[ncl-talk] Hovmoller 2d lat and 2d lon rectangular grid

Mary Haley haley at ucar.edu
Mon Aug 17 22:44:29 MDT 2015


You are plotting "dhov", which according to your comments is time x
longitude. The error is:

warning:IrTransInitialize: error creating spline approximation for
trYCoordPoints; defaulting to linear

which is referencing the Y coordinate array, and hence the time array, in
your case.

Usually if there's a spline error, it's because the coordinate points are
too irregular. That is, they might be closely spaced in one section of your
data, and then widely spaced in others.  This is very true of time arrays,
if your time array is not constructed properly.

This is a case where you need to look at your data, and in particular, the
"time" array that's attached to dhov.  What does the following report:



On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 10:51 AM, David Adams <dave.k.adams at gmail.com>

> Hi NCLers,
> I have managed to get GOES IR data from curvilinear to rectangular grids.
> Lat and Lon are still 2d, however.   But the code I have for the Hovmoller
> diagrams gives this error.  I am sure I am just not reading the data
> correctly.
> The error, ncl code and ncdump of the file follow:
> thanks,
> Dave
> ----------------------  error
> ------------------------------------------------------
> warning:IrTransInitialize: error creating spline approximation for
> trYCoordPoints; defaulting to linear
> fatal:ContourPlotDraw: draw error
> fatal:ContourPlotDraw: draw error
> fatal:PlotManagerDraw: error in plot draw
> fatal:_NhlPlotManagerDraw: Draw error
> ------------------------  NCL Code Snippet
> -----------------------------------------------
> diri = "./"
>    fili = systemfunc("ls goes1*.nc")
>    print(fili)
>    nfili= dimsizes(fili)
>    print("nfili="+nfili)
>    f    = addfiles(diri+fili,"r")
>    d    = f[:]->data              ; float data(time, yc, xc)  ; data:type
> = "IR" ;
>    d at _FillValue = 330
>    lat = f[:]->lat
>    lon = f[:]->lon
>    time= f[:]->time
>    nl     = 600
>    dhov = d(:,nl,:)    ; (time,longitude)  ; <== plot
> ; Fix the variable so it has recognizable missing data
> ;*********************************
>    lat2d  = f[:]->lat
>    lon2d  =  f[:]->lon
>    d at lat2d = lat2d        ; (yc, xc)
>    d at lon2d = lon2d
>  crTime  = f[:]->crTime     ; assorted info
>    crDate  = f[:]->crDate
>    lineRes = f[:]->lineRes
>    elemRes = f[:]->elemRes
> ;*********************************
> ; create plot
> ;*********************************
>    fNameBase = str_get_field(fili,1,".") + str_get_field(fili,2,".")
>   ;pltName = fNameBase
>    pltName = "goes_4"
>    pltType = "pdf"                              ; "ps", "eps", "pdf",
> "png","x11"
>    pltDir  = "./"
>    wks = gsn_open_wks(pltType, pltDir+pltName)
>    gsn_define_colormap(wks,"BlAqGrYeOrReVi200"); specify a color map
>    res                     = True
>    res at cnFillOn            = True            ; turn on color
>   res at cnFillMode          = "RasterFill"    ; cell mode
>    res at cnLinesOn           = False           ; Turn off contour line
> ;   Create longitude labels on the x-axis
>    res at gsnSpreadColors     = True            ; use full colormap
>    res at gsnAddCyclic        = False           ; data not cyclic
>    res at gsnMaximize         = True            ; ps, pdf, pdf
>    res at pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always"      ; use NCL default
>    res at lbLabelAutoStride   = True            ; let NCL decide spacing
>    res at cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"  ;"ExplicitLevels"
>    res at cnMinLevelValF       = 180.0                            ; set the
> minimum contour level
>    res at cnMaxLevelValF       = 310.                          ; set the
> maximum contour level
>    res at cnLevelSpacingF      = 5.0                            ; set the
> contour interval
>    res at cnRasterSmoothingOn  = True
>    res at lbLabelStride        = 5.0             ; every other label bar
> label
>   plot = gsn_csm_contour(wks,dhov(:,:), res)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> netcdf goes13_4_2013_210_2002_1byte_rect {
> dimensions:
>     xc = 2720 ;
>     yc = 1301 ;
>     time = 1 ;
>     auditCount = 2 ;
>     auditSize = 80 ;
> variables:
>     int version ;
>         version:long_name = "McIDAS area file version" ;
>         int sensorID ;
>         sensorID:long_name = "McIDAS sensor number" ;
>     int imageDate ;
>         imageDate:long_name = "image year and day of year (in ccyyddd
> format)" ;
>     int imageTime ;
>         imageTime:long_name = "image time in UTC (hours/minutes/seconds,
> in HHMMSS format)" ;
>     int startLine ;
>         startLine:long_name = "starting image line (in satellite
> coordinates)" ;
>     int startElem ;
>         startElem:long_name = "starting image element (in satellite
> coordinates)" ;
>     int time(time) ;
>         time:long_name = "seconds since 1970-1-1 0:0:0" ;
>         time:units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 0:0:0" ;
>     int dataWidth ;
>         dataWidth:long_name = "number of 8-bit bytes per source data
> point" ;
>     int lineRes ;
>         lineRes:long_name = "resolution of each pixel in line direction" ;
>         lineRes:units = "km" ;
>     int elemRes ;
>         elemRes:long_name = "resolution of each pixel in element
> direction" ;
>         elemRes:units = "km" ;
>     int prefixSize ;
>         prefixSize:long_name = "line prefix size in 8-bit bytes" ;
>     int crDate ;
>         crDate:long_name = "image creation year and day of year in ccyyddd
> format" ;
>     int crTime ;
>         crTime:long_name = "image creation time in UTC in hhmmss format" ;
>     int bands ;
>         bands:long_name = "satellite channel number" ;
>     char auditTrail(auditCount, auditSize) ;
>         auditTrail:long_name = "audit trail" ;
>     float data(time, yc, xc) ;
>         data:long_name = "Temperature" ;
>         data:type = "VISR" ;
>         data:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
>         data:units = "K" ;
>     float lat(yc, xc) ;
>         lat:long_name = "lat" ;
>         lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
>     float lon(yc, xc) ;
>         lon:long_name = "lon" ;
>         lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
> // global attributes:
>         :Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;
>         :Source = "McIDAS Area File" ;
>         :Satellite\ Sensor = "G-13 IMG    " ;
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