[ncl-talk] Mixed Layer Depth

Giorgio Graffino giorgio.graffino at alice.it
Mon Nov 10 08:32:28 MST 2014

Dear NCL Users,
I'm trying to use the built-in function mixed_layer_depth 
in my code (see .ncl attachment) to compute Water Mass Formation rate in 
the Gulf of Lion, but result doesn't convince me (too large depths!!).
Unfortunately, there's not so much documentation on that function. I 
just found some ncl-talk messages in the archive (such as 
http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Support/talk_archives/2013/3941.html), but 
without finding any exhaustive information.
Is there anyone who can address me to the reference papers used to write 
that function? What is the physical mechanism?
I'm using NCL 6.2.0 on a system
/giorgio at Giorgio-PC:~$ uname -a//
//Linux Giorgio-PC 3.13.0-39-generic #66-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 28 13:30:27 
UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux/
Thanks a lot.
Giorgio Graffino
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load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"

mfs_depths = \      ; MFS vertical grid box centers in meters
(/  1.472,    4.587,    7.944,   11.559,   15.449,   19.633,   24.133,   28.968, \
   34.164,   39.743,   45.733,   52.161,   59.058,   66.456,   74.390,   82.895, \
   92.011,  101.780,  112.247,  123.459,  135.467,  148.325,  162.092,  176.829, \
  192.603,  209.485,  227.548,  246.875,  267.551,  289.666,  313.320,  338.615, \
  365.663,  394.582,  425.499,  458.547,  493.870,  531.621,  571.962,  615.066, \
  661.117,  710.311,  762.857,  818.977,  878.906,  942.896, 1011.211, 1084.136, \
 1161.970, 1245.031, 1333.657, 1428.206, 1529.057, 1636.611, 1751.292, 1873.549, \
;, 2142.711, 2290.645, 2448.210, 2615.993, 2794.607, 2984.700, 3186.948, \
; 3402.060, 3630.780, 3873.883, 4132.178, 4406.510, 4697.753, 5006.818, 5334.648 /)

function whoi_z2p(z : numeric, lat : numeric) 
local PLAT, D, C1, p
;; http:;;ecco2.jpl.nasa.gov/data1/matlab/whoi/pressure.m
;; Computes pressure given the depth at some latitude
;; P=PRESSURE(D,LAT) gives the pressure P (dbars) at a depth D (m)
;; at some latitude LAT (degrees).
;; This probably works best in mid-latitude oceans, if anywhere!
;; Ref: Saunders, "Practical Conversion of Pressure to Depth",
;;      J. Phys. Oceanog., April 1981.
;; Notes: RP (WHOI) 2/Dec/91
;; I copied this directly from the UNESCO algorithms
  Pi = 3.14159
  PLAT = abs(lat*Pi/180)
  D = sin(PLAT)
  C1 = 5.92E-3+(D*D)*5.25E-3
  p = ((1-C1)-sqrt(((1-C1)*(1-C1))-(8.84E-6*z)))/4.42E-6
  return p
;  print(p)

function whoi_pt2t(S : numeric, PT : numeric, PP : numeric)
local Q, x, th, del_th, T, P
;; http:;;ecco2.jpl.nasa.gov/data1/matlab/whoi/insitutemp.m
;; Converts between in-situ and potential temperature
;; x=INSITUTEMP(S,T,P,PR) computes temperature
;; at a reference pressure PR (dbars) corresponding to
;; salinity S (ppt), temperature T (deg C), and pressure
;; P (dbars).
;; if PR is omitted, it is assumed to be zero
PR = PR - P
T = PT


Q = PR*((((-2.1687E-16*T+1.8676E-14)*T-4.6206E-13)*P+ \
    ((2.7759E-12*T-1.1351E-10)*(S-35.0)+ \
    ((-5.4481E-14*T+8.733E-12)*T-6.7795E-10)*T+ \
    1.8741E-8))*P+(-4.2393E-8*T+1.8932E-6)*(S-35.0)+ \

T = T + 0.5*Q
P = P + 0.5*PR
x = PR*((((-2.1687E-16*T+1.8676E-14)*T-4.6206E-13)*P+ \
    ((2.7759E-12*T-1.1351E-10)*(S-35.0)+ \
    ((-5.4481E-14*T+8.733E-12)*T-6.7795E-10)*T+ \
    1.8741E-8))*P+(-4.2393E-8*T+1.8932E-6)*(S-35.0)+ \

