[ncl-talk] need Help

Mary Haley haley at ucar.edu
Thu Oct 26 12:58:01 MDT 2017

I can't tell from your script which is line 22, because I don't know how
many lines you have before the "begin" statement.

However, the error message is telling you exactly what the issue is:

Subscript out of range, error in subscript #0

Subscript #0 in NCL means the leftmost subscript, and it's saying that you
are using a subscript that is out-of-range.

My guess is this line might be the problem:

arr_jjas1= (/rf1(time|2::12,lat|:,lon|:)/)

The "time | 2::12" is subscript #0 in this case, and it is going start at
the 3rd index of time (because indexing starts at 0, so '2' refers to index
3), and grab every 12th time step.  Do you have at least 3 time steps in
this variable? If not, then that would cause the error.

As we tell new users of NCL, if you are getting an error message about
subscripting or dimension sizes from a variable, use printVarSummary to
look at the variable:


This should tell you what the dimension size is of the time dimension and
might help point to the source of the error.

If the above line is *not* line 22, then find line 22 in your script and do
a printVarSummary on whatever variable it is complaining about.

For future reference, if you get an error you don't understand, then look
it up on our error page:



On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 11:23 PM, yohanan sweet <marsilas23 at gmail.com>

> dear ncl talk
> I need help if there is anyone can help me.
> I was using grid data of my country with NetCDF format. but I cannot
> understand what the error is if anyone can help me.this is my code and the
> error it gives me is.
> begin
> ;-----------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------
> f =   "Sweetheart.nc"
> ;f = "mon.precip.nc"
> fin  = addfile(f, "r")
> timet = fin->time
> ymd = round(timet, 3)
> ;ymd = cd_calendar(timet,2)
> iTim =  ind (ymd.ge.19830101.and.ymd.lt.20100101)
> precpi = fin->precip(iTim,{4:8},{34:39})
> ;===========================================================
> ===================
> timem =precpi&time
> rain = rmMonAnnCycTLL(precpi)
> prec_jjas1 = rain(2::12,:,:)
> rf1= runave_Wrap(rain(lat|:,lon|:,time|:),4,0)
> arr_jjas1= (/rf1(time|2::12,lat|:,lon|:)/)
> arr_jjas1!0 = "time"
> arr_jjas1!1  = "lat"
> arr_jjas1!2 = "lon"
> arr_jjas1&time = prec_jjas1&time
> arr_jjas1&lat = prec_jjas1&lat
> arr_jjas1&lon = prec_jjas1&lon
> printVarSummary(arr_jjas1)
> yene = dim_avg_Wrap (arr_jjas1(time|:,lat|:,lon|:))
>  yene2 = dim_avg_Wrap(yene)
>  stand = dim_standardize_Wrap(yene2,1)
> ;printVarSummary(stand)
> ;*************************************************************************
>  fil = "Sweetheart.nc"
>  ;fil = "mon.precip.nc"
>   fin1 =addfile(fil,"r")
>   timep = fin1->time
> ymd1 = round(timet, 3)
>   ;ymd1 = cd_calendar(timep,2)
>   iTim = ind(ymd1.ge.19830101.and.ymd1.lt.20100101)
>   precip = fin1->precip(iTim,:,:)
> ;***********************************************************
> ****************
> mare =rmMonAnnCycTLL(precip)
> time = mare&time
> prec_jjas = mare(3::12,:,:)
> rf= runave_Wrap(mare(lat|:,lon|:,time|:),3,0)
> arr_jjas= (/rf(time|3::12,lat|:,lon|:)/)
> arr_jjas!0 = "time"
> arr_jjas!1  = "lat"
> arr_jjas!2 = "lon"
> arr_jjas&time = prec_jjas&time
> arr_jjas&lat = prec_jjas&lat
> arr_jjas&lon = prec_jjas&lon
> printVarSummary(arr_jjas)
> ;===========calculate corelation==========================================
> ccr = escorc(stand,arr_jjas(lat|:,lon|:,time|:))
> copy_VarCoords(prec_jjas(0,:,:),ccr)
> printVarSummary(ccr)
> printMinMax(ccr,0)
> ;========================================================================
> siglvl =0.05
> test = rtest(ccr(lat|:,lon|:),34,0)
> test = where(ismissing(ccr),test at _FillValue,test)
> test!0 =  "lat"
> test!1 ="lon"
> test&lat = ccr&lat
> test&lon =ccr&lon
> printVarSummary(test)
> ;===========================================================
> ===================
> wks = gsn_open_wks("x11","Correlation")
> gsn_define_colormap(wks,"precip_diff_12lev")
> res = True
> res at cnFillOn     = True
> ;res at cnLineOn =   True
> res at cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"
> res at mpCenterLonF =180
> res at cnMinLevelValF       = -0.6
> res at cnMaxLevelValF       =  0.6
> res at cnLineLabelsOn = False
