[Nsa] NCAR Director Search Interview Volunteers & Debrief: Oct 19th

Andrew Gettelman andrew at ucar.edu
Fri Oct 5 11:19:56 MDT 2018

Dear Colleagues,

As you may have seen, the 4 NCAR director candidates will be visiting the
week of October 15-19th. The NCAR Scientists' Assembly (NSA) is going to
have 45 minutes to interview each candidate.

Interviews will be conducted by the NSA Executive Committee.

We will have wrap up sessions to debrief the whole NSA on Friday, October
19th, 1-2p FL1-1001 and 3-4p ML Chapman room.

We are seeking 5-10 volunteers who would like to attend the candidate
interviews and provide feedback.

Members of the NSA and ECSA are welcome to volunteer (though the ECSA will
have it's own process that Rachel McCrary will describe).

Those that wish to attend will be asked to attend ALL 4 sessions:
Monday-Thursday, October 15-18th 10:00-10:45a in the Fleischmann Building
(NCAR Mesa Lab). Plus we would ask you to attend one of two wrap up
sessions with the NSA on Friday, October 19th (1-2p FL, 3-4p ML).

If you are interested, please email me (andrew at ucar.edu). We will try to
spread volunteers across job classes and laboratories if we get more than a



Dr. Andrew Gettelman   andrew at ucar.edu
National Center For Atmospheric Research
3090 Center Green Drive,
Boulder, Colorado 80301, USA
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