T = T + 0.29289322*(x-Q)
Q = 0.58578644*x + 0.121320344*Q
x = PR*((((-2.1687E-16*T+1.8676E-14)*T-4.6206E-13)*P+ \
    ((2.7759E-12*T-1.1351E-10)*(S-35.0)+ \
    ((-5.4481E-14*T+8.733E-12)*T-6.7795E-10)*T+ \
    1.8741E-8))*P+(-4.2393E-8*T+1.8932E-6)*(S-35.0)+ \
T = T + 1.707106781*(x-Q)
Q = 3.414213562*x - 4.121320344*Q
P = P + 0.5*PR 
x = PR*((((-2.1687E-16*T+1.8676E-14)*T-4.6206E-13)*P+ \
    ((2.7759E-12*T-1.1351E-10)*(S-35.0)+ \
    ((-5.4481E-14*T+8.733E-12)*T-6.7795E-10)*T+ \
    1.8741E-8))*P+(-4.2393E-8*T+1.8932E-6)*(S-35.0)+ \
x = T + (x-2.0*Q)/6.0
return x

function vallis_pt2t(S : numeric, PT : numeric, PP : numeric)
local P, PTC, alpha_0, beta_t, cp0, beta_s_star, S0, gamma_star, beta_t_star, T0, PT1, x
;; Vallis G.K., Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, 2006
;; Chapter 1 (Equation of Motion), paragraph 1.7.2 (More Thermodynamics of Liquids - Thermodynamic properties of seawater)
;; Gives the insitu temperature from potential temperature (K) at a reference pressure PR=0, corresponding to salinity S (ppt) and pressure (Pa)
 P = PP*1.E4              ; Pa
; P = PP/10.               ; bar
; print(P)
 PTK = PT + 273.15        ; K
 alpha_0 = 9.738E-4       ; m^3/kg
 beta_t = 1.67E-4         ; K^-1
 cp0 = 3986.              ; J kg^-1 K^-1
 beta_s_star = 1.5E-3     ; psu^-1 
 S0 = 35.                 ; psu
 gamma_star = 1.1E-8      ; Pa^-1
 beta_t_star = 1.E-5      ; K^-2
 T0 = 283.                ; K
 PT1 = PTK - T0           ; K
 x = T0 + (T0*alpha_0*beta_t*P/cp0)*(1 + 0.5*gamma_star*P + \
     (T0*alpha_0*beta_t_star*P/cp0)) + PT1*(1 + \
     (T0*alpha_0*beta_t_star*P/cp0))     ; Eq.(1.154a)
 x = x - 273.15           ; °C
 return x

function whoi_rho(S : numeric, T : numeric, PP : numeric)
local SR, x, V350P, B, P
;; http:;;ecco2.jpl.nasa.gov/data1/matlab/whoi/rho.m
;; density of seawater (kg/m^3)
;; given the salinity S (ppt), in situ temperature T (deg C)
;; and pressure P (dbars).
;; Note: D. Menemenlis (MIT 18 jul 94)
      P = PP/10.
      SR = sqrt(abs(S))
      x = (4.8314E-4 * S + \
          ((-1.6546E-6*T+1.0227E-4)*T-5.72466E-3) * SR + \
          (((5.3875E-9*T-8.2467E-7)*T+7.6438E-5)*T-4.0899E-3)*T+8.24493E-1) \
          *S + ((((6.536332E-9*T-1.120083E-6)*T+1.001685E-4)*T \

      V350P = 1.0/1028.1063
      x = -x*V350P/(1028.1063+x)

      SR = ((((9.1697E-10*T+2.0816E-8)*T-9.9348E-7) * S + \
          (5.2787E-8*T-6.12293E-6)*T+3.47718E-5) *P + \
          (1.91075E-4 * SR + (-1.6078E-6*T-1.0981E-5)*T+2.2838E-3) * \
          S + ((-5.77905E-7*T+1.16092E-4)*T+1.43713E-3)*T-0.1194975) \
          *P + (((-5.3009E-4*T+1.6483E-2)*T+7.944E-2) * SR + \
          ((-6.1670E-5*T+1.09987E-2)*T-0.603459)*T+54.6746) * S + \

      B  = (5.03217E-5*P+3.359406)*P+21582.27
      x = x*(1.0 - P/B) + (V350P+x)*P*SR/(B*(B+SR))
      SR = V350P*(1.0 - P/B)
      x = 1028.106331 + P/B/SR - x / (SR*(SR+x))
  return x

