[ncl-talk] Incorrect label bar

Rick Brownrigg brownrig at ucar.edu
Wed Sep 21 11:10:34 MDT 2016

I don't know for certain, but you might try adding

   resP at lbBoxCount = 5

I'm not positive that will fix it, but the docs say that the sizes of
arrays like lbLabelStrings, etc, must match the lbBoxCount, and in your
case it sounds like its defaulting to 11 (?)

Hope that helps...

On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 2:12 AM, Beata Szabo <szabo.b at czechglobe.cz> wrote:

> I created a panel plot with my own netCDF files and color table be created
> according to
> http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/create_color_table.shtml
> My own color table has ncolors = 5. The netCDF files contains five float
> values (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0). After I run the below script I received
> correct maps with incorrect labelbar. The labelbar containes 11 box where
> the first two and the last two colors are two times and the third color
> roles three times. Moreover the label strings are the follows: Arid,
> Sub-humid, Label_6, Label_8.
> How can I create a correct labelbar?
> ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ; Main code.
> ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
> begin
> ;************************************************
> ; read in netCDF file
> ;************************************************
>   a = addfile("UNEP_E-OBS_sm.nc","r")
>   b = addfile("UNEP_1971-2000_sm.nc","r")
>   c = addfile("UNEP_2021-2050_sm.nc","r")
>   d = addfile("UNEP_2071-2100_sm.nc","r")
>   un1 = a->unep(:,:)
>   un2 = b->unep(:,:)
>   un3 = c->unep(:,:)
>   un4 = d->unep(:,:)
>   minlat             =  30                ; min lat to mask
>   maxlat             =  75                ; max lat to mask
>   minlon             = -20                ; min lon to mask
>   maxlon             =  40                ; max lon to mask
> ;************************************************
> ; create plot
> ;************************************************
>   wks = gsn_open_wks("png","unep")            ; send graphics to PNG file
>   cmap = read_colormap_file("aridity")
>   plot = new(4,graphic)
>   res                       = True              ; plot mods desired
>   res at gsnMaximize           = True              ; enlarge plot
>   res at gsnDraw               = False             ; Don't draw yet
>   res at gsnFrame              = False             ; Don't advance frame yet
>   res at mpProjection          = "LambertConformal"; choose projection
>   res at cnFillOn              = True              ; turn on color
>   res at cnLinesOn             = False             ; turn off contour lines
>   res at lbLabelBarOn          = False
>   res at cnFillPalette         = cmap(::-1,:)         ; set color map
>   res at mpMinLatF             = minlat
>   res at mpMaxLatF             = maxlat
>   res at mpMinLonF             = minlon
>   res at mpMaxLonF             = maxlon
>   res at gsnMaskLambertConformal = True            ; turn on lc masking
>   res at mpGridAndLimbOn         = True
>   res at mpGridLatSpacingF       = 10
>   res at mpGridLonSpacingF       =  5
>   res at gsnAddCyclic            = False
>   res at tiMainString            = ""
>   res at tiMainOffsetYF          = 0.01   ; Move title up a little
>   res at gsnRightString          = "A"
>   res at gsnLeftString           = ""
> ;  pr&lon = pr&lon-180                             ; make lon go -180 to
> 180
>   plot(0)  =
> gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,un1({minlat:maxlat},{minlon:maxlon}),res);
> create plot
>   resb                       = True              ; plot mods desired
>   resb at gsnMaximize           = True              ; enlarge plot
>   resb at gsnDraw               = False             ; Don't draw yet
>   resb at gsnFrame              = False             ; Don't advance frame yet
>   resb at mpProjection          = "LambertConformal"; choose projection
>   resb at cnFillOn              = True              ; turn on color
>   resb at cnLinesOn             = False             ; turn off contour lines
>   resb at lbLabelBarOn          = False
>   resb at cnFillPalette         = cmap(::-1,:)         ; set color map
>   resb at mpMinLatF             = minlat
>   resb at mpMaxLatF             = maxlat
>   resb at mpMinLonF             = minlon
>   resb at mpMaxLonF             = maxlon
