[ncl-talk] Writing data to the existing record dimension of a netCDF

Will Hobbs will.hobbs at utas.edu.au
Tue Nov 29 15:45:33 MST 2016

Hi all

I am working with some model output monthly files (one year for each file, with filename t.<year>.nc), which have a junk time array, and which I am trying to fix. I was hoping to create a new time array, add the values to each file’s time array, and update the variable attributes using NCO:


yrst = 1979
vNam = “t”

;create new time array

ydum = new(12, integer)
mdum = ispan(1,12,1)
  ddum = conform_dims(12,15,-1)
 tdum = conform_dims(12,0,-1)

  opt          = 1
  opt at calendar = "standard"
  tunits        = "days after 1-1-1"

;loop through each year
  do yy = yrst, yren

    ;create time array
    ydum = yy
    ntime = cd_inv_calendar(ydum,mdum,ddum,tdum,tdum,tdum,tunits,opt)

    ;add time to file
    fil   =systemfunc("ls "+vNam+"."+yy+".nc")
    fi = addfile(fil,"w")

    fi->time = (/ntime/)

;update attributes
  CMD = “ncatted –a time,units,o,c,”+tunits+” “+fil

end do

Unfortunately when I try and write the data to file (i.e.    fi->time = (/ntime/) ) I get a segmentation fault:

Segmentation fault: 11

I’ve checked the file permissions and it doesn’t seem to be that. I ‘speculate’ that netCDF won’t allow me to update the record dimension – is this the case? If so, presumably I will need rewrite each file from scratch with new time arrays.

Many thanks,


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