[ncl-talk] Remove ENSO from SST

Priyanka Silva priyankakeraminiya6 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 9 01:06:04 MDT 2017

Dear all,
I want to remove ENSO index from all SST data and use the residual SST to
plot correlation between residual SST and area averaged (15S- 08N,
95E-130E) rainfall index.
My residual SST has only time dimension so I cannot plot the correlation
map.I tried to find the residual SST as follows. Is there any other method
or how can I plot the correlation map.

Thank you for your help.

    ;Seasonal mean precipitation averaged over the domain
f    = "mon.precip.nc"
fin  = addfile(f, "r")
time = fin->time
ymd = cd_calendar(time,2)
iTim = ind (ymd.ge.19790101.and.ymd.lt.20130101)
preci = fin->precip(iTim,{8:-15},{95:130})
pano = rmMonAnnCycTLL(preci)
               ;area averaged rainfall index
index =dim_avg_Wrap (dim_avg_Wrap (pano(time|:,lat|:,lon|:)))
xNew = dim_standardize(index, 1)
xNew&time = index&time
f1 = "HadISST_ssta.nc"
fin1 = addfile(f1, "r")
time2 = fin1->time
ymd2 = cd_calendar(time2,2)
iTim2 = ind (ymd2.ge.19790101.and.ymd2.lt.20130101)
sst = fin1->ssta(iTim2,:,:)

                  ;ENSO index
NINO = fin1->ssta(iTim2,{-5:5},{-120:-170})
Nino_index = dim_avg_Wrap

;---------------Remove ENSO index from SST;---------------------------
SST = dim_avg_Wrap (dim_avg_Wrap(sst(time|:,latitude|:,longitude|:)))
Residula_SST = SST - Nino_index
Residula_SST!0 = "time"
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