[ccm-users] field averages

Jim Rosinski rosinski@cgd.ucar.edu
Mon, 17 Jun 2002 14:33:14 -0600 (MDT)


Don't know if you're using ccm3.10.11.brnchT.366physics.7 (this one is
preferable) or ccm3.10.11.brnchT.366physics.4.  I was able to run each on
NCAR's IBM SP and get proper behavior using the settings you specify below in
the example run script run.ibm.sp3.csh provided with each distribution.  If
you can provide more descriptive info than "It does not work" perhaps we
could be of more help.

Jim Rosinski

On Mon, 17 Jun 2002, Elena Yulaeva wrote:

> I am using CCM3 ( version ccm3.10.11_3.6.6)
> I am trying to write five-day averages into the history file
> using the following options:
> nhtfrq   = 360
> mfilt    =   6
> However, it does not work
> I will really appreciate any help with this