[ncl-talk] set_date_time

Kunal Bali kunal.bali9 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 5 12:40:09 MDT 2017

Dear NCL users,

I have one question regarding date-time setting from filename. This
question is not actually related to NCL, sorry in advance.

I have 4 .nc files named given below. The time is not created in these
files during conversion from hdf to netcdf in NCL.

MAIACTAOT.h00v02.*2000364**07**15*.nc   --> 2000=year, 364=day, 07=hr,

So, I did try to create the date-time with shell scripting (given below)
but it is creating wrong date as the files are of December month, but it is
generating January month date also. I don't know why.

*2000-01-01 05:25:00*
*2000-01-01 07:00:00*
2000-12-30 07:15:00
2000-12-31 06:20:00

the shell script, which I am using


for n in  MAIACTAOT.h00v02.20*.nc;do
 ls $n > text
export xx=`cut -c18-28 text`
export YYYY=`cut -c18-21 text`
export JJJ=`cut -c22-24 text`
export HH=`cut -c25-26 text`
export MM=`cut -c27-28 text`
mm=`date -d "$JJJ days $YYYY-01-01" +"%m"`
dd=`date -d "$JJJ days $YYYY-01-01" +"%d"`
echo $mydate

echo "cdo settaxis,$mydate $n re$n"
cdo settaxis,$mydate $n re$n


cdo mergetime reMAI*.nc final.nc

Any suggestion regarding this issue would be very helpful.

Thank You

Kunal Bali
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