[ncl-talk] lat,lon not accurately generated by NCL

Craig Mattocks mattocks at mac.com
Sat Aug 4 22:32:58 MDT 2018

Hi Guoqing,

Here's the NCEP/WMO GRIB2 documentation:


specifically Table 3.2 - Shape of the Reference System:


You are describing the difference between setting Section 3, Octet 15 to 0 (MM5/WRF) vs. 6 (NDFD grids).

You can modify specific octets in a grib2 file using wgrib2:

wgrib2 -set_byte 3 15 6 oldFile.grb2 -grib_out newFile.grb2

changes Section 3, Octet 15 to the value 6 (Earth assumed spherical, radius = 6,371,229.0 m).


> On Fri, 3 Aug 2018 11:26:17 -0600 Guoqing Ge - NOAA Affiliate <guoqing.ge at noaa.gov> wrote:
> I still hope there is a direct option to easily set earth radius in NCL just as in WGRIB2.

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