[ncl-talk] ESMF regrids data with missing values

Zhifeng Yang yangzf01 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 21:15:51 MDT 2015


I am using the ESMF to regrid an array including missing values. The
interpolation method is "bilinear". In order to distinguish the positions
of missing value, I add

*Opt at SrcGridMask = where(.not.ismissing(temp),1,0)*in my code.
Unfortunately, it seems that NCL still uses the missing values to calculate
the interpolation, and my destination array is full of missing value.

Since I interpolate 1deg*1deg to 2deg*2deg, the four 1deg*1deg grids can
get one 2deg*2deg grid. It seems that if I have one missing value in these
four 1deg*1deg grids, my interpolated 2deg*2deg grid will be a missing
value, no matter of other 3 1deg*1deg grids.

So how can I ignore the influence from the missing values while I
interpolate the 1deg*1deg grid to the 2deg*2deg grid?

Thank you
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