[ncl-talk] merging netcdf files with cdo

Zilore Mumba zmumba at gmail.com
Thu Aug 22 07:41:14 MDT 2019

I have five yearly data from several RCMs, i.e 19510101 to 19551231, ...
20050101 to 20101231. These are tasmax, tasmin and precip. I want to work
on climate indices on these files, but only interested in the period
19710101 to 20001231. I have written a perl script which combines six files
with the command "cdo file1.nc file2.nc ... file6.nc outputfile.nc".
The perl scrip seems to work fine.
1. ncdump -h combined file gives the right number of times in the file,
10958 365x30+8 leap years)
2. display in ncl displays the map ok
3. A check on values at specific times shows they are the same as in the
original file
running icclim (a python library for index calculation from
CNRM-CERFACS-France) fails, giving a message killed
running icclim with an original file calculates the index ok.

My request for assistance is whether anybody has experienced such a problem
and how it can be resolved.
merging the files with nco "ncrcat  file1.nc ... file6.nc output.nc" is
worse. Plotting in ncl gives "unknown format
Assistance will be appreciated.
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