[ncl-talk] List subscripting used on non-list variable, can't continue

Borja Sas González saszalez at gmail.com
Wed Aug 7 05:40:01 MDT 2019

I am trying to write a csv to represent several variables. To make it easy,
copy the example from the NCL page (write_csv_5.ncl) that represents the
temperature at 2 m.

The only changes I made in the script are the output file of the WRF that
you are going to read and the map points that I want.

When executing it, the following error is printed:

fatal:List subscripting used on non-list variable, can't continue
fatal:["Execute.c":8637]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 51 in file

The script is:

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl"


  a =

  times = wrf_user_list_times(a) ; "2019-08-01_12:00:00", etc
  tk2   = wrf_user_getvar(a,"T2",-1) ; T2 in Kelvin

  times  = wrf_user_list_times(a)
  ntimes = dimsizes(times)
  print("ntimes = " + ntimes)

;---Calculate i,j locations of data closest to set of lat/lon points
  lats = (/28.290147,28.379555/)
  lons = (/-16.377643,-16.585276/)
  nlatlon = dimsizes(lats)
  loc = wrf_user_ll_to_xy(a, lons, lats, True)   ; 2 x nlatnlon

;  loc = wrf_user_ll_to_ij(a, lons, lats, True)   ; 2 x nlatnlon
;  loc = loc - 1                                  ; wrf_user_ll_to_ij
returns 1-based indexes

;---Set up CSV file and header information for the file
  csv_filename = "wrf_2m_temperature.csv"
  system("rm -f " + csv_filename)                ; Remove file in case it
  fields = (/"TIME", "LAT", "LON", "TEMPERATURE (degC)"/)

;---Create a header line for CSV file
  dq     = str_get_dq()
  fields = dq + fields + dq                      ; Pre/append quotes to
field names
  header = [/str_join(fields,",")/]              ; Header is field names
                                                 ; by commas.
; Format to use for writing each variable to CSV file.
; If you don't want spaces in CSV file, use the following
; format string:
;     format = "%s,%g,%g,%g"
format = "%s,%6.2f,%7.2f,%6.2f"

; Loop through each time step and desired list of lat/lon values,
; and write a single line of data to CSV file.
  write_table(csv_filename, "w", header, "%s")   ; Write header to CSV file.
  do it = 0,ntimes-1
    do nl = 0,nlatlon-1
      nln   = loc(0,nl)
      nlt   = loc(1,nl)
      lat1  = a[0]->XLAT(0,nlt,nln)    ; nearest grid point
      lon1  = a[0]->XLONG(0,nlt,nln)
      alist = [/times(it),lat1,lon1,tk2(it,nlt,nln)/]   ; Store data to be
written in a list.
      write_table(csv_filename, "a", alist, format)     ; Write list to CSV
    end do
  end do
Borja Sas González
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