[Wrf-users] problem during $INSTALLROOT/etc/wrfprep.pl (manually)

José Augusto paixão Veiga veiga at cptec.inpe.br
Tue Jun 20 12:59:12 MDT 2006

Hi dears,
I am triyng to simulate an event, between 2004032700 until 2004032800, using
data from NCEP nomad3 and oisst.20040324.grb (weekly) as SST file (multiple data
sources). It has been done manually. I have no problem to localize the
simulation domain and create static fields (window_domain_rt.pl). The Degrib
Grib files (grib_prep.pl) was successfuly done, creating my SST:2004-03-24_00
(linked file too),  NCEP:2004-03-27_00 ... NCEP:2004-03-28_00 at 
.../wrfsi/extdata/extprd directory. 
In this step, as I used multiple data sources, the procedure was:

1) $INSTALLROOT/etc/grib_prep.pl -s 2004032400 -l 0 SST
2) including in the CONSTANT_FULL_NAME='SSTDATA' into wrfsi.nl (attached file)
3) $INSTALLROOT/etc/grib_prep.pl -s 2004032700 -l 24 -t 6 NCEP

However, when I do 

$INSTALLROOT/etc/wrfprep.pl   -s 2004032700 -f 24

to interpolate meteorological data and creat my hinterp.d01.*,
wrf_real_input_em.d01.* files the following message rises:

Routine: wrfprep.pl
INSTALLROOT = /home2/pveiga/MODELS/wrfsi
MOAD_DATAROOT = /home2/pveiga/MODELS/wrfsi/domains/Sbmet_2006_A_M
Using wrfsi.nl time interval
Start time: 2004/03/27 00:00:00
End time:   2004/03/28 00:00:00
ictime = 2004-03-27_00
lbctime = 2004-03-27_06
lbctime = 2004-03-27_12
lbctime = 2004-03-27_18
lbctime = 2004-03-28_00
sh: line 1: 24314 Segmentation fault     
>/home2/pveiga/MODELS/wrfsi/domains/Sbmet_2006_A_M/log/2004032700.hinterp 2>&1
No such file or directory
Died at /home2/pveiga/MODELS/wrfsi/etc/wrfprep.pl line 947.

In this case how must I proceed to overcome this problem and progressing with my
simulation case?

Thanks in advance for helps and suggestions


                  José Augusto Paixão Veiga
   Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos (CPTEC)
            Rodovia Presidente Dutra, Km 40, SP-RJ
         12630-000, Cachoeira Paulista, SP, Brasil 
             Fone: +55 (12) 3186-8614 / 9793-5591
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