[Wrf-users] compiling WRF on linux 64-bit. errors for undefined reference

dan braithwaite dbraithw at uci.edu
Thu Jan 17 14:52:33 MST 2013

I am new to the WRF arena and trying to configure and compile WRFV3
on a centos 6.x linux 64-bit server setup with modules for MPI options
(mpich & openmpi) compiled with different compilers as well as
netcdf etc.

My guess is I do not have the correct libraries (modules) loaded, but 

I configured WRF with option:
     Linux x86_64, PGI compiler with pgcc, SGI MPT  (dmpar)

modules loaded:

modules list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
   1) binutils/2.22            2) pgi/12.6                 3) 
openmpi-1.4.4/pgi-12.6   4) netcdf-4.1.3/pgi-12.6

env vars:

also have the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH set via the module load to have 
the right paths

./compile  em_real
runs, but gives off a large number of errors for more than one code file 
for a lot of the following missing

/data/users/xyz/test/WRFV3/external/RSL_LITE/./f_xpose.f:82: undefined 
reference to `mpi_allgather_'
/data/users/xyz/test/WRFV3/external/RSL_LITE/./f_xpose.f:122: undefined 
reference to `mpi_abort_'
/data/users/xyz/test/WRFV3/external/RSL_LITE/./f_xpose.f:143: undefined 
reference to `mpi_alltoallv_'

Where should these routines be found?

any pointers to helpful information are greatly appreciated.
thank you,

dan braithwaite, email: dbraithw at uci.edu
Programmer Analyst III

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