[Wrf-users] Query Reg the CApe and mcape.

Piotr Djaków pdjakow at gmail.com
Sat Oct 30 00:43:44 MDT 2010

2010/10/29 Geeta Geeta <geeta124 at hotmail.com>:
> Dear All,
> I have one Query Reg the Available diagnostic output from WRF.
> I want to analyse the thermodynamic parameters during a heavy rainfall event
> over a lerge REGION during pre monsoon season over India.
> the cape, cin, mcape and mcin are 4 diagnostic outputs from the WRF model.
> My doubt is that
> 1. cape and cin are available at 19 levels (or whatever levels defined in
> the model) and mcape and mcin at at one level.
> 2. As per the definition of cape and cin, it should be a unique value at a
> particular point and at a particular time.  So what is the difference
> between
> say cape at 1000hPa and Cape at 850hPa.
> cape          19  0  CAPE (J/kg)
> cin           19  0  CIN (J/kg)
> mcape          1  0  MCAPE (J/kg)
> mcin           1  0  MCIN (J/kg)
> lcl            1  0  LCL (meters AGL)
> lfc            1  0  LFC (meters AGL)
> @ global String comment TITLE =  OUTPUT
> The Difference between the two is not Clear.
> Thanks
> geeta
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>From RIP User Guide:

cap3: Convective available potential energy (CAPE) of parcels at all
3D grid points, J kg-1. (3D)
In this diagnostic field, CAPE is calculated for every grid point in
the entire 3D domain, based on the lifting of a parcel starting from
that grid point. It is defined as the accumulated buoyant energy from
the LFC to the equilibrium level. To get CAPE as a 2D field, showing
CAPE only from the parcel in each column with maximum qe below 3000 m
AGL, use mcap.

mcap: Maximum convective available potential energy (MCAPE), J kg-1. (2D)
This is the CAPE for the parcel in each column with maximum qe below 3000 m AGL.


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