[ncl-talk] memory intensive script

Marston Johnston shejo284 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 23 08:18:39 MDT 2016

Hi Adam,

There are a couple of things I can see right off the bat.

1.) I always average large files by reading in reading in the dimension I
want to average over
1 at a time and then sum them, create counts and then divide. It is a bit
tricky to get right, but it is faster than dim_avg.
Use 0 to hold places where the data is not valid. So you will need a value
array and a count array. Before dividing,
set the count positions that are 0 to a fillvalue. This will save memory
and time. This method would affect parts of the code that are similar to:

in  = addfiles (files0,"r")

  lat0 = in[0]->lat
  lon0 = in[0]->lon
  hyam = in[0]->hyam ; read from a file the mid-layer coef
  hybm = in[0]->hybm ; read from a file
  hyai = in[0]->hyai ; read from a file the interface-layer coef
  hybi = in[0]->hybi ; read from a file
  nlat = dimsizes(lat0)
  nlon = dimsizes(lon0)
  nlevs = dimsizes(hyam)

  pc = in[:]->PRECC
  pl = in[:]->PRECL


  LHl0 = pl*L*rhofw
  LHc0 = pc*L*rhofw
  zlhl0 = dim_avg(dim_avg_n(LHl0,0))
  zlhc0 = dim_avg(dim_avg_n(LHc0,0))

2.) You only need to addfile(file,"r") and then loop over the history,
reading in it 1 at a time so:

in  = addfile(files0(np),"r")
ps0 = in->PS   ; surface pressure [Pa]


in  = addfile(ifile,"r")

do np = 0, nh.
    ps0 = in->PS(np,:,:)   ; surface pressure [Pa]
end do

Hope this helps,

Marston S. Johnston, PhD
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Email: marston.johnston at gu.se
Phone: +46-31-7864901
Only the fruitful thing is true!

On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 1:11 AM, Adam Herrington <
adam.herrington at stonybrook.edu> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Im getting a core-dump from an ncl script that I'm running on yellowstone.
> This is probably due to memory issues. The core-dump occurs after i load
> the very costly 28km global simulations. My usual remedy is to loop through
> each history file individually (there are ~60 history files for each model
> run) instead of using "addfiles", which reduces the size of the variables.
> Unfortunately, I'm still getting the core-dump. I've attached my script,
> and would appreciate any suggestions on ways to cut down on memory.
> I've never tried splitting the variables into smaller chunks, but I guess
> I will start trying to do this. Unless someone has a better suggestion?
> Thanks!
> Adam
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