function vallis_rho(S : numeric, PT : numeric, T : numeric, PP : numeric)
local P, PTK, TK, T, alpha_0, cs0, beta_t, beta_s, beta_p, S0, gamma_star, beta_t_star, T0, PT1, alpha, rho
;; Vallis G.K., Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, 2006
;; Chapter 1 (Equation of Motion), Paragraph 1.7.2 (More Thermodynamics of Liquids - Thermodynamic Properties of Seawater)
;; Gives the density from temperature (K) at a reference pressure PR=0, corresponding to salinity S (ppt) and pressure (Pa)
 P = PP*1.E4              ; Pa
; P = PP/10.               ; bar
; print(P)
 PTK = PT + 273.15        ; K
; print(PTK)
 TK = T + 273.15          ; K
; print(T)
 alpha_0 = 9.738E-4       ; m^3/kg
 cs0 = 1490               ; m s^-1
 beta_t = 1.67E-4         ; K^-1
 beta_s = 0.78E-3         ; psu^-1 
 beta_p = 4.39E-10        ; m s^2 kg^-1
 S0 = 35.                 ; psu
 gamma_star = 1.1E-8      ; Pa^-1
 beta_t_star = 1.E-5      ; K^-2
 T0 = 283.                ; K
 PT1 = PTK - T0           ; K
 alpha = alpha_0*(1 + beta_t*(1 + gamma_star*P)*(TK - T0) + \
         0.5*beta_t_star*(TK - T0)*(TK - T0) - beta_s*(S - S0) \
         - beta_p*P)                      ; Eq.(1.148)
; alpha = alpha_0*(1 - (alpha_0*P/(cs0*cs0)) + beta_t*(1 + \
;         gamma_star*P)*PT1 + 0.5*beta_t_star*PT1*PT1 - \
;         beta_s*(S - S0))                ; Eq.(1.155)
 rho = 1/alpha
 return rho

function mfs_rho0(S : numeric, PT : numeric)
local rho00, SR, A, B, C, rho0
;; Taken from Millero F.J. and Poisson A. (1981): International one-atmosphere equation of state of seawater, Deep-Sea Research, 28A, No. 6, pp. 625-629
;; Salinity in ppt, Temperature in °C
 rho00 = 999.842594 + ((((6.536336E-9*PT - \
        1.120083E-6)*PT + 1.001685E-4)*PT \
        - 9.095290E-3)*PT + 6.793952E-2)*PT
 SR = sqrt(abs(S))
 A = 8.244930E-1 + (((5.387500E-9*PT - 8.246700E-7)*PT + 7.643800E-5)*PT - 4.08990E-3)*PT
 B = -5.724660E-3 + (-1.654600E-6*PT + 1.022700E-4)*PT
 C = 4.831400E-4
 rho0 = rho00 + A*S + B*SR*SR*SR + C*S*S
 return rho0 

function mfs_pot_rho(S : numeric, PT : numeric, PP : numeric)
local SR, P, rho00, A, B, C, rho0, K, pot_rho
;; Taken from Jackett D.R. and McDougall T.J. (1995): Minimal adjustment of Hydrographic Profiles to achieve Static Stability, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 12, pp. 381-389
;; Salinity in ppt, Temperature in °C, Pressure in bar
 SR = sqrt(abs(S))
 P = PP/10.               ; bar
; print(P)
; print(PT)
; print(S)
 rho00 = 999.842594 + ((((6.536336E-9*PT - \
        1.120083E-6)*PT + 1.001685E-4)*PT \
        - 9.095290E-3)*PT + 6.793952E-2)*PT
 A = 8.244930E-1 + (((5.387500E-9*PT - 8.246700E-7)*PT + 7.643800E-5)*PT - 4.08990E-3)*PT
 B = -5.724660E-3 + (-1.654600E-6*PT + 1.022700E-4)*PT
 C = 4.831400E-4
 rho0 = rho00 + A*S + B*SR*SR*SR + C*S*S
 K = 1.965933E4 + \
     (((-4.190253E-5*PT + 9.648704E-3)*PT - 1.706103E0)*PT + 1.444304E2)*PT + \
     (((-5.084188E-5*PT + 6.283263E-3)*PT - 3.101089E-1)*PT + 5.284855E1)*S + \
     ((-4.619924E-4*PT + 9.085835E-3)*PT + 3.886640E-1)*SR*SR*SR + \
     ((((6.207323E-10*PT + 6.128773E-8)*PT - 2.040237E-6)*S + (1.394680E-7*PT - 1.202016E-5)*PT + 2.102898E-4)*P + 1.480266E-4*SR*SR*SR + ((2.059331E-7*PT - 1.847318E-4)*PT + 6.704388E-3)*S + ((1.956415E-6*PT - 2.984642E-4)*PT + 2.212276E-2)*PT + 3.186519E0)*P
 pot_rho = rho0/(1 - (P/K))
 return pot_rho

function mfs_ins_rho(S : numeric, T : numeric, PP : numeric, rho0 : numeric)
local SR, K, ins_rho
;; Taken from Jackett D.R. and McDougall T.J. (1995): Minimal adjustment of Hydrographic Profiles to achieve Static Stability, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 12, pp. 381-389
;; Salinity in ppt, Temperature in °C, Pressure in bar
;; CHECK VALUE S=35 psu, P=0 bar, T=5°C, ro=1027.67547 kg/m3, K=22185.93358 bar
;; CHECK VALUE S=35 psu, P=1000 bar, T=5°C, ro=1069.48914 kg/m3, K=25577.49819 bar 
 SR = sqrt(abs(S))
 P = PP/10.               ; bar
 K = 1.965221E4 + \
     (((-5.155288E-5*T + 1.360477E-2)*T - 2.327105E0)*T + 1.484206E2)*T + \
     (((-6.167000E-5*T + 1.099870E-2)*T - 0.603459E0)*T + 5.467460E1)*S + \
     ((-4.619924E-4*T + 9.085835E-3)*T + 3.886640E-1)*SR*SR*SR + \
     ((((9.169700E-10*T + 2.081600E-8)*T - 9.934800E-7)*S + (5.278700E-8*T - 6.122930E-6)*T + 8.509350E-5)*P + 1.910750-4*SR*SR*SR + ((-1.607800E-6*T - 1.098100E-5)*T + 2.283800E-3)*S + ((-5.779050E-7*T + 1.160920E-4)*T + 1.437130E-3)*T + 3.239908E0)*P
 ins_rho = rho0/(1 - (P/K))
 return ins_rho

