[ncl-talk] plotting station data over WRF contour map: colored solid dots with black border?

Rick Brownrigg brownrig at ucar.edu
Mon Apr 30 15:52:37 MDT 2018


Two things might help:

i) I'd try drawing the larger, circle markers before the colored markers to
get the overlay affect.

ii) The units for the resource gsMarkerSizeF are NDC space (normalized
device coordinates, which range between zero and one). So a value of 10 is
enormous. It looks like you are using the default for the colored markers,
which is .007. Perhaps try a value of .01 for the outer circles. You'll
like have to experiment with this.

Hope that helps...

On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 12:35 PM, Tabish Ansari <tabishumaransari at gmail.com>

> Hi
> I want to plot surface station data on top of a WRF contour map. I want
> the polymarkers to be circled with a black border - there's no polymarker
> that can do this at the moment. So, I'm trying to plot gsmarker=4 type
> hollow markers on top of solid coloured polymarkers (gsmarker=16) but
> unable to achieve the desired result.
> Here's my script:
> *load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"load
> "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"load
> "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl";----------------------------------------------------------------------;
> Procedure to attach colored markers to an NCL map, given 1D; data, and
> lat/lon arrays, a set of levels, and a color
> map.;----------------------------------------------------------------------procedure
> add_obs_markers_to_map(wks,plot,levels,colormap,data_1d,lat_1d,lon_1d)local
> mkres, nlevels, colors, nlevels, n, iibegin;---Set resources for the
> markers  mkres = True  mkres at gsMarkerIndex = 16;; Based on the levels we
> had for the contour plot and the colormap used,; get an array of colors
> that span the colormap. This uses the same; algorithm that the contour
> used, so the colors will be identical.;  nlevels = dimsizes(levels)  colors
> = span_color_rgba(colormap,nlevels+1)   ; Need one more color than number
> of levels;; Loop through each level, gather all the data values in the
> given level; range, and add colored markers to the existing map.;  do
> n=0,nlevels;---These "if" statements are how color contours are handled in
> NCL.    if(n.eq.0) then      ii := ind(data_1d.lt.levels(n))    else
> if(n.eq.nlevels) then      ii := ind(data_1d.ge.levels(n-1))    else
> ii := ind(data_1d.ge.levels(n-1).and.data_1d.lt.levels(n))    end if    end
> if    if(any(ismissing(ii))) then      continue    end if;---Add the
> markers    mkres at gsMarkerColor = colors(n,:)    ; colors is an N x 4
> array    plot@$unique_string("markers")$ =
> gsn_add_polymarker(wks,plot,lon_1d(ii),lat_1d(ii),mkres)  end
> doend;----------------------------------------------------------------------;
> Main
> code;----------------------------------------------------------------------begin;---Open
> WRF output file and read data  DATADir =
> "/data2/tabish/control-run-so4-ECMWF/"FILES = systemfunc (" ls -1 " +
> DATADir + "wrfout_d03_2014-10* ")numFILES = dimsizes(FILES)s=1a =
> a->PM2_5_DRY(15,0,:,:)pm25sum =  pm25inittimes =
> wrf_user_getvar(a,"times",-1)  ; get all times in the filentimes =
> dimsizes(times)do it = 16,ntimes-1,1             ; TIME LOOP    s=s+1
> print("Working on time: " + times(it) )    pm25sum = pm25sum +
> a->PM2_5_DRY(it,0,:,:)end do ; END OF TIME LOOPdo ifil =
> 1,numFILES-2             ; FILE LOOP  a = addfile(FILES(ifil)+".nc","r")
> ; Open the next file  times = wrf_user_getvar(a,"times",-1)  ; get all
> times in the file  ntimes = dimsizes(times)  do it =
> 0,ntimes-1,1             ; TIME LOOP    s=s+1    print("Working on time: "
> + times(it) )    pm25sum = pm25sum + a->PM2_5_DRY(it,0,:,:)  end do ; END
> OF TIME LOOPend doa = addfile(FILES(numFILES-1)+".nc","r")   ; Open the
> next file  times = wrf_user_getvar(a,"times",-1)  ; get all times in the
> file  ntimes = dimsizes(times)  do it = 0,16,1             ; TIME LOOP
> s=s+1    print("Working on time: " + times(it) )    pm25sum = pm25sum +
> a->PM2_5_DRY(it,0,:,:)  end do ; END OF TIME LOOPpm25_avg=
> pm25sum/s;pm25_avg at description = "NO2 conc in ppbv"  lat2d =
> wrf_user_getvar(a,"XLAT",it)   ; latitude/longitude  lon2d =
> wrf_user_getvar(a,"XLONG",it)  pm25_avg at lat2d = lat2d    ; for plotting
> pm25_avg at lon2d = lon2d;---Will use this for contours and filled markers
> colormap = "BlAqGrYeOrReVi200"  levels   = ispan(0,150,15);  levels   =
> (/0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,125,150,175,200,225,250/) * 0.01  wks =
> gsn_open_wks("x11","wrf_obs_d03_12-31octmean_pm25");---Common resources
> shared by both contour plot and marker plot  res                        =
> True  res at gsnMaximize            = False  res at gsnLeftString          = ""
> res at gsnRightString         = ""  res at mpDataBaseVersion      = "MediumRes" ;
> res at mpFillOn               = False ; res at mpMinLatF              =
