[ncl-talk] Problem reading data from NCEP DODS server

Herbster, Christopher G. herbstec at erau.edu
Tue May 17 10:28:55 MDT 2016

Hi folks,

I'm trying to retrieve some data for a subset region from the Global Real Time Ocean Forecast System (RTOFS), and I can't figure out why I get all missing values when I try to read the data.

This seems to be the case for me even if I try to read this whole domain.

Here is some code:
; read-rtofs-dods.ncl
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/contrib/cd_string.ncl"

Dev = "png"

myDate = 20160516

;NOMADS = "http://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov:9090/dods/rtofs/rtofs_global"+myDate+"/rtofs_glo_2ds_forecast_daily_prog"

NOMADS = "http://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov:9090/dods/rtofs/rtofs_global"+myDate+"/rtofs_glo_2ds_forecast_3hrly_prog"

filename = NOMADS ; = url
print("Fetching URL: ")
print(" "+filename)

  exists = isfilepresent(filename)
  if(.not.exists) then
    print("OPeNDAP isfilepresent test unsuccessful.")
    print("Either file doesn't exist, or NCL does not have OPeNDAP capabilities on this system")
    print("OPeNDAP isfilepresent test successful.")
    f = addfile(filename,"r")
    vars = getfilevarnames(f)
    print(vars)   ; should be (in any order):

    if(.not.any(ismissing(vars))) then
      do i=0,dimsizes(vars)-1
        printFileVarSummary (f,vars(i))
      end do
    end if
  end if

; Define boundary of data
; Assign lat/lon boundaries to the data
; Longitudes between 0 and 74 E need to have 360 added to them
myNlat = 32.0
mySlat = 10.0
myWlon = 260.0
myElon = 300.0

;myNlat = 26.0
;mySlat = 21.0
;myWlon = 260.0
;myElon = 300.0

; Full domain
;myNlat = 90.0
;mySlat = -90.0
;myWlon = 74.0
;myElon = 434.0

; Get lat/lon/time info first
lat = f->lat
print ("Done reading lat")
lon = f->lon
print ("Done reading lon")
time = f->time(0)
print ("Done reading time")
; Use just one time when "0"
mytime = 0
;mytime = ":"

Nlat = closest_val(myNlat, lat)
print ("Nlat = " + Nlat + " Lat = " + lat(Nlat) )

Slat = closest_val(mySlat, lat)
print ("Slat = " + Slat + " Lat = " + lat(Slat) )

Wlon = closest_val(myWlon, lon)
print("Wlon = " + Wlon + " Lon = " + lon(Wlon) )

Elon = closest_val(myElon, lon)
print("Elon = " + Elon + " Lon = " + lon(Elon) )
mylat = lat(Slat:Nlat)
mylon = lon(Wlon:Elon)

printVarSummary (mylat)
printVarSummary (mylon)

print (mylat)



lat = f->lat(Slat:Nlat)
lon = f->lon(Wlon:Elon)
print ("Done reading subset lat/lon")

print (lat)

print (lon)


sst = f->sst(mytime,:,Slat:Nlat,Wlon:Elon)
;sst = f->sst
print ("Done reading sst")
print (sst)

; exit  ; Uncomment to stop after sst data are read

u_velocity = f->u_velocity(mytime,:,Slat:Nlat,Wlon:Elon)
;u_velocity = f->u_velocity
print ("Done reading U")
print (u_velocity)
v_velocity = f->v_velocity(mytime,:,Slat:Nlat,Wlon:Elon)
;v_velocity = f->v_velocity
print ("Done reading V")
print (v_velocity)
speed = sqrt((u_velocity*u_velocity) + (v_velocity*v_velocity))
print ("Done calculating Speed")
print (speed)

;;;;;;  END of code snippet


If you run this code, I suggest a redirect into a file, as there are a lot of lines written to standard out.

What I don't understand is that I can read a subset of the lat and lon data, but when I try to get any other data they all come up as missing/fill values.

Any help is GREATLY appreciated and I have really chased my tail trying to get past this.

Chris Herbster

Dr. Christopher G. Herbster
Associate Professor
Director of Science and Technology
for the ERAU Weather Center
Applied Aviation Sciences
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ.
600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd.
Daytona Beach, FL 32114-3900
 386.226.6444 Office
386.226.6446 Weather Center

Schedule at:  http://wx.erau.edu/faculty/herbster/Schedules/

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