[ncl-talk] ncl fatal:Subscript out of range, error in subscript #0

James Russell jorussel at ncsu.edu
Wed Jun 14 10:46:40 MDT 2017

Hi all,

I'm getting the following error message when I run a script to read some
netcdf files that I wrote from another script:

ncl fatal:Subscript out of range, error in subscript #0

The weird thing happening is that after this error message comes up, the
script continues running and seems to do the correct things. I'm not sure
why this error message is coming up either since it's just referencing
everything in the first dimension when the script reads the file (i.e.
var(:) ... see below script) so there's no way (I know of) that any
subscript can be out of range since there aren't actually any subscripts.

The error comes up twice after the following two lines in the script:
var1  = f->SwdelQw_waves(:,{lagn:lagp},{preL:preH},{com_lat},{com_lon})
varh1 = f->SwdelQw_waves(:,{lagn:lagp},{com_lev},{latS:latN},{lonE:lonW})

Any help on why this error is appearing would be useful. It doesn't seem to
be affecting the script but it's worrying since I'm not sure if it's
changing anything.

Thanks in advance,

See below for the script, an ncl_filedump of the file being read, and a
printVarSummary after the error comes up.

I'm running the script using a shell script:
ncl clat=\"{$clat}\" clon=\"{$clon}\" clev=\"{$clev}\" tho=\"{$tho}\"

Here's the script:

; Script

com_lat = tofloat(clat)
com_lon = tofloat(clon)
com_lev = tofloat(clev)
thold   = tofloat(tho)

; Domain and first and last points on cross-section
preL = 1000.
preH = 150.
lagn = -60
lagp = 60
latS = com_lat-15
latN = com_lat+15
lonW = com_lon-20
lonE = com_lon+20

; Data in
pathin  = "/typhoon/jorussel/pvbud/"
filein  = "SwQw_"+com_lat+com_lon+com_lev+thold+".nc"
pathino = "/typhoon/jorussel/basic_vars/"
fileino = "pvw_"+com_lat+com_lon+com_lev+thold+".nc"

print("Opening file and reading variable data")
f     = addfile(pathin+filein,"r")
var1  = f->SwdelQw_waves(:,{lagn:lagp},{preL:preH},{com_lat},{com_lon})
varh1 = f->SwdelQw_waves(:,{lagn:lagp},{com_lev},{latS:latN},{lonE:lonW})

var1 = var1*(10^6)*6*60*60
varh1= varh1*(10^6)*6*60*60

; End Script

; ncl_filedump of file

Variable: f
Type: file
filename: SwQw_1133650-1
path: /typhoon/jorussel/pvbud/SwQw_1133650-1.nc
   file global attributes:
      creation_date : Tue Jun 13 11:36:22 EDT 2017
      Conventions : None
      source_file : original-file.nc
      title : NCL Efficient Approach to netCDF Creation
      wave = 411
      lag = 21
      lev = 27
      lat = 57
      lon = 85
      integer wave ( wave )
         _FillValue : -2147483647
         long_name : time
         units : YYYYMMDDHH

      integer lag ( lag )
         units : Hours

      integer lev ( lev )
         long_name : isobaric level
         units : hPa

      float lat ( lat )
         La1 : 89.463
         Lo1 : 0
         La2 : -89.463
         Lo2 : 359.297
         Di : 0.7031252
         N : 128
         units : degrees_north
         GridType : Gaussian Latitude/Longitude Grid
         long_name : latitude

      float lon ( lon )
         La1 : 89.463
         Lo1 : 0
         La2 : -89.463
         Lo2 : 359.297
         Di : 0.7031252
         N : 128
         units : degrees_east
         GridType : Gaussian Latitude/Longitude Grid
         long_name : longitude

      float SwdelQw_waves ( wave, lag, lev, lat, lon )
         waveName : none
         depth : ( -2147483647, -2147483647 )
         period : ( 2, 10 )
         wavenumber : ( -40, -10 )
         lat : 44.56129
         lev : 1000
         description : zetax = -dvdp
         lonFlip : longitude coordinate variable has been reordered via
         initial_time : 10/31/2015 (18:00)
         forecast_time_units : hours
         forecast_time : 0
         parameter_number : 132
         parameter_table_version : 128
         gds_grid_type : 4
         level_indicator : 100
         units : /s
         long_name : -grav*(zetaxw*dqw/dx + zetayw*dqw/dy)
         center : European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (RSMC)
         _FillValue : 1e+20

; End ncl_filedump

; printVarSummary of variable after read in and error comes up

Variable: var1
Type: float
Total Size: 863100 bytes
            215775 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and sizes: [wave | 411] x [lag | 21] x [lev | 25]
            wave: [1..411]
            lag: [-60..60]
            lev: [1000..150]
Number Of Attributes: 20
  lon : 33.04689
  waveName : none
  depth : ( -2147483647, -2147483647 )
  period : ( 2, 10 )
  wavenumber : ( -40, -10 )
  lat : 44.56129
  lev : 1000
  description : zetax = -dvdp
  lonFlip : longitude coordinate variable has been reordered via lonFlip
  initial_time : 10/31/2015 (18:00)
  forecast_time_units : hours
  forecast_time : 0
  parameter_number : 132
  parameter_table_version : 128
  gds_grid_type : 4
  level_indicator : 100
  units : /s
  long_name : -grav*(zetaxw*dqw/dx + zetayw*dqw/dy)
  center : European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (RSMC)
  _FillValue : 1e+20

; end printVarSummary()
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