function ml_depth(pot_density : numeric, kmt : numeric, ht : numeric, depth : numeric)
;; Compute Mixed Layer Depth (see www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Functions/Built-in/mixed_layer_depth.shtml), 
;; using offset value by Levitus (1982), Climatological Atlas of the World Ocean, NOAA Professional Paper 13.
local offset, MLDepth
offset = 0.125     
MLDepth = mixed_layer_depth(pot_density,kmt,ht,depth,offset)
return MLDepth

function whoi_ssp(S,T,DD : numeric)
local P, P0, SR, B, B0, B1, A, A0, A1, A2, A3, C, C0, C1, C2, C3, ssp, D
;; http:;;ecco2.jpl.nasa.gov/data1/matlab/whoi/soundspeed.m
;; SOUNDSPEED(S,T,P,'chen') returns the sound speed (m/sec) given
;; given vectors of salinity (ppt), temperature (deg C), and
;; PRESSURE (dbar) using the Chen and Millero equation:
;; Chen and Millero, "The Sound Speed in Seawater", J. Acoust.
;; Soc. Am. 62 (1977), 1129-1135
      D = DD
      P0 = D
;; This is copied directly from the UNESCO algorithmms, with some minor changes (like adding
;; ";" and changing "*" to ".*") for Matlab.

;; CHECKVALUE: SVEL=1731.995 M/S, S=40 (IPSS-78),T=40 DEG C,P=10000 DBAR

      P = P0/10.
      SR = sqrt(abs(S))
;; S**2 TERM
      D = 1.727E-3 - 7.9836E-6*P
;; S**3/2 TERM
      B1 = 7.3637E-5 +1.7945E-7*T
      B0 = -1.922E-2 -4.42E-5*T
      B = B0 + B1*P
;; S**1 TERM
      A3 = (-3.389E-13*T+6.649E-12)*T+1.100E-10
      A2 = ((7.988E-12*T-1.6002E-10)*T+9.1041E-9)*T-3.9064E-7
      A1 = (((-2.0122E-10*T+1.0507E-8)*T-6.4885E-8)*T-1.2580E-5)*T+9.4742E-5
      A0 = (((-3.21E-8*T+2.006E-6)*T+7.164E-5)*T-1.262E-2)*T+1.389
      A = ((A3*P+A2)*P+A1)*P+A0
;; S**0 TERM
      C3 = (-2.3643E-12*T+3.8504E-10)*T-9.7729E-9
      C2 = (((1.0405E-12*T-2.5335E-10)*T+2.5974E-8)*T-1.7107E-6)*T +3.1260E-5
      C1 = (((-6.1185E-10*T+1.3621E-7)*T-8.1788E-6)*T+6.8982E-4)*T +0.153563
      C0 = ((((3.1464E-9*T-1.47800E-6)*T+3.3420E-4)*T-5.80852E-2)*T+5.03711)*T+1402.388
      C = ((C3*P+C2)*P+C1)*P+C0
      ssp = C + (A+B*SR+D*S)*S
  return ssp

function sw_adtg(S,T,P :numeric)
;; SW_ADTG    Adiabatic temperature gradient
local a0,a1,a2,a3,b0,b1,c0,c1,c2,c3,d0,d1,e0,e1,e2
a0 =  3.5803E-5
a1 =  8.5258E-6
a2 = -6.836E-8
a3 =  6.6228E-10

b0 =  1.8932E-6
b1 = -4.2393E-8

c0 =  1.8741E-8
c1 = -6.7795E-10
c2 =  8.733E-12
c3 = -5.4481E-14

d0 = -1.1351E-10
d1 =  2.7759E-12

e0 = -4.6206E-13
e1 =  1.8676E-14
e2 = -2.1687E-16

return a0 + (a1 + (a2 + a3*T)*T)*T  \
         + (b0 + b1*T)*(S-35)  \
	 + ( (c0 + (c1 + (c2 + c3*T)*T)*T) + (d0 + d1*T)*(S-35) )*P  \
         + (  e0 + (e1 + e2*T)*T )*P*P

function sw_pt2t(S, T, P : numeric)
;; ftp:;;ftp.marine.csiro.au/pub/morgan/seawater/ver2_0_1/
local del_p, del_th, th, q, f
del_P  = P
del_th = del_P*sw_adtg(S,T,P)
th     = T + 0.5*del_th
q      = del_th

