[ncl-talk] gsnXYFillColors with 2 Y axes

Mary Haley haley at ucar.edu
Tue Feb 3 09:16:52 MST 2015


Sorry about the delay in response.  I usually try to get to graphics
questions much quicker than this.

The error is telling you that one of the input X,Y arrays must be 2D
(usually this is the Y array) and the other must be 1D (usually the X

What the code does with the 2D Y array is that each leftmost element of Y
represents a single curve, and then each color that you specific in
gsnXYFillColors will represent the color between curves (you will then need
to specify one fewer color than you have curves).

I've attached a very simple example, which I copied from example
"newcolor_16.ncl" at:


For the first frame, this example creates four curves, and fills between
each curve.

For the second frame, the same plot is drawn, but the fill is done with 0.5


On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 11:17 PM, Vandhna Nair <n.vandhna at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am trying to plot 4 curves (station observations), with their model
> simulated ranges (min, max) as filled areas using gsnXYFillColors.
> I get the 4 curves and everything else just fine using the script below
> (ignore highlighted part for now).
> ; ***********************************************
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
> ; ***********************************************
> p1 = asciiread("Station_Suva_pr.csv",(/12,1/),"float")
> p2 = asciiread("Station_Nadi_pr.csv",(/12,1/),"float")
> p3 = asciiread("Suva_mod_pr.csv",(/12,2/),"float")
> p4 = asciiread("Nadi_mod_pr.csv",(/12,2/),"float")
> t1 = asciiread("Station_Suva_tm.csv",(/12,1/),"float")
> t2 = asciiread("Station_Nadi_tm.csv",(/12,1/),"float")
> t3 = asciiread("Suva_mod_tm.csv",(/12,2/),"float")
> t4 = asciiread("Nadi_mod_tm.csv",(/12,2/),"float")
> lp1 = p3(:,0)
> lp2 = p3(:,1)
> lp3 = p4(:,0)
> lp4 = p4(:,1)
> lt1 = t3(:,0)
> lt2 = t3(:,1)
> lt3 = t4(:,0)
> lt4 = t4(:,1)
> ; ***********************************************
> ; create new date array for use on the plot
> ; ***********************************************
>   date  = ispan(0,11,1) + 1
>   print(date)
>   monthnames = (/"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr" \
>             ,"May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug"         \
>             ,"Sep", "Oct", "Nov"      \
>             ,"Dec" /)
>  ;**********************************************************
> ; to plot multiple lines (shading), you must put them into
> ; a mulidimensional array
> ;**********************************************************
> data = new((/2,12/),float)
> data(0,:) = p3(:,0)
> data(1,:) = p3(:,1)
> data1 = new((/2,12/),float)
> data1(0,:) = p4(:,0)
> data1(1,:) = p4(:,1)
> data2 = new((/2,12/),float)
> data2(0,:) = t3(:,0)
> data2(1,:) = t3(:,1)
> data3 = new((/2,12/),float)
> data3(0,:) = t4(:,0)
> data3(1,:) = t4(:,1)
> ;***************************
> ; plot parameters
> ;***************************
> wks = gsn_open_wks("eps","Suva_Nadi_cmp") ; Open an X11 workstation.
> resL = True
> resR = True
> resL at gsnXYBarChart         = True            ; create bar chart
> resL at gsnDraw            = False               ; don't draw
> resL at gsnFrame = False                        ; don't advance frame yet
