[ncl-talk] Creating netCDF file from ascii file

Najib Yusuf najibgal at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 3 13:38:34 MST 2017

Thank you sir Dennis.

    On Friday, March 3, 2017 4:57 PM, Dennis Shea <shea at ucar.edu> wrote:

 Users can not just take some WWW sample and expect it to work. Users *must* look at the information they have available and make the appropriate changes. Your sample has lev, lat, lon. The ascii file has none of this information. How is NCL supposed to know what these are? You must eliminate these.

If you are new to NCL, please *carefully* read: 
      http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/ Document/Manuals/NCL_User_ Guide/
These tutorials are very helpful.

Attached is an example script with your data. It created the simple netCDF file. You will have to add additional code (long_name, units, additional variables). The code has some links. Please read to the pages indicated.

The golden rules of data processing are (1) Look at you data; (2) Know your data

On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 7:49 AM, Najib Yusuf <najibgal at yahoo.com> wrote:

Dear ncl users,
I have some ascii files from observation data (see attached please), I want to convert these file to netCDF file for easy comparison with model data. I am writing the codes but came across some errors as can be seen below, please help to put me through to correct the error and  complete my script. Thank you
[model-user at model-vm~]$ ncl Copyright (C) 1995-2015 - All Rights Reserved University Corporation for AtmosphericResearch NCAR Command Language Version 6.3.0 The use of this software is governed by aLicense Agreement. See http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/ for more details.ncl 0> time =("julian day")ncl 1> ntim =dimsizes("time")       ncl 2> lev =("350")  ncl 3> klev =dimsizes("lev")ncl 4> lat =("8.32")ncl 5> nlat =dimsizes ("lat")ncl 6> lon =("4.34")ncl 7> nlon =dimsizes ("lon")ncl 8> diri ="/home/model-user/"ncl 9> fili ="Thirteen.nc"ncl 10>system("/bin/rm -f " + diri + fili)ncl 11> fout =addfile (diri + fili, "c")ncl 12>setfileoption(fout," DefineMode",True)ncl 13> fAtt =Truencl 14>fAtt at title = "netCDF creation"ncl 15>fAtt at source_file = "original-file.nc"ncl 16>fAtt at Conventions = "None"ncl 17>fAtt at creation_date = systemfunc ("date")ncl 18>fileattdef(fout, fAtt)ncl 19> dimNames= (/"time", "lat", "lon", "lev"/)ncl 20> dimSizes= (/-1, nlat, nlon, klev/) ncl 21>  dimUnlim =(/True, False, False, False/)ncl 22> filedimdef(fout,dimNames, dimSizes,dimUnlim)ncl 23>filevardef(fout, "time", typeof(time),getvardims(time))fatal:["Execute.c":8573]: Execute:Error occurred at or near line 23 ncl 24>filevardef(fout,"time", typeof(time),getvardims(time))   fatal:["Execute.c":8573]: Execute:Error occurred at or near line 24

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