[ncl-talk] large data issue

lzl lzl at gate.sinica.edu.tw
Sun Apr 5 20:12:46 MDT 2015

I am trying to use "bsub" for dealing with the large data.
However, I can't figure out what's the problem when it showed this error message. Here is how I used it:
  bsub < batch_ncl_NewGW.csh

--- the content in this batch_ncl_NewGW.csh file is below :

#BSUB -Is               # interactive job
#BSUB -q geyser         # queue
#BSUB -P P93300042       # project code
#BSUB -W 12:00          # wall-clock time (hrs:mins)
#BSUB -n 1              # number of tasks in job
#BSUB -J myjob          # job name
#BSUB -o myjob.%J.out   # output file name in which %J is replaced by the job ID
#BSUB -e myjob.%J.err   # error file name in which %J is replaced by the job ID
#start the application
ncl idlbatch_ncl > lognclpdf
(2) then, the content in this idlbatch_ncl just has 2 lines:
     ncl btau_nudge_65wave.ncl


(3)then the "btau_nudge_65wave.ncl" is my ncl program. 

(4) the error message is just one line: 
^[]0;tzuling at geyser10:NCLplot^G[tzuling at geyser10 NCLplot]$

Please help me to deal with the large data in ncl.
Thank you very much for your help.


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