> res at cnLevelSpacingF      = 0.1
> ;res at gsnSpreedColors = True
> res at mpPerimOn =False
> res at tiMainString         = " (a) Corr (SERI ,MAM  precipitation and
> 850-hpa winds) "
> res at mpFillOn  = False
> res at gsnDraw =False
> res at cnLinesOn            = False
> res1 =True
> res1 at gsnDraw =False
> res1 at gsnFrame     =  False
> res1 at cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"
> res1 at cnMinLevelValF       = 0.00       ; min level
> res1 at cnMaxLevelValF       =  1.05
> res1 at cnLevelSpacingF      = 0.05
> res1 at cnInfoLabelOn = False
> res1 at cnLinesOn = False
> res1 at cnLineLabelsOn = False
>  ;res at mpMinLatF            = 3     ; range to zoom in on
>        ;res at mpMaxLatF            = 15
>        ;res at mpMinLonF             = 33
>        ;res at mpMaxLonF            = 48
>        ;res at mpOutlineBoundarySets = "National"
>        ;res at mpAreaMaskingOn =True
> res1 at cnLineLabelOn  = False
> res1 at cnFillScaleF = 0.6 ;add extra density
> res1 at gsnDraw      =  False                   ; do not draw the plot
> res1 at gsnFrame     =  False                   ; do not advance the frame
> ;res at tiMainString =   "Correlation between NIO  and rainfall 9month led "
> plot0    = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,ccr,res)
> opt =True
> opt at gsnShadeFillType = "pattern"
> opt at gsnShadeLow = 17
> opt at gsnShadeDotSizeF = 0.6
> plot1    = gsn_csm_contour(wks,test,res1)
> plot1    = gsn_contour_shade(plot1,0.05,0.75,opt)
> ;===========================================================
> ==============================
> ECMWF   = "/home/cyoo/scratch/reanl/ecmwf/monthly/"
> fileU   = systemfunc ("ls "+ECMWF+"uwnd/u.mon.*.nc")
> F    =  addfiles (fileU, "r")
> timeu = F[:]->time
> ymds = cd_calendar(timeu,2)
> iTim1 =  ind (ymds.ge.19790101.and.ymds.lt.20120101)
> uwind  = F[:]->u (iTim1,{850},:,:)
> ;======================================================================
> Uanom =rmMonAnnCycTLL(uwind)
> ;T = Uanom&time
>  T = uwind&time
> ;ym1 =cd_calendar(T,0)
>  ;month1 = tointeger(ym1(:,1))
>  ;imon1 = ind(month1.ge.02.and.month1.le.05)
> U1 = Uanom(2::12,:,:)
> ub1= runave_Wrap(Uanom(lat|:,lon|:,time|:),4,0)
> uu21= (/ub1(time|2::12,lat|:,lon|:)/)
> uu21!0 = "time"
> uu21!1  = "lat"
> uu21!2 = "lon"
> uu21&time = U1&time
> uu21&lat = U1&lat
> uu21&lon = U1&lon
> ;printVarSummary(uu21)
> U = dim_avg_Wrap(uu21(lat|:,lon|:,time|:))
> ;=====================================================================
> fileV   = systemfunc ("ls "+ECMWF+"vwnd/v.mon.*.nc")
> fv      =  addfiles (fileV, "r")
> time2 = fv[:]->time
> ymd2 = cd_calendar(time2,2)
> iTim2 =  ind (ymd2.ge.19790101.and.ymd2.lt.20120101)
> vwind =  fv[:]->v (iTim2,{850},:,:)
> Vanom =rmMonAnnCycTLL(vwind)
> ;T1 = Vanom&time
> ;T1 = vwind&time
> V1 = Vanom(2::12,:,:)
> vb1= runave_Wrap(Vanom(lat|:,lon|:,time|:),4,0)
> vu21= (/vb1(time|2::12,lat|:,lon|:)/)
> vu21!0 = "time"
> vu21!1  = "lat"
> vu21!2 = "lon"
> vu21&time = V1&time
> vu21&lat = V1&lat
> vu21&lon = V1&lon
> V = dim_avg_Wrap(vu21(lat|:,lon|:,time|:))
>   res2           = True
>   res2 at vcMinFracLengthF     = 0.3
>   res2 at vcRefMagnitudeF       = 20               ; define vector ref mag
>   res2 at vcRefLengthF          =   0.04      ; define length of vec ref
> res2 at vcGlyphStyle               = "LineArrow"
> res2 at vcMinDistanceF        = 0.02           ; thin out vectors
>   ;res2 at vcGlyphStyle          = "CurlyVector"        ; turn on curley
> vectors
>   res2 at gsnDraw               = False                ; don't draw yet
>   res2 at gsnFrame              = False                ; don't advance frame
> yet
>   res2 at vcLineArrowThicknessF      = 1.5
>   res2 at gsnLeftString         = ""                   ; turn off strings
>   res2 at gsnRightString        = ""
> plotV = gsn_csm_vector(wks,U,V,res2)
> overlay(plot0,plot1)                       ; overlay the U-wind plot on
> the rainfall plot
> overlay(plot0,plotV)
> draw(plot0)                                  ; draw the rainfall plot
> (with the U-wind plot overlaid)
> frame(wks)
> end
> fatal:["NclFile.c":2099]:Subscript out of range, error in subscript #0
> fatal:["Execute.c":8575]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 22 in
> file stan
> dardizerain.ncl
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