[ncl-talk] How to add shapefiles to nesting domain

Alan Brammer abrammer at albany.edu
Wed Jan 27 12:22:26 MST 2016

> So, I edit the plotgrids_new.ncl as showed below, but I could not get what I wanted.
What do you mean by this? 
Is a plot produced? 
You’re outputting to x11 so it will only be temporary.  At the top of the script you might want to change type =“png” or “pdf” then you can send the output to the script and detail what you actually wanted.

mpres at gsnDraw = False ;  may prevent the wrf_wps_dom() function from drawing allowing your to overlay your shape file polylines.   I’m not familiar with wrf_wps_dom() though, and the documentation I found online was particularly lacking. 

An example of why the plot isn’t what you want, will enable someone to probably either answer or forward this onto wrfhelp at ucar.edu


Alan Brammer,
Post-Doc Researcher

Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences,
University at Albany, State University of New York, Albany, NY, 12222
abrammer at albany.edu

> On 27 Jan 2016, at 03:21, Tao Lu <hakufu.asano at gmail.com> wrote:
> I try to show nesting domain and some shape files at the same time.
> So, I edit the plotgrids_new.ncl as showed below, but I could not get what I wanted.
> I found the reason is the command: draw(mp), But I do not know how to handle this problem.
> Please help me.
> ;   Script display location of model domains
> ;   Only works for ARW domains
> ;   Only works for NCL versions 6.2 or later
> ;   Reads namelist file directly
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl"
> ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> begin
> ;
> ; Check the version of NCL
>   version = systemfunc("ncl -V")
>   if(version.lt.6.2) then
>     print("You need NCL V6.2 or later to run this script. Try running plotgrids.ncl. Stopping now...")
>     return
>   end if
> ; We generate plots, but what kind do we prefer?
>   type = "x11"
> ; type = "pdf"
> ; type = "ps"
> ; type = "ncgm"
>   wks = gsn_open_wks(type,"wps_show_dom")
> ; read the following namelist file
>   filename = "namelist.wps"
> ; Set the colors to be used
>   colors = (/"white","black","White","ForestGreen","DeepSkyBlue","Red","Blue"/)
>   gsn_define_colormap(wks, colors)  
> ; Set some map information ; line and text information
>   mpres = True
>   mpres at mpFillOn = True
>   mpres at mpFillColors  = (/"background","DeepSkyBlue","ForestGreen","DeepSkyBlue", "transparent"/)
>   mpres at mpDataBaseVersion           = "Ncarg4_1"
>   mpres at mpGeophysicalLineColor      = "Black"
>   mpres at mpGridLineColor             = "Black"
>   mpres at mpLimbLineColor             = "Black"
>   mpres at mpNationalLineColor         = "Black"
>   mpres at mpPerimLineColor            = "Black"
>   mpres at mpUSStateLineColor          = "Black"
> ;  mpres at mpOutlineBoundarySets       = "AllBoundaries"
>   ;mpres at mpGridSpacingF              = 45
>   mpres at tiMainString                = " WPS Domain Configuration  "
>   lnres = True 
>   lnres at gsLineThicknessF = 2.5
>   lnres at domLineColors    = (/ "white", "Red" , "Red" , "Blue" /)
>   txres = True
>   txres at txFont = "helvetica-bold"
>   ;txres at txJust = "BottomLeft"
>   txres at txJust = "TopLeft"
>   txres at txPerimOn = False
>   txres at txFontHeightF = 0.015
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; Do not change anything between the ";;;;;" lines
>   maxdom = 21
>   nvar = 19
>   parent_idn = new (maxdom,integer)
>   parent_grid_ration = new (maxdom,integer)
>   i_parent_startn = new (maxdom,integer)
>   j_parent_startn = new (maxdom,integer)
>   e_wen = new (maxdom,integer)
>   e_snn = new (maxdom,integer)
>   plotvar = new((/maxdom,nvar/),float)
>   plotvar at _FillValue = -999.0
>   plotvar = wrf_wps_read_nml(filename)
>   mpres at max_dom = floattointeger(plotvar(0,0))
>   mpres at dx = plotvar(0,1)
>   mpres at dy = plotvar(0,2)
>   if (.not.ismissing(plotvar(0,3))) then
>     mpres at ref_lat = plotvar(0,3)
>   else
>     mpres at ref_lat = 0.0
>   end if
>   if (.not.ismissing(plotvar(0,4))) then
>     mpres at ref_lon = plotvar(0,4)
>   else
>     mpres at ref_lon = 0.0
>   end if
>   if (.not.ismissing(plotvar(0,5))) then
>     mpres at ref_x = plotvar(0,5)
>   end if
>   if (.not.ismissing(plotvar(0,6))) then
>     mpres at ref_y = plotvar(0,6)
>   end if
>   mpres at truelat1 = plotvar(0,7)
>   mpres at truelat2 = plotvar(0,8)
>   mpres at stand_lon = plotvar(0,9)
>   mproj_int = plotvar(0,10)
>   mpres at pole_lat = plotvar(0,11)
>   mpres at pole_lon = plotvar(0,12)
>   do i = 0,maxdom-1
>     parent_idn(i) = floattointeger(plotvar(i,13))
>     parent_grid_ration(i) = floattointeger(plotvar(i,14))
>     i_parent_startn(i) = floattointeger(plotvar(i,15))
>     j_parent_startn(i) = floattointeger(plotvar(i,16))
>     e_wen(i) = floattointeger(plotvar(i,17))
>     e_snn(i) = floattointeger(plotvar(i,18))
>   end do
>   if(mpres at max_dom .gt. 1) then