;; theta2
del_th = del_P*sw_adtg(S,th,P+0.5*del_P)
f = sqrt(2)
f = 1 - 1/f
th     = th + f * (del_th - q)
q      = (2-sqrt(2))*del_th + (-2+3/sqrt(2))*q

;; theta3
del_th = del_P*sw_adtg(S,th,P+0.5*del_P)
th     = th + (1 + 1/sqrt(2))*(del_th - q)
q      = (2 + sqrt(2))*del_th + (-2-3/sqrt(2))*q

;; theta4
del_th = del_P*sw_adtg(S,th,P+del_P)
return th + (del_th - 2*q)/6

;plot_depths = (/50, 500, 1000, 1800/)
;mfs_press = whoi_z2p(mfs_depths, my_lat)
;plot_press = whoi_z2p(plot_depths, my_lat)
;mfs_press0 = new(mfs_depths, double)
;mfs_press0 = 0.

function mfs_ro_profile(PT,S :numeric)
local t
;  t = whoi_pt2t(S,PT,mfs_press)
;  return whoi_rho(S,t,mfs_press)
  t = whoi_pt2t(S,PT,mfs_press0)
  return whoi_rho(S,t,mfs_press0)

function mfs_ss_profile(PT,S :numeric)
local t
;  t = whoi_pt2t(S,PT,mfs_press)
;  ro = whoi_rho(S,t,mfs_press)
  t = whoi_pt2t(S,PT,plot_press)
  ro = whoi_rho(S,t,plot_press)
  return whoi_ssp(S,t,ro)

 dir = "/media/giorgio/Acer/Users/Giorgio/Desktop/Universita/TESI_MAGISTRALE/NetCDF/"
; dir = "/media/giorgio/Volume/Tesi_Giorgio/"

; YEAR = (/"2004", "2005"/)
; event = "2004-2005"
 YEAR = (/"2004"/)
 year = (/"1987", "1988", "1989", "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012"/)
 nyear = dimsizes(year)
 N = nyear-1

 mon = (/"01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12"/)
 Month = (/"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"/)
 nmonth = dimsizes(mon)
 M = nmonth-1

 nday = 31
 D = nyear*nmonth
 Time = fspan(stringtofloat(year(0)),(stringtofloat(year(N))+1),D)
 Time_Year = fspan(stringtofloat(year(0))+0.5,(stringtofloat(year(N)))+0.5,nyear)
 dims = (/2,1/)

if (nyear.eq.1)
 filename = year + "_LioYearRATE"
 filename = "LioYearRATE"
end if 

 type = "x11"
 wks = gsn_open_wks(type,filename)


;; Compute properties used in Mixed Layer Depth computation and Water Volume
 dummy = addfile(dir + "TEMP/2004/20040101LioDailyTEMP.nc","r")
 temp = dummy->votemper(0,:,{38:44},{0:10})
 temp!0 = "lev"
 temp!1 = "lat"
 temp!2 = "lon"
 ntemp = dimsizes(temp)
 nlev = ntemp(0)
 nlat = ntemp(1)
 nlon = ntemp(2)
 kmt = new((/nlat,nlon/),integer)
 ht  = new((/nlat,nlon/),float)
 HydroPres = depth_to_pres(temp&lev,False)*10.       ; Pressure in dbar
 MaxDepth = closest_val(200,HydroPres)
 lat_min = closest_val(38,temp&lat)
 lat_max = closest_val(44,temp&lat)
 lon_min = closest_val(0,temp&lon)
 lon_max = closest_val(10,temp&lon) 
do i = 0, nlat-1     ; Loop on latitudes
do j = 0, nlon-1     ; Loop on longitudes
	kmt(i,j) = closest_val(MaxDepth,HydroPres)
	ht(i,j)  = HydroPres(MaxDepth)
end do
end do
 mfs_structure = addfile("/home/giorgio/Documenti/MEDmeshmask_SYS4a4_SYS4b2_T.nc","r")
 DeltaXY = doubletofloat(mfs_structure->e3t(0,0,0,0))
 DeltaZ = new((/nday,nlev,nlat,nlon/),float,temp at _FillValue)
 Pressure = new((/nday,nlev,nlat,nlon/),float,temp at _FillValue)
do i = 0, nday-1     ; Loop on days
 	DeltaZ(i,0:MaxDepth,:,:) = doubletofloat(mfs_structure->e3t(0,0:MaxDepth,lat_min:lat_max,lon_min:lon_max))
do j = 0, nlon-1
do k = 0, nlev-1
	Pressure(i,k,:,j) = whoi_z2p(temp&lev(k),temp&lat)
end do
end do
end do  

