[ncl-talk] Line plot for Ensemble mean, minimum and maximum value

S Br sbr.climate at gmail.com
Fri Jun 7 09:12:24 MDT 2019

I have created an array for time series data for 7 ensemble members. I
would like to draw the lines for ensemble mean, minimum and maximum values.
I can plot the individual ensemble members but not the mean, minimum and
maximum values.
Could you suggest how can I do this. The array I am creating is given below.

data            = new((/7,1156/),float)
  data(0,0:1155)  = temp1
  data(1,0:1155)  = temp2
  data(2,0:1155)  = temp3
  data(3,0:1155)  = temp4
  data(4,0:1155)  = temp5
  data(5,0:1155)  = temp6
  data(6,0:1155)  = temp7

  time = ispan(850,2005,1)
  time at long_name = "Time"

 wks =  gsn_open_wks("X11", "Ensemble_Mean_timeseries")
  res = True
  res at xyXStyle               = "Time"
  res at xyLineColors           =  (/ "green4", "red", "blue", "orange", \
                                   "cyan2", "darkorchid2", "brown"/)

;-- create plot
  plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,time,data,res)
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