[Wrf-users] Ingesting data from tgftp.nws.noaa.gov

Mandelli Alessandro mandelli.alessandro at tiscali.it
Sun Nov 27 12:44:28 MST 2005

I'm in the process to setup WRF on a Linux workstation.
Slow progress.
I'm trying to ingest GFS Initial and boundary conditions.
Data are downloaded from 

where yyyymmdd is of course the init.

After modifying the grep_prep.pl to get rid of stupid PBS qsub and 
qstat, and fixing the script (symlink does not seem to work, system("ln 
-s ") must be used instead), now I've got all the gribfiles correctly 
named in $work directory, but grip_prep.exe panics:

Termination of grib_prep at dom nov 27 22:47:34 UTC 2005

Read from file 'Vtable' by subroutine PARSE_TABLE:
     11   100   -88   -99    T
     33   100   -88   -99    U
     34   100   -88   -99    V
     52   100   -88   -99    RH
      7   100   -88   -99    HGT
     11   105     2   -99    T2m
     52   105     2   -99    RH2m
     33   105    10   -99    U10m
     34   105    10   -99    V10m
      1     1     0   -99    PSFC
      2   102     0   -99    PMSL
    144   112     0    10    SM000010
    144   112    10    40    SM010040
    144   112    40   100    SM040100
    144   112   100   200    SM100200
    144   112    10   200    SM010200
     11   112     0    10    ST000010
     11   112    10    40    ST010040
     11   112    40   100    ST040100
     11   112   100   200    ST100200
     11   112    10   200    ST010200
     91     1     0   -99    SEAICE
     81     1     0   -99    LANDSEA
     11     1     0   -99    SKINTEMP
     65     1     0   -99    SNOW
    224     1     0   -99    SOILCAT
    225     1     0   -99    VEGCAT
      7     1     0   -99    THGT
      1   109   -88   -99    P
     11   109   -88   -99    Thl
     52   109   -88   -99    RHhl
     51   109   -88   -99    SHhl
     33   109   -88   -99    Uhl
     34   109   -88   -99    Vhl

  lat/lon grib grid info        65535            0          128 
         65535            1            1            0            0 
  CE map stuff            0        65535           73    65.53500
     1.250000        0.000000       -30.00000
  ***** ERROR in Subroutine RD_GRIB.

           Grid dimensions are larger than parameterized size.
           Grid size =    4784055     Parameterized dimension =    1200000
           Increase dimension ALENGTH in program grib_prep

  ***** STOP in Subroutine RD_GRIB.

Useless to say I'm not trying to import a grid that big, and yes, I 
tried to recompile grip_prep.F to no avail (segmentation fault) with 
ALENGTH increased to 4800000.

What next?
Thanks for your help

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