; print(DeltaZ(0,:,0,0))
; print(Pressure(0,:,0,0))

 header = (/"Water Mass Formation in the Gulf of Lion area (38°N-44°N, 0°E-10°E)", \
            "Date - ML Depth (m) - WMF Volume (m^3) - WMF Rate (Sv)"/)
 hlist = [/header/]
; write_table(filename+".txt","w",hlist,"%s")

 i = 0
 j = 0
 k = 0
;do i = 0, N               ; Loop on years
;if (toint(mon(i)).ge.toint("07")) then
; 	year = YEAR(0)
;	year = YEAR(1)
;end if
;do j = 0, M               ; Loop on months
 all_temp = systemfunc("ls " + dir + "TEMP/" + YEAR + "/" + YEAR + mon(j) + "*LioDailyTEMP.nc")
 all_salt = systemfunc("ls " + dir + "SALT/" + YEAR + "/" + YEAR + mon(j) + "*LioDailySALT.nc")
 temp_files = addfiles(all_temp,"r")
 salt_files = addfiles(all_salt,"r")
 ListSetType(temp_files,"join")  ; Choose how files are combined 
 ListSetType(salt_files,"join")  ; Choose how files are combined 

 temp = temp_files[:]->votemper(:,0,:,{38:44},{0:10})
 salt = salt_files[:]->vosaline(:,0,:,{38:44},{0:10})
 temp!0 = "time"
 temp!1 = "lev"
 temp!2 = "lat"
 temp!3 = "lon"
 salt!0 = "time"
 salt!1 = "lev"
 salt!2 = "lat"
 salt!3 = "lon"
 ntemp = dimsizes(temp)
 ntime = ntemp(0)
 nlev  = ntemp(1)
 nlat  = ntemp(2)
 nlon  = ntemp(3)

 date = year(i) + mon(j)

; print(temp&lev)
; printVarSummary(salt)

; insitu = new((/ntime,nlev,nlat,nlon/),float,temp at _FillValue)
 density = new((/ntime,nlev,nlat,nlon/),float,temp at _FillValue)
 MLDepth = new((/ntime,nlat,nlon/),float,temp at _FillValue)
 MLDepth_Ind = new((/ntime,nlat,nlon/),integer)
 WMDW = new((/ntime,nlev,nlat,nlon/),float,temp at _FillValue)
;do k = 0, ntime-1         ; Loop on days
; DeltaZ(k,0:MaxDepth,:,:) = doubletofloat(mfs_structure->e3t(0,0:MaxDepth,lat_min:lat_max,lon_min:lon_max))
 density(k,0:MaxDepth,:,:) = whoi_rho(salt(k,0:MaxDepth,:,:),temp(k,0:MaxDepth,:,:),Pressure(k,0:MaxDepth,:,:))     ; WHOI Function
; density(k,0:MaxDepth,:,:) = vallis_rho(salt(k,0:MaxDepth,:,:),temp(k,0:MaxDepth,:,:),Pressure(k,0:MaxDepth,:,:))   ; Vallis Function (??)
; density(k,0:MaxDepth,:,:) = mfs_pot_rho(salt(k,0:MaxDepth,:,:),temp(k,0:MaxDepth,:,:),Pressure(k,0:MaxDepth,:,:))  ; MFS Function
; insitu(k,0:MaxDepth,:,:) = whoi_pt2t(salt(k,0:MaxDepth,:,:),temp(k,0:MaxDepth,:,:),Pressure(k,0:MaxDepth,:,:))
; density(k,0:MaxDepth,:,:) = whoi_rho(salt(k,0:MaxDepth,:,:),insitu(k,0:MaxDepth,:,:),Pressure(k,0:MaxDepth,:,:))
 MLDepth(k,:,:) = ml_depth(density(k,:,:,:),kmt,ht,HydroPres)
do l = 0, nlat-1          ; Loop on latitudes
do m = 0, nlon-1          ; Loop on longitudes
 MLDepth_Ind(k,l,m) = closest_val(MLDepth(k,l,m),HydroPres)
; WMDW(k,0:MLDepth_Ind(k,l,m),l,m) = where((density(k,0:MLDepth_Ind(k,l,m),l,m).ge.1029),(DeltaXY*DeltaZ(k,0:MLDepth_Ind(k,l,m),l,m)),0)
 WMDW(k,0:MLDepth_Ind(k,l,m),l,m) = where(((density(k,0:MLDepth_Ind(k,l,m),l,m).ge.1029).and.(density(k,0:MLDepth_Ind(k,l,m),l,m).le.1029.1)),(DeltaXY*DeltaZ(k,0:MLDepth_Ind(k,l,m),l,m)),0)
end do
end do
;end do

; print(WMDW(0,0:10,:,:))
; print(MLDepth(0,:,:))

 MLDepth_Ave = new(1,float)
 WaterVolume = new(1,float)
 WaterRate   = new(1,float)
 MLDepth_Ave = avg(MLDepth)
 WaterVolume = sum(WMDW)
 WaterRate   = WaterVolume/(ntime*86400)
; print(WaterVolume)
; print(WaterRate)

