[ncl-talk] wrf_cape_3d dimensionality error

Andrea Jenney andrea at atmos.colostate.edu
Fri Aug 28 14:44:27 MDT 2015

Hi all,

I am having a problem with the wrf_cape_3d code. When I run it, I get the following error: 

"If p,q,t,z are 3-dimensional (time x lev x lat x lon), psfc,zsfc must be 2-dimensional (lat x lon)"

However, my p,q,t,and z variables are all 3-D and my psfc, and zsfc, are 2-D (as required). 

I am running NCL Version 6.2.1

Below is a copy of my code:

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
; Read netCDF files and extract variables

  h48_t_file = addfile("/Users/andrea/Documents/gigaLES/data/TWPICE_gigaLES_3D_TABS_0000086400.nc","r")
  h48_q_file = addfile("/Users/andrea/Documents/gigaLES/data/TWPICE_gigaLES_3D_QV_0000086400.nc","r")

  h48_t = rm_single_dims(h48_t_file->TABS)      ; Read in variables and remove
  h48_q = rm_single_dims(h48_q_file->QV)        ; singleton time dimension

  p = h48_t_file->pres
  x = h48_t_file->x
  y = h48_t_file->y
  z = h48_t_file->z
; Moisture is in specific humidity. Need to convert to mixing ratio
;   r = q / (1 - q)
  h48_r = h48_q                 ; Copy metadata

  h48_q_mask = h48_q		; Copy metadata
  h48_q_mask at _FillValue = 0.0   ; Set FillValue to 0 to minimize computational problems with CAPE function
  h48_q_mask = mask(h48_q,h48_q.eq.1,False)     ; Mask values of 1 to avoid dividing by zero

  h48_r = (/ h48_q / (1 - h48_q_mask) /)        ; Do math on values only
; NCL CAPE function requires two additional values, which we define here
; 1. Surface height
     zsf = 0.0
; 2. Surface pressures
     psf = 1013.25
; Scalar values need to be conformed to a grid in order to be used by the function
; First, the surface height and pressure become 2D

  ny = dimsizes(h48_t(:,0,0))           ; Find size of each dimension
  nx = dimsizes(h48_t(0,:,0))
  nz = dimsizes(h48_t(0,0,:))

  zsf_grid1 = conform_dims( (/ny,nx,1/) , zsf , 2 )
  psf_grid1 = conform_dims( (/ny,nx,1/) , psf , 2 )

; Remove the singleton dimension

  zsf_grid = rm_single_dims(zsf_grid1)
  psf_grid = rm_single_dims(psf_grid1)

; Second, the pressure and height become 3D

  p_3d = conform_dims( (/ny,nx,nz/) , p , 2 )
  z_3d = conform_dims( (/ny,nx,nz/) , z , 2 )

; Calculate CAPE and CIN using NCL's wrf_cape_3d function

  cape_cin48 = wrf_cape_3d(p_3d,h48_t,h48_r,z_3d,zsf_grid,psf_grid,False)

This is where I run into errors. Doing a printVarSummary on all of the variables used in the wf_cape_3d function gives:

Variable: zsf_grid
Type: float
Total Size: 16777216 bytes
            4194304 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes:	[2048] x [2048]

Variable: psf_grid
Type: float
Total Size: 16777216 bytes
            4194304 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes:	[2048] x [2048]

Variable: p_3d
Type: double
Total Size: 8556380160 bytes
            1069547520 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and sizes:	[2048] x [2048] x [255]

Variable: z_3d
Type: double
Total Size: 8556380160 bytes
            1069547520 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and sizes:	[2048] x [2048] x [255]

Variable: h48_t
Type: float
Total Size: 4278190080 bytes
            1069547520 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and sizes:	[y | 2048] x [x | 2048] x [z | 255]
            y: [  50..204750]
            x: [  50..204750]
            z: [  25..26685.83203]
Number Of Attributes: 1
  time :	  20

Variable: h48_r
Type: float
Total Size: 4278190080 bytes
            1069547520 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and sizes:	[y | 2048] x [x | 2048] x [z | 255]
            y: [  50..204750]
            x: [  50..204750]
            z: [  25..26685.83203]
Number Of Attributes: 2
  _FillValue :	 0
  time :	  20

Thank you!

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