[ncl-talk] lonFlip function

Sunmin Park mireiyue at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 08:04:21 MST 2015

Dear NCL users

I am trying to change longitude 0,360 to -180,180. I used the function lonFlip to change longitude but it has wrong values. When I use printVarSummary the coordinate looks fine but when I print it out (print) it doesn’t change LON (the file that I am using is GPCP monthly mean precipitation from NCAR) How can I get correct LON (-180,180)?

Thank you in advance,

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"


; Open the file:

  diri    = "/Users/spark/vertical/00_DATA/"
  fili    = "precipmonmean.nc"
  f       = addfile (diri+fili+".nc", "r")
  varname = "precip"
  data = f->$varname$

  LON1     = f->lon ;({-180:180})  ;
  LAT     = f->lat ;({-90:90})  ;
  LON     = lonFlip(LON1)


Variable: LON
Type: float
Total Size: 576 bytes
            144 values
Number of Dimensions: 1
Dimensions and sizes:	[lon | 144]
            lon: [-178.75..178.75]
Number Of Attributes: 6
  units :	degrees_east
  long_name :	Longitude
  actual_range :	( 1.25, 358.75 )
  standard_name :	longitude
  axis :	X
  lonFlip :	longitude coordinate variable has been reordered via lonFlip

(0)	181.25
(1)	183.75
(2)	186.25
(3)	188.75
(4)	191.25
(5)	193.75
(6)	196.25
(7)	198.75
(8)	201.25
(9)	203.75
(10)	206.25
(135)	158.75
(136)	161.25
(137)	163.75
(138)	166.25
(139)	168.75
(140)	171.25
(141)	173.75
(142)	176.25
(143)	178.75

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