> min(pm25_avg at lat2d) ; res at mpMaxLatF              = max(pm25_avg at lat2d) ;
> res at mpMinLonF              = min(pm25_avg at lon2d) ;
> res at mpMaxLonF              = max(pm25_avg at lon2d) ;
> res at pmTickMarkDisplayMode  = "Always"      ; better map
> tickmarks res at mpLimitMode       = "Corners"            ; choose range of
> map res at mpLeftCornerLatF  = 36.05806 res at mpLeftCornerLonF  =
> 113.3356 res at mpRightCornerLatF = 42.4514 res at mpRightCornerLonF =
> 120.2583 res at mpProjection         =
> "LambertConformal" res at mpLambertParallel1F = 20 res at mpLambertParallel2F =
> 50 res at mpLambertMeridianF  = 110;---Resources for filled contour plot
> cnres                      = res  cnres at cnFillOn             = True
> cnres at cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels"  cnres at cnLevels             =
> levels  cnres at cnFillPalette        = colormap  cnres at cnLinesOn            =
> False  cnres at cnLineLabelsOn       = False;  cnres at lbLabelBarOn         =
> False   ; will add in panel later  cnres at pmTitleZone          = 2       ;
> move title down  cnres at gsnAddCyclic         = False
> cnres at mpLimitMode       = "Corners"            ; choose range of map
> cnres at mpLeftCornerLatF  = 36.05806  cnres at mpLeftCornerLonF  = 113.3356
> cnres at mpRightCornerLatF = 42.4514  cnres at mpRightCornerLonF = 120.2583
> cnres at mpProjection         = "LambertConformal"  cnres at mpLambertParallel1F
> = 20  cnres at mpLambertParallel2F = 50  cnres at mpLambertMeridianF  = 110
> cnres at mpFillOn                    =  True
> cnres at mpOutlineDrawOrder          = "PostDraw"
> cnres at mpFillDrawOrder             = "PreDraw" ;
> cnres at mpOutlineBoundarySets       = "National"
> cnres at mpOutlineBoundarySets       = "Allboundaries"
> cnresmpNationalLineColor =    "Black"  cnresmpGeophysicalLineColor =
> "Black"  cnres at mpUSStateLineDashPattern    = 2  cnres at mpOutlineOn
> = True  cnres at mpDataBaseVersion        = "MediumRes"
> cnres at mpDataSetName            = "Earth..4"      ; U.S. counties
> cnres at mpGridAndLimbOn = True  cnres at mpGridLineColor = "Black"
> cnres at mpFillColors = (/"transparent","transparent","gray","transparent"/)
> cnres at pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always"  cnres at tiMainString = "WRF model
> data"  cnres at tiDeltaF = 3.3  cnres at tfDoNDCOverlay = True  cnres at gsnDraw  =
> False                          ; don't draw  cnres at gsnFrame =
> False                          ; don't advance frameprint(res);---Create
> smooth contour plot  plot_wrf =
> gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,pm25_avg,cnres);----------------------------------------------------------------------;
> Recreate similar plot, but by using filled markers drawn over a
> map.;----------------------------------------------------------------------
> fname = "surfacedata_12-31_Octmean_improved.txt"  lines =
> asciiread(fname,-1,"string")  lon = tofloat(str_get_field(lines(:),2," "))
> lat = tofloat(str_get_field(lines(:),3," "))  pm25 =
> tofloat(str_get_field(lines(:),4," "));---Create a map plot for adding
> markers to.  res at gsnDraw         = False  res at gsnFrame        = False
> res at tfPolyDrawOrder = "Draw"    ; Necessary to make sure filled markers
> drawn *under* map outlines  res at tiMainString    = "'Observational' data"
> res at mpFillOn                    =  True  res at mpOutlineDrawOrder          =
> "PostDraw"  res at mpFillDrawOrder             = "PreDraw" ;
> res at mpOutlineBoundarySets       = "National"
> res at mpOutlineBoundarySets       = "Allboundaries"
> res at mpUSStateLineDashPattern    = 2  res at mpOutlineOn           = True
> res at mpDataBaseVersion        = "MediumRes"  res at mpDataSetName            =
> "Earth..4"      ; U.S. counties ; res at mpGridAndLimbOn = True
> res at mpFillColors = (/"transparent","transparent","gray","transparent"/)
> res at pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always"  res at tiMainString = "Surface data"
> ;plot_obs = gsn_csm_map(wks,res);---Add colored markers to the map
> add_obs_markers_to_map(wks,plot_wrf,levels,colormap,pm25,lat,lon);*****************************************;
> add black circles over obs data;*****************************************
> polyres               = True          ; poly marker mods desired
> polyres at gsMarkerIndex = 4            ; choose circle as polymarker
> polyres at gsMarkerSizeF = 10.0           ; select size to avoid streaking
> polyres at gsMarkerColor = (/"black"/)   ; choose color
> gsn_polymarker(wks,plot_wrf,lat,lon,polyres)  ; draw polymarkers;---This
> draws the map with the filled markers  draw(plot_wrf)  frame(wks)end*
> Please let me know if that's possible.
> Thanks
> Tabish
> Tabish U Ansari
> PhD student, Lancaster Environment Center
> Lancaster Univeristy
> Bailrigg, Lancaster,
> LA1 4YW, United Kingdom
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