[ccm-users] INITHIST causes CCM to hang at the end of 1 month

Ben Kerman benk@ldeo.columbia.edu
Tue, 25 Jun 2002 16:04:25 -0400

Hello All,

	If INITHIST is set to anything but NONE, CCM will hang at the end of the 
month with only 

 (OPNFIL): Successfully opened file ccmr_00200201_00000 on unit=             2
 (OPNFIL): Successfully opened file ccmr_00200201_00000.A on unit=

in the output.  I noticed that someone else complained about this error, but 
had not linked it with INITHIST.  I've tried several permutations in the name 
list file, but i get the same thing every time.  My setup is coupled with a 
slab ocean, but it happens when CCM just uses its own SST values with no 

I'm running on a Linux Cluster, and compiling with PGF77 and 90

Also, is there a way to change the starting date on a branch run?  

many thanks
ben kerman