> ;Change aspect ratio of plot
>  resL at vpHeightF= 0.38
>  resL at vpWidthF = 0.7
> ; Set min/max values for y axes
>  resL at trYMinF = 0
>  resL at trYMaxF = 600
>  resR at trYMinF = 16
>  resR at trYMaxF = 30
>  resL at vpXF     = 0.15
> ; Define new markers
>   mstring = "y"
>   fontnum = 35
>   xoffset = 0.0
>   yoffset = 0.0
>   ratio   = 1.0
>   size    = 1.0
>   angle   = 0.0
>   Pr_index = NhlNewMarker(wks, mstring, fontnum, xoffset, yoffset, ratio,
> size, angle)
>   mstring1 = "u"
>   fontnum1 = 34
>   xoffset1 = 0.0
>   yoffset1 = 0.0
>   ratio1   = 1.0
>   size1    = 1.0
>   angle1   = 0.0
>   Tm_index = NhlNewMarker(wks, mstring1, fontnum1, xoffset1, yoffset1,
> ratio1, size1, angle1)
> ; resources for "left" variable
>   resL at xyLineColor            = "-1"
>   resL at xyLineThicknesses      = 3.
>   resL at tiYAxisString = "Precipitation (mm)"
>   resL at tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.0198
> ; resources for "right" variable
>   resR at xyLineColor            = "limegreen"
>   resR at xyLineThicknesses      = 3.
>   resR at tiYAxisString = "Temperature (~S~o~N~C)"
>   resR at tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.0198
>   resL at tiMainString    = "Suva and Nadi Climatologies~C~Precipitation and
> Temperature"
>   resL at tiMainOffsetYF  = 0.01
>   resL at tiMainFontHeightF = 0.0240
>   resL at tiMainFontThicknessF = 3.0
> ; Marker resources
>   mres = True
>   mres at gsMarkerIndex = Tm_index
>   mres at gsMarkerSizeF = 18.0
>   mres at gsMarkerColor = (/"limegreen"/)
>   mres1 = True
>   mres1 at gsMarkerIndex = Tm_index
>   mres1 at gsMarkerSizeF = 18.0
>   mres1 at gsMarkerColor = (/"tomato2"/)
>   mres2 = True
>   mres2 at gsMarkerIndex = Pr_index
>   mres2 at gsMarkerSizeF = 10.0
>   mres2 at gsMarkerColor = (/"limegreen"/)
>   mres3 = True
>   mres3 at gsMarkerIndex = Pr_index
>   mres3 at gsMarkerSizeF = 10.0
>   mres3 at gsMarkerColor = (/"tomato2"/)
> ; Polyline resources
>   pres                  = True
>   pres at gsLineThicknessF = 3.0
>   pres at gsLineColor = "limegreen"
>   pres1                  = True
>   pres1 at gsLineThicknessF = 3.0
>   pres1 at gsLineColor = "tomato2"
>  ;Formatting axis labels
>   resR at tmYRFormat = "f"                           ; remove decimal values
> from right Y-axis label
>   resR at tmXBMode        = "Explicit"
>   resR at tmXBValues      = (/16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30/)
>   resL at tmXBMode          = "Explicit"              ; explicit labels
>   resL at tmXBValues        = date                    ; location of labels
>   resL at tmXBLabels        = monthnames              ; labels themselves
>   resL at gsnYRefLine           = 0.0               ; create a reference line
>   plot = gsn_csm_xy2(wks,date,p1(:,0),t1(:,0),resL,resR)
>   gsn_polymarker(wks,plot at xy2,date,t1(:,0),mres)
>   gsn_polyline(wks,plot at xy2,date,t2(:,0),pres1)
>   gsn_polymarker(wks,plot at xy2,date,t2(:,0),mres1)
>   gsn_polyline(wks,plot,date,p1(:,0),pres)
>   gsn_polymarker(wks,plot,date,p1(:,0),mres2)
>   gsn_polyline(wks,plot,date,p2(:,0),pres1)
>   gsn_polymarker(wks,plot,date,p2(:,0),mres3)
> ; Create a plot with the area between min and max simulations filled in
> pink/blue
>  print(data)
