[ncl-talk] Running correlation giving same value for all the different years

Ipshita Majhi ipmajhi at alaska.edu
Wed Oct 29 15:13:40 MDT 2014

Dear all,

I want to calculate running correlation for All India Rainfall and I am not
able to use run_cor because the time dimension does not make sense for me.
I wrote a loop but I get the same value for all the period. There is no
error in the code output. I am not sure where i am going wrong. It will be
great if someone can help

;This is to get a 15 and 20 year running correlation for JJAS

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/contrib/run_cor.ncl"

ncol = 12

;Reading in the data from 1871 to 2012

ncol, "integer",2)

;Extracting Indian summer monsoon months




;This is running correlation for 15 years

  yrStrt  = 1871
  yrLast  = 2012

  nmos    = 12
  nyrs    = yrLast-yrStrt+1
  n_15 = nyrs/15


    do nyr=0,(15*n_15)-1,15
     nyrStrt = nyr         ; clarity
     nyrLast = nyrStrt+14
     running_correlation_15(nyr/15) = escorc(years,JJAS_avg )

  end do
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