; write_table(filename+".txt","a",[/date,MLDepth_Ave,WaterVolume,WaterRate/],"%s%16.2f%16.2f%16.2f")

; delete(insitu)
;end do
;end do

 ncol  = 4                     ; Number of columns in the ascii file
 nhead = 2                     ; Number of header lines
 fi = readAsciiTable(filename+".txt",ncol,"float",nhead)

 MLDepth = new(D,float)
 WaterVolume = new(D,float)
 WaterRate = new(D,float)
 Date = fi(:,0)
 MLDepth = fi(:,1)
 WaterVolume = fi(:,2)
 WaterRate   = fi(:,3)

 WaterRate_Year = new(nyear,float)
 WaterRate_Jan = new(nyear,float)
 WaterRate_Feb = new(nyear,float)
 WaterRate_Mar = new(nyear,float)
 WaterRate_Apr = new(nyear,float)
 WaterRate_Dec = new(nyear,float)
do i = 0, N
 I = i*nmonth
 WaterRate_Year(i) = avg(WaterRate(I:(11+I)))
 WaterRate_Jan(i) = WaterRate(I)
 WaterRate_Feb(i) = WaterRate(1+I)
 WaterRate_Mar(i) = WaterRate(2+I)
 WaterRate_Apr(i) = WaterRate(3+I)
 WaterRate_Dec(i) = WaterRate(11+I)
end do
 WaterRate_Jan_Tot = avg(WaterRate_Jan)
 WaterRate_Feb_Tot = avg(WaterRate_Feb)
 WaterRate_Mar_Tot = avg(WaterRate_Mar)
 WaterRate_Apr_Tot = avg(WaterRate_Apr)
 WaterRate_Dec_Tot = avg(WaterRate_Dec)
; print(WaterRate_Year)
; print(WaterRate_Jan_Tot)
; print(WaterRate_Feb_Tot)
; print(WaterRate_Mar_Tot)
; print(WaterRate_Apr_Tot)
; print(WaterRate_Dec_Tot)

 x = ispan(1,5,1)
 y = (/WaterRate_Dec_Tot, WaterRate_Jan_Tot, WaterRate_Feb_Tot, WaterRate_Mar_Tot, WaterRate_Apr_Tot/)
 labels = (/"December", "January", "February", "March", "April"/)
 labels_short = (/"Dec","Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr"/)
 colors = (/"Red","Orange","Yellow","Green","Blue"/)

 WaterVolume_Ave = avg(WaterVolume)                 ; Average on entire time interval
 WaterVolume_STD = (stddev(WaterVolume))/(sqrt(D))  ; STD on entire time interval
 WaterRate_Ave = avg(WaterRate)                     ; Average on entire time interval
 WaterRate_STD = (stddev(WaterRate))/(sqrt(D))      ; STD on entire time interval
 print("WMF Volume = (" + WaterVolume_Ave + " +/- " + WaterVolume_STD + ") m^3")
 print("WMF Rate = (" + WaterRate_Ave + " +/- " + WaterRate_STD + ") Sv")