>  print(data1)
>  print(data2)
>  print(data3)
>  ; 1st shading
>   delete(resL at xyLineColors)
>   resL at gsnXYFillColors = "lightpink"
>   resL at xyLineColor = "-1"
>   plot1  = gsn_csm_xy(wks,date,data,resL)
>  ; 2nd shading
>  resL at gsnXYFillColors = "lightskyblue"
>  resL at xyLineColor = "-1"
>  plot2  = gsn_csm_xy(wks,date,data1,resL)
>  ; 3rd shading
>  delete(resR at xyLineColors)
>  resR at gsnXYFillColors = "lightpink"
>  resR at xyLineColor = "-1"
>  plot3  = gsn_csm_xy(wks,date,data2,resR)
>  ; 4th shading
>  resR at gsnXYFillColors = "lightskyblue"
>  resR at xyLineColor = "-1"
>  plot4  = gsn_csm_xy(wks,date,data3,resR)
>  overlay(plot,plot1)
>  overlay(plot,plot2)
>  overlay(plot,plot3)
>  overlay(plot,plot4)
>  ;***********************
>  ; Manually add legend
>  ;***********************
>  ; Polylines and polymarkers
>   gsres             = True
>   gsres at gsLineColor = "limegreen"
>   gsres at gsLineThicknessF = 3.0
>   gsres at gsMarkerIndex = Pr_index
>   gsres at gsMarkerColor = "limegreen"
>   gsres at gsMarkerSizeF = 10
>   gsn_polyline_ndc(wks,(/0.2,0.3/),(/0.31,0.31/),gsres)
>   gsn_polymarker_ndc(wks,0.25,0.31,gsres)
>   gsres1             = True
>   gsres1 at gsLineColor = "limegreen"
>   gsres1 at gsLineThicknessF = 3.0
>   gsres1 at gsMarkerIndex = Tm_index
>   gsres1 at gsMarkerColor = "limegreen"
>   gsres1 at gsMarkerSizeF = 18
>   gsn_polyline_ndc(wks,(/0.2,0.3/),(/0.28,0.28/),gsres1)
>   gsn_polymarker_ndc(wks,0.25,0.28,gsres1)
>   gsres2             = True
>   gsres2 at gsLineColor = "tomato2"
>   gsres2 at gsLineThicknessF = 3.0
>   gsres2 at gsMarkerIndex = Pr_index
>   gsres2 at gsMarkerColor = "tomato2"
>   gsres2 at gsMarkerSizeF = 10
>   gsn_polyline_ndc(wks,(/0.55,0.65/),(/0.31,0.31/),gsres2)
>   gsn_polymarker_ndc(wks,0.60,0.31,gsres2)
>   gsres3             = True
>   gsres3 at gsLineColor = "tomato2"
>   gsres3 at gsLineThicknessF = 3.0
>   gsres3 at gsMarkerIndex = Tm_index
>   gsres3 at gsMarkerColor = "tomato2"
>   gsres3 at gsMarkerSizeF = 18
>   gsn_polyline_ndc(wks,(/0.55,0.65/),(/0.28,0.28/),gsres3)
>   gsn_polymarker_ndc(wks,0.60,0.28,gsres3)
>  ; Text
>   txres = True
>   txres at txFontHeightF = 0.017
>   gsn_text_ndc(wks,"Suva precipitation",0.41,0.31,txres)
>   gsn_text_ndc(wks,"Suva temperature",0.41,0.28,txres)
>   gsn_text_ndc(wks,"Nadi precipitation",0.76,0.31,txres)
>   gsn_text_ndc(wks,"Nadi temperature",0.76,0.28,txres)
>   draw(plot)                                     ; now draw
>   frame(wks)                                   ; now advance frame
> ;end
> However, when I add the highlighted part to my script, I get "fill_bw_xy:
> Error: If filling between two curves, one set must be 2D, and the other
> 1D". Also, the plot generated looks very strange - completely destroys my
> existing plot. Perhaps I am making some trivial mistake as I am using
> overlay and gsnXYFillColors with 2Y axes for the first time.
> Any help would be highly appreciated.
> Attached are:
> 1. Working plot, without gsnXYFillColors - Suva_Nadi_cmp.eps
> 2. Plot after adding the highlighted bit - Suva_Nadi_cmp2.eps
> 3. One of the 4 data files used in gsnXYFillColors, just incase it's
> needed - Suva_mod_pr.csv
> Thanks,
> Vandhna.
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