[ncl-talk] plot color fill problem

Chao Luo chaoluo888 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 28 19:40:09 MST 2016


I am using NCL script to plot map contour. The plot shows gray and white
color, which they are not defined in the script. I have tried some map
color fill options, it is still  problem. Any suggestions and comments are
very appreciated.



attachments are plot  and script

 load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
;load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
 load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"

procedure metaUtil (z[*][*][*]:numeric, time[*], lat[*], lon[*])

   z!0  = "time"    ; name dimensions
   z!1  = "lat"
   z!2  = "lon"
   z&time = time    ; assign coordinate variables
   z&lat  = lat
   z&lon  = lon
  f       = addfile ("data/IC_TO_CG.hdf", "r")
  lat   = f->Latitude
  lon   = f->Longitude
  time  = f->Day_of_year
; print(f)
  IC2CG =  f->IC_TO_CG(:,:,:)    ; IC to CG ratio
 IC2CG at _FillValue = -1

;;;;average data to annualy data
;   AvgTime_IC_TO_CG = dim_avg_Wrap(IC2CG(Latitude|:, Longitude|:,
Day_of_year|:) )

   AvgTime_July = dim_avg_Wrap(IC2CG(Latitude|:, Longitude|:,
Day_of_year|181:211) )
   AvgTime_Aug = dim_avg_Wrap(IC2CG(Latitude|:, Longitude|:,
Day_of_year|212:242) )


;;;;; read mask data
    f       = addfile ("/home/cluo/landmask.nc","r")
    lat_mask =  f->lat
    lon_mask =  f->lon
    land = f->land(:,:,:)
    mask1 = land
    printVarSummary(mask1)do i=0, 360-1
    ii = 360+i
    do j=0, 360-1
    jj = 359-j
    mask1(0,j,i) = land(0,jj,ii)
    end do
    end do

    do i=360, 720-1
    ii = i-360
    do j=0, 360-1
    jj = 359-j
    mask1(0,j,i) = land(0,jj,ii)
    end do
    end do

    do i = 0, 720-1
    do j = 1, 360-1
    if (mask1(0,j,i).ne.0) then
    AvgTime_July(j,i) = 0
    end if
    end do
    end do
;*************create plots*******************
  wks  = gsn_open_wks ("ps", "narr")          ; open workstation
  gsn_define_colormap(wks,"BlAqGrYeOrRe")        ; choose colormap
; gsn_define_colormap (wks,"gui_default")         ; choose color map
  plot = new(1,graphic)

  res                        = True               ; plot mods desired for
original grid

  res at gsnDraw       = False      ; Don't draw plot or advance the
  res at gsnFrame      = False      ; frame after plot is created.

  res at cnFillOn               = True               ; color fill
  res at cnLinesOn              = False              ; no contour lines
  res at gsnSpreadColors        = True               ; use total colormap
  res at gsnSpreadColorStart    = 4
  res at gsnSpreadColorEnd      = -1
  res at mpGridAndLimbOn        = False
  res at pmTickMarkDisplayMode  = "Always"           ; turn on tickmarks
  res at tmXTOn                 = False
  res at gsnAddCyclic           = False              ; regional data
  res at mpOutlineOn           = True                ; turn on map outline
  res at mpOutlineBoundarySets = "USStates"          ; turn on state boundaries
; res at mpOutlineBoundarySets = "National"

  ;;;; set boundary for subregion plot
   res at mpLimitMode = "LatLon"
   res at mpMinLonF   = -125
   res at mpMaxLonF   = -70
   res at mpMinLatF   = 25
   res at mpMaxLatF   = 50
   res at mpPerimOn   = True
   res at mpCenterLonF =-97
   res at mpCenterLatF = 35
res at gsnCenterString         = "Monthly mean IC/CG, August"             ;
draw center subtitle
  res at gsnCenterStringFontHeightF=25
  res at gsnLeftString           = ""                         ; draw left
  res at cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels" ; set explicit contour levels
  res at cnLevels = (/1,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,8.,10./)
  res at cnFillColors        = (/10,20,30,40,50,65,75,85,96/)
  res at gsnCenterString         = "Climatology IC/CG, averaged in July"
  plot(0) = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,AvgTime_July(:,:),res)

  resP                            = True
  resP at gsnPanelYWhiteSpacePercent = 5
  resP at gsnPanelXWhiteSpacePercent = 5
  resP at cnFillColors      =  (/5,10,20,30,40,50,65,75,85,96/)
  resP at gsnMaximize                = True
;  resP at gsnPanelLabelBar           = True
  resP at lbLabelBarOn = True
  resP at gsnPaperOrientation = "portrait"
; resP at lbOrientation       = "vertical" ; vertical label bar
  resP at lbOrientation       = "horizontal"
  resP at lbLabelAutoStride   = True       ; nice label bar labels
  resP at lbTitleOn           = True
  resP at lbLabelFont = "helvetica"
; resP at lbTitleString       = "Sig lvl"
  resP at lbTitlePosition     = "Bottom"
  resP at lbTitleFontHeightF  = .022
  resP at lbTitleDirection    = "Across"
; resP at txString            = title
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