[ncl-talk] Daily averaged ozone concentration

Bucaram Carbo, Carlos carlos.bucaramcarbo at und.edu
Thu Aug 3 13:44:42 MDT 2017

Dear NCL Support,

We are trying to find a script that would read 24 individual 1-hour wrfout_d01* output files for every day of an entire month of the year, then average the individual hourly ground level ozone (o3) concentrations data over each daily 24-hour period (at lowest level nl=0), and write a new netcdf file with an gridded o3 average concentration for that specific day. The end result would be a visual representation of a gridded o3 average concentration for any specific day, if possible.

When searching on previous archives we found the following response to a somewhat similar inquire back in 2011, but we are not sure if it would apply in our case:



    x3 = f->X ; (time,lat,lon) time is 3-hrly
    dimx3 = dimsizes(x3)
    ntim3 = dimx3(0)

    nsd = 8 ; number of samples per day

    xday = x3(::nsd,:,:) ; create array with meta data

    do nt=0,ntim3-1,nsd
       xday(nt/nsd,:,:) = (/ dum_avg_n(nt:nt+nsd-1,:,:) /)
    end do

    diro = "./" ; output directory
    filo = "day.nc"
    system ("/bin/rm -f "+diro+filo)
    fnc = addfile (diro+filo, "c")

    filAtt = 0
    filAtt at title = "..."
    filAtt at Conventions = "None"
    filAtt at creation_date = systemfunc("date")
    fileattdef( fnc, filAtt ) ; create file attributes

    filedimdef(ncdf,"time",-1,True) ; make time UNLIMITED
    fnc->XDAY = xday

Also attached you will find the current wrf_ozone.ncl script which we  use to post-process each individual 1-hour wrfout_d01* file for o3, as a well as a sample post-processed image for a specific day and hour of 2010.

Any specific direction from your side regarding this issue would be greatly appreciated.

With best regards,

Carlos J. Bucaram
Graduate Research Assistant
University of North Dakota
Department of Chemical Engineering

Harrington Hall Room 223
241 Centennial Dr., Grand Forks, ND


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