[ncl-talk] Question on Arguments to be passed for a procedure

Francesco Trotta francesco.trotta4 at unibo.it
Thu Jan 26 03:09:34 MST 2017

Dear Ncl-Team
   I'm using NCL - version 6.3.0
   I need to write 6 netcdf files for 6 atmospheric variables (u10m,v10m,t2m,q2m,precip,snow) with the same structure.
   I would like to define just one procedure for this jobs instead 6 procedure , passing as argument the corrispettive variable.
   But to write the variable in the file I need to specify the name of variable (for example fout->snow = (/atmField/), see code below)
   Is there a way to pass a name of variable ad argument in order to define just one procedure for all the variable?


procedure write_atm_snow(path_extrapdataAtm,file_extrapdataAtm,glAttDescr, \

   pathfile_extrapdataAtm = path_extrapdataAtm+"/"+file_extrapdataAtm
   system("rm -f "+pathfile_extrapdataAtm)
   fout = addfile(pathfile_extrapdataAtm, "c")

   ; Explicitly declare file definition mode. Improve efficiency.

   ; Defines global attributes associated with the file.
   fAtt              = True
   fAtt at description  = glAttDescr
   fAtt at creation_date= systemfunc ("date")
   fileattdef(fout, fAtt)

   ; Defines dimension names, dimension sizes, unlimited dimensions on the file.
   ; (Note: to get an UNLIMITED record dimension, we set the dimensionality
   ;  to -1 (or the actual size) and set the dimension name to True.)
   dimNames = (/ "lon",  "lat",   "time"/)
   dimSizes = (/ nx,     ny,      nt/)
   dimUnlim = (/ False, False,    True /)

   ; Defines a list of variable names, variable types, and
   ; variable dimension names for the file.
   filevardef(fout, "lon",        typeof(lon1d),   "lon")
   filevardef(fout, "lat",        typeof(lat1d),   "lat")
   filevardef(fout, "time",       typeof(time),    "time")
   filevardef(fout, maskFieldName,typeof(tmask),   (/"lat","lon"/))
   filevardef(fout, atmFieldName, typeof(atmField),(/"time","lat","lon"/))

   ; Copies attributes from an input variable to the variables on the file.
   filevarattdef(fout, "lon",        lon1d)
   filevarattdef(fout, "lat",        lat1d)
   filevarattdef(fout, "time",       time)
   filevarattdef(fout, maskFieldName,tmask)
   filevarattdef(fout, atmFieldName, atmField)

   ; Explicitly exit file definition mode. **NOT REQUIRED**

   ; output only the data values since the dimensionality and such have
   ; been predefined. The "(/", "/)" syntax tells NCL to only output the
   ; data values to the predefined locations on the file.
   fout->lat  = (/lat1d/)
   fout->lon  = (/lon1d/)
   fout->time = (/time/)
   fout->LSM  = (/tmask/)
   fout->snow = (/atmField/)



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