[Wrf-users] Wrf-users: Input data for forecasting

Joel Pérez jperez at cathalac.org
Tue Jan 24 08:14:46 MST 2006

Hi wrf-users !

We finished to set up the wrf version in our machine for central America
24hr forecast. 
Since the beginning, we have been using twice daily input data indirectly,
it means, another institution downloads the input data, and then ....

The idea is to have all-automatized process, even the direct way to get
input data. So, does anybody know a direct way to get the input data for
24hr-forecast using ftp? Does exist any protocole or restriction?   

Thanks for sharing your experience !

Joel Pérez 

-----Mensaje original-----
De: wrf-users-bounces at ucar.edu [mailto:wrf-users-bounces at ucar.edu] En nombre
de Graziano Giuliani
Enviado el: lunes, 17 de octubre de 2005 9:13
Para: wrf-users at ucar.edu
Asunto: [Wrf-users] wrfsi problem & solution

Dear all in WRF,
I have met a problem in WRFSI code for reading GRIB1 coded data in program 
grib_prep.exe with SI version 2.1.

I have an ECMWF coded grib file with unusually large reference values for
values, i.e. GEOPOT with BDS_Ref 3.04182e+11. This is coded in IBM floating 
point with a LARGE exponent !

To make this value OK in gribcode.F, I have to modify the code at approx
1620, forcing type conversion BEFORE elevating :

! Get the reference value:
     call gbyte_g1(grec, isign, iskip, 1)
     iskip = iskip + 1
     isign = -2*isign+1
     call gbyte_g1(grec, ichar, iskip, 7)
     iskip = iskip + 7
     call gbyte_g1(grec, iman, iskip, 24)
     iskip = iskip + 24
     xec4(1) = float(isign) * 2.**(-24.0) * float(iman) *  &  ! HERE
               (16.0**(float(ichar-64)))                      ! HERE

Hope to save time to other folks...


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