[ncl-talk] wrf domain location

Matt Masarik mattmasarik at boisestate.edu
Tue Feb 7 16:34:56 MST 2017

I tried plotting some WRF data today with an NCL script that has worked
correctly previously, and found that the location of the domain is
incorrect.  The domain should be centered over / containing Idaho (verified
with ncview), but the output from the ncl script shows the domain located
over Florida, containing the SE US (attached).

Here's the (editted) script:

; wrf_gsn_6.ncl
; Concepts illustrated:
;   - Using gsn_csm scripts to plot WRF-ARW data
;   - Overlaying filled contours, and vectors on a map
;   - Setting the correct WRF map projection using wrf_map_resources
;   - Setting lots of resources to customize a WRF plot
; This script is meant to show the difference between plotting WRF
; data using wrf_xxx scripts, and using gsn_csm_xxx scripts.
; You can safely ignore these warning messages:
; warning:start_lat is not a valid resource in wrf_gsn_contour at this time
; warning:start_lon is not a valid resource in wrf_gsn_contour at this time
; warning:end_lat is not a valid resource in wrf_gsn_contour at this time
; warning:end_lon is not a valid resource in wrf_gsn_contour at this time
; warning:mpNestTime is not a valid resource in map at this time
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"


  input_file         = "wrfout_d01_2015-02-05_00:00:00.nc"
  input_dir          = "/glade/u/home/mmasarik/WRF-NCL/input"
  input_path         = input_dir + "/" +  input_file

  plot_name          = "streamlines_station-points"

;---Open WRF output file
  a                  = addfile(input_path,"r")

;--Create Workstation
  wks                = gsn_open_wks("png","wrf_map")

;--Start resources
  res                                = True
  res at gsnFrame                       = False
  res at gsnDraw                        = False
  res at gsnLeftString                  = ""
  res at gsnRightString                 = ""
  res at tfDoNDCOverlay                 = True         ; necesssary

;---Map plot
  map_res                             = res
  map_res                             = wrf_map_resources(a,map_res)
  map_res at gsnFrame                    = False
  map_res at gsnDraw                     = False
  map_res at gsnStringFontHeightF        = 0.015
  map_res at tiMainJust                  = "CenterLeft"
  map_res at tiMainPosition              = "Left"
  map_res at tiMainOffsetYF              = -0.01

;---Set map resources based on projection on WRF output file
  map_res at mpFillOn                    = False
  map_res at mpOutlineOn                 = True
  map_res at mpDataBaseVersion           = "MediumRes"
  map_res at mpOutlineDrawOrder          = "PostDraw"
  map_res at mpUSStateLineColor          = "Black"
  map_res at mpPerimLineColor            = "Black"
  map_res at mpNationalLineColor         = "Black"
  map_res at mpLimbLineColor             = "Black"
  map_res at mpGridLineColor             = "Black"
  map_res at mpGeophysicalLineColor      = "Black"
  map_res at mpUSStateLineThicknessF     = 3.0
  map_res at mpNationalLineThicknessF    = 3.0
  map_res at mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = 3.0

  map = gsn_csm_map(wks,map_res)

;---Overlay plots on map and draw.



The only warnings I get are the one's mentioned above in the script.  What
am I doing wrong here?


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