>     do i = 1,mpres at max_dom-1
>       ;Making sure edge is nested grid is at least 5 grid points from mother domain.
>       if(i_parent_startn(i) .lt. 5) then
>         print("Warning: Western edge of grid must be at least 5 grid points from mother domain!")
>       end if
>       if(j_parent_startn(i) .lt. 5) then
>         print("Warning: Southern edge of grid must be at least 5 grid points from mother domain!")
>       end if
>       pointwe = (e_wen(i)-1.)/parent_grid_ration(i)
>       pointsn = (e_snn(i)-1.)/parent_grid_ration(i)
>       gridwe = e_wen(parent_idn(i)-1)-(pointwe+i_parent_startn(i))
>       gridsn = e_snn(parent_idn(i)-1)-(pointsn+j_parent_startn(i))
>       if(gridwe .lt. 5) then
>         print("Warning: Eastern edge of grid must be at least 5 grid points from mother domain!")
>       end if
>       if(gridsn .lt. 5) then
>         print("Warning: Northern edge of grid must be at least 5 grid points from mother domain!")
>       end if
>       ;Making sure nested grid is fully contained in mother domain.
>       gridsizewe = (((e_wen(parent_idn(i)-1)-4)-i_parent_startn(i))*parent_grid_ration(i))-(parent_grid_ration(i)-1)
>       gridsizesn = (((e_snn(parent_idn(i)-1)-4)-j_parent_startn(i))*parent_grid_ration(i))-(parent_grid_ration(i)-1)
>       if(gridwe .lt. 5) then
>         print("Warning: Inner nest (domain = " + (i+1) + ") is not fully contained in mother nest (domain = " + parent_idn(i) + ")!")
>         print("For the current setup of mother domain = " + parent_idn(i) + ", you can only have a nest of size " + gridsizewe + "X" + gridsizesn + ". Stopping Program!")
>         exit
>       end if
>       if(gridsn .lt. 5) then
>         print("Warning: Inner nest (domain = " + (i+1) + ") is not fully contained in mother nest (domain = " + parent_idn(i) + ")!")
>         print("For the current setup of mother domain = " + parent_idn(i) + ", you can only have a nest of size " + gridsizewe + "X" + gridsizesn + ". Stopping Program!")
>         exit
>       end if
>       ;Making sure the nest ends at a mother grid domain point.
>       pointwetrunc = decimalPlaces(pointwe,0,False)
>       pointsntrunc = decimalPlaces(pointsn,0,False)
>       if((pointwe-pointwetrunc) .ne. 0.) then
>         nest_we_up = (ceil(pointwe)*parent_grid_ration(i))+1
>         nest_we_dn = (floor(pointwe)*parent_grid_ration(i))+1
>         print("Nest does not end on mother grid domain point. Try " + nest_we_dn + " or " + nest_we_up + ".")
>       end if
>       if((pointsn-pointsntrunc) .ne. 0.) then
>         nest_sn_up = (ceil(pointsn)*parent_grid_ration(i))+1
>         nest_sn_dn = (floor(pointsn)*parent_grid_ration(i))+1
>         print("Nest does not end on mother grid domain point. Try " + nest_sn_dn + " or " + nest_sn_up + ".")
>       end if
>     end do
>   end if
>   mpres at parent_id = parent_idn(0:mpres at max_dom-1)
>   mpres at parent_grid_ratio = parent_grid_ration(0:mpres at max_dom-1)
>   mpres at i_parent_start = i_parent_startn(0:mpres at max_dom-1)
>   mpres at j_parent_start = j_parent_startn(0:mpres at max_dom-1)
>   mpres at e_we = e_wen(0:mpres at max_dom-1)
>   mpres at e_sn = e_snn(0:mpres at max_dom-1)
>   if(mproj_int .eq. 1) then
>     mpres at map_proj = "lambert"
>     mpres at pole_lat = 0.0
>     mpres at pole_lon = 0.0
>   else if(mproj_int .eq. 2) then
>     mpres at map_proj = "mercator"
>     mpres at pole_lat = 0.0
>     mpres at pole_lon = 0.0
>   else if(mproj_int .eq. 3) then
>     mpres at map_proj = "polar"
>     mpres at pole_lat = 0.0
>     mpres at pole_lon = 0.0
>   else if(mproj_int .eq. 4) then
>     mpres at map_proj = "lat-lon"
>   end if
>   end if
>   end if
>   end if
> ; Deal with global wrf domains that don't have dx or dy
>   if (mpres at dx.lt.1e-10 .and. mpres at dx.lt.1e-10) then
>     mpres at dx = 360./(mpres at e_we(0) - 1)
>     mpres at dy = 180./(mpres at e_sn(0) - 1)
>     mpres at ref_lat = 0.0
>     mpres at ref_lon = 180.0
>   end if
>   mp = wrf_wps_dom (wks,mpres,lnres,txres)
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; Now you can add some information to the plot. 
> ; Below is an example of adding a white dot over the DC location.
>   ;pmres = True
>   ;pmres at gsMarkerColor = "White"
>   ;pmres at gsMarkerIndex = 16
>   ;pmres at gsMarkerSizeF = 0.01
>   ;gsn_polymarker(wks,mp,-77.26,38.56,pmres)
> ; Test to add a shapefile
> ; I add the following contents
>   dir         = "/home/taolu/WRF/CASES/kinugawa/shp/"
>   shp_kinu = dir + "kinugawa.shp"
>   shp_tone = dir + "tonegawa.shp"
>   preres                  = True
>   preres at gsLineColor      = "gray25"
>   preres at gsLineThicknessF = 2.0  
>   kinu_id = gsn_add_shapefile_polylines(wks,mp,shp_kinu,preres)
>   tone_id = gsn_add_shapefile_polylines(wks,mp,shp_tone,preres)
>   draw(mp);
>   frame(wks)           ; lets frame the plot - do not delete
> end
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