[ncl-talk] hdf5 file in ncl

Debasish Hazra debasish.hazra5 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 14:20:27 MST 2017


I am trying to read attached HDF5 file using ncl v6.4 but not able to
extract data attributes from "Group".

 diri = "./November2017/1/"
     fili = "MYDAODHD.A2017305.0000.061.NRT.hdf"

            pthi = diri+fili
            w = addfile(pthi,"r")
            mod1 = "Aerosol_Optical_Depth"
            Latitude = "Latitude"
            Longitude = "Longitude"
             gp = w->GeoField

Variable: mod1
Type: string
Total Size: 8 bytes
            1 values
Number of Dimensions: 1
Dimensions and sizes:   [1]
(0)     Aerosol_Optical_Depth
fatal:["Execute.c":6397]:variable (GeoField) is not in file (w)

Not sure how to proceed with that. Any help is appreciated.

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