[Wrf-users] Position available in modeling of clouds and climate

Vincent Larson vlarson at uwm.edu
Thu Aug 2 15:51:33 MDT 2012

Dear Colleagues,

Please feel free to forward the following notice to potential candidates.

Many thanks,

Vincent Larson
Associate Professor
University of Wisconsin --- Milwaukee


Postdoctoral research associateship
High-resolution climate model development

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associateship in
parameterization of clouds and precipitation in climate models.  The
project seeks to improve high-resolution next-generation models,
particularly in their simulation of precipitation, including extreme
events.  The project involves coupling a new cloud parameterization to
a version of the Community Atmospheric Model (CAM) that contains a new
state-of-the-art dynamical core.  The new core scales well out to
hundreds of thousands of processors.  The research associate will seek
to improve the formulation of the cloud parameterization, improve the
numerical coupling of the cloud parameterization to the dynamical
core, and understand the behavior of clouds in high-resolution global

The applicant will work with a collaborative team that includes Julio
Bacmeister, Andrew Gettelman, and Peter Lauritzen at the National
Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, CO, and Vincent
Larson at the University of Wisconsin --- Milwaukee (UWM).  The
candidate may choose to reside full time in either Boulder or
Milwaukee, or to split time between the two locations.  The initial
appointment will last for one year with the possibility of renewal for
one additional year upon mutual consent.

Please send a statement of interest, CV, and the names of three
references to Vincent Larson at vlarson at uwm.edu.

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