non-majors' courses, as
well as in courses for physics majors. He or she will also be expected to
develop an active research program involving undergraduate students. A
facility for obtaining external funding is considered desirable. The
ability to teach courses in Solid State or Nano physics is a plus. The
department consists of seven full-time faculty, and currently there are
active research programs in astronomy, atomic physics, biophysics,
computational physics, elementary particle physics and space physics.
Further information about the Department is available at
http://www.sos.siena.edu/physics. Siena College is located in the Capital
District of New York State, a region with many vibrant and growing
institutions engaged in science and R & D. Interested candidates should
submit a pdf document including cover letter, statements expressing
thoughts on teaching and research, a complete curriculum vita, and
the names and contact information (including email addresses) of
three references. At least one of the references should be able to
address the candidate's teaching ability. Send applications to
Dr. Mark Rosenberry, Siena College, 515 Loudon Road, Loudonville,
NY 12211, (mrosenberry at siena.edu). Applications will be accepted
until the position is filled, but they should be received by
December 31, 2009 to guarantee full consideration. Siena College
is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages applications from
all qualified candidates.


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