>   resb at gsnMaskLambertConformal = True            ; turn on lc masking
>   resb at mpGridAndLimbOn         = True
>   resb at mpGridLatSpacingF       = 10
>   resb at mpGridLonSpacingF       =  5
>   resb at gsnAddCyclic            = False
>   resb at tiMainString            = ""
>   resb at tiMainOffsetYF          = 0.01   ; Move title up a little
>   resb at gsnRightString          = "B"
>   resb at gsnLeftString           = ""
>   plot(1)  =
> gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,un2({minlat:maxlat},{minlon:maxlon}),resb);
> create plot
>   resc                       = True              ; plot mods desired
>   resc at gsnMaximize           = True              ; enlarge plot
>   resc at gsnDraw               = False             ; Don't draw yet
>   resc at gsnFrame              = False             ; Don't advance frame yet
>   resc at mpProjection          = "LambertConformal"; choose projection
>   resc at cnFillOn              = True              ; turn on color
>   resc at cnLinesOn             = False             ; turn off contour lines
>   resc at lbLabelBarOn          = False
>   resc at cnFillPalette         = cmap(::-1,:)         ; set color map
>   resc at mpMinLatF             = minlat
>   resc at mpMaxLatF             = maxlat
>   resc at mpMinLonF             = minlon
>   resc at mpMaxLonF             = maxlon
>   resc at gsnMaskLambertConformal = True            ; turn on lc masking
>   resc at mpGridAndLimbOn         = True
>   resc at mpGridLatSpacingF       = 10
>   resc at mpGridLonSpacingF       =  5
>   resc at gsnAddCyclic            = False
>   resc at tiMainString            = ""
>   resc at tiMainOffsetYF          = 0.01   ; Move title up a little
>   resc at gsnRightString          = "C"
>   resc at gsnLeftString           = ""
>   plot(2)  =
> gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,un3({minlat:maxlat},{minlon:maxlon}),resc);
> create plot
>   resd                       = True              ; plot mods desired
>   resd at gsnMaximize           = True              ; enlarge plot
>   resd at gsnDraw               = False             ; Don't draw yet
>   resd at gsnFrame              = False             ; Don't advance frame yet
>   resd at mpProjection          = "LambertConformal"; choose projection
>   resd at cnFillOn              = True              ; turn on color
>   resd at cnLinesOn             = False             ; turn off contour lines
>   resd at lbLabelBarOn          = False
>   resd at cnFillPalette         = cmap(::-1,:)         ; set color map
>   resd at mpMinLatF             = minlat
>   resd at mpMaxLatF             = maxlat
>   resd at mpMinLonF             = minlon
>   resd at mpMaxLonF             = maxlon
>   resd at gsnMaskLambertConformal = True            ; turn on lc masking
>   resd at mpGridAndLimbOn         = True
>   resd at mpGridLatSpacingF       = 10
>   resd at mpGridLonSpacingF       =  5
>   resd at gsnAddCyclic            = False
>   resd at tiMainString            = ""
>   resd at tiMainOffsetYF          = 0.01   ; Move title up a little
>   resd at gsnRightString          = "D"
>   resd at gsnLeftString           = ""
>   plot(3)  =
> gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,un4({minlat:maxlat},{minlon:maxlon}),resd);
> create plot
> ;---Attach latitude labels
>   add_lc_labels(wks,plot(0),minlat,maxlat,minlon,maxlon)
>   add_lc_labels(wks,plot(1),minlat,maxlat,minlon,maxlon)
>   add_lc_labels(wks,plot(2),minlat,maxlat,minlon,maxlon)
>   add_lc_labels(wks,plot(3),minlat,maxlat,minlon,maxlon)
> ;---Drawing the plot will also draw all the attached labels.
>   draw(plot(0))
>   draw(plot(1))
>   draw(plot(2))
>   draw(plot(3))
>   frame(wks)
>    ;-- create panel plot
> ;************************************************
>     resP                     = True                ; modify the panel plot
>     resP at gsnPanelLabelBar    = True                ; add common colorbar
>     resP at lbLabelFontHeightF  = 0.007               ; make labels smaller
>     resP at cnExplicitLabelBarLabelOn = True
>     resP at lbLabelStrings = (/"","Hyper-arid","Arid", \
>            "Semi-arid","Sub-humid","Humid"/)
>     gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/2,2/),resP)
> end
> Thank you for your help in advance!
> Beata
> Dr. Beata Szabo-Takacs
> Global Change Research Institute CAS
> Bělidla 986/4a
> 60300 Brno
> Czech Republic
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