 res1 = True
 res2 = True
 res3 = True
 res4 = True
 res5 = True
 panel_res = True
; res1 at gsnMaximize = True        ; Maximize plot in frame
 res1 at gsnFrame = False          ; Don't advance frame
 res1 at gsnDraw = False
; res1 at gsnYRefLine = (/STD,Ave,-STD/)
; res1 at gsnYRefLineDashPatterns = (/16,0,16/)
; res1 at gsnYRefLineThicknessF = 1.5
 res1 at vpHeightF = 0.4
 res1 at vpWidthF = 1
; res1 at tiMainString = "WMF Volume"
 res1 at tiXAxisString = "Year"
 res1 at tiYAxisString = "m^3"
 res1 at trXMinF = min(Time)       ; Change limits of x,y axes
 res1 at trXMaxF = max(Time)
 res1 at trYMinF = 0
 res1 at trYMaxF = 5E6
; res1 at tmXBMode = "Manual"
; res1 at tmXBTickStartF = min(Time)
; res1 at tmXBTickEndF = max(Time)
; res1 at tmXBTickSpacingF = 3
 res1 at xyLineThicknessF = 3
 res2 at gsnMaximize = True        ; Maximize plot in frame
 res2 at gsnFrame = False          ; Don't advance frame
 res2 at gsnDraw = False
; res2 at gsnYRefLine = (/STD,Ave,-STD/)
; res2 at gsnYRefLineDashPatterns = (/16,0,16/)
; res2 at gsnYRefLineThicknessF = 1.5
 res2 at vpHeightF = 0.4
 res2 at vpWidthF = 1
 res2 at tiMainString = "Water Mass Formation Rate - Gulf of Lion"
 res2 at tiXAxisString = "Year"
 res2 at tiYAxisString = "Sverdrup"
 res2 at trXMinF = min(Time)       ; Change limits of x,y axes
 res2 at trXMaxF = max(Time)
 res2 at trYMinF = 0
 res2 at trYMaxF = 7
; res2 at tmXBMode = "Manual"
; res2 at tmXBTickStartF = min(Time)
; res2 at tmXBTickEndF = max(Time)
; res2 at tmXBTickSpacingF = 3
 res2 at xyLineThicknessF = 3
 res3 at gsnMaximize = True        ; Maximize plot in frame
 res3 at gsnFrame = False          ; Don't advance frame
 res3 at gsnDraw = False
; res3 at gsnYRefLine = (/STD,Ave,-STD/)
; res3 at gsnYRefLineDashPatterns = (/16,0,16/)
; res3 at gsnYRefLineThicknessF = 1.5
 res3 at vpHeightF = 0.4
 res3 at vpWidthF = 1
 res3 at tiMainString = "Water Mass Formation Rate - Gulf of Lion"
 res3 at tiXAxisString = "Year"
 res3 at tiYAxisString = "Sverdrup"
 res3 at trXMinF = min(Time)       ; Change limits of x,y axes
 res3 at trXMaxF = max(Time)
 res3 at trYMinF = 0
 res3 at trYMaxF = 7
; res3 at tmXBMode = "Manual"
; res3 at tmXBTickStartF = min(Time)
; res3 at tmXBTickEndF = max(Time)
; res3 at tmXBTickSpacingF = 3
 res3 at xyLineThicknessF = 3
 res3 at xyLineColor = "Red"
 res4 at gsnMaximize = True
; res4 at gsnFrame = False                      ; Don't advance frame
 res4 at gsnXYBarChart = True                  ; Turn on bar chart
; res4 at gsnXYBarChartBarWidth = 0.75          ; Change bar widths
 res4 at gsnXYBarChartColors   = colors
 res4 at trYMinF               = 0             ; Bring bars down to zero
; res4 at trYMaxF               = 30      
 res4 at trXMinF               = 0.5
 res4 at trXMaxF               = 5.5
 res4 at tmXBValues = x
 res4 at tmXBLabels = labels_short
 res4 at tmXBMode = "Explicit"
 res4 at tmYMajorGrid = True
 res4 at tmYMajorGridLineDashPattern = 2
 res4 at tmYMajorGridThicknessF = 1
 res4 at tiMainString = "Water Mass Formation Rate - Gulf of Lion"
 res4 at tiXAxisString = "Month"
 res4 at tiYAxisString = "Sverdrup"
 res5 at gsnMaximize = True        ; Maximize plot in frame
; res5 at gsnFrame = False          ; Don't advance frame
; res5 at gsnDraw = False
; res5 at gsnYRefLine = (/STD,Ave,-STD/)
; res5 at gsnYRefLineDashPatterns = (/16,0,16/)
; res5 at gsnYRefLineThicknessF = 1.5
 res5 at vpHeightF = 0.4
 res5 at vpWidthF = 1
 res5 at tiMainString = "Mixed Layer Depth - Gulf of Lion"
 res5 at tiXAxisString = "Year"
 res5 at tiYAxisString = "Meter"
 res5 at trXMinF = min(Time)       ; Change limits of x,y axes
 res5 at trXMaxF = max(Time)
 res5 at trYMinF = 0
 res5 at trYMaxF = 200
; res5 at tmXBMode = "Manual"
; res5 at tmXBTickStartF = min(Time)
; res5 at tmXBTickEndF = max(Time)
; res5 at tmXBTickSpacingF = 3
 res5 at xyLineThicknessF = 3
 panel_res at gsnMaximize = True
 panel_res at gsnPanelFigureStrings = (/"WMF Volume","WMF Rate"/)
 panel_res at txString = "Water Mass Formation - Gulf of Lion"
 panel_res at amJust = "TopRight"

; plot1 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,Time,WaterVolume,res1)
 plot2 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,Time,WaterRate,res2)
 plot3 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,Time_Year,WaterRate_Year,res3)
; gsn_panel(wks,(/plot1,plot2/),dims,panel_res)
 plot4 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,x,y,res4)
 plot5 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,Time,MLDepth,res5)
-------------- next part --------------
Water Mass Formation in the Gulf of Lion area (38°N-44°N, 0°E-10°E)
Date - ML Depth (m) - WMF Volume (m^3) - WMF Rate (Sv)
198701           189.41      13101795.00             4.89
198702           186.25      12052867.00             4.98
198703           174.08      12097265.00             4.52
198704            94.29       3576625.50             1.38
198705            78.27       1235869.62             0.46
198706            63.08        202275.55             0.08
198707            61.04         99049.04             0.04
198708            65.21        232016.55             0.09
198709            77.24        673831.25             0.26
198710           171.27       5369537.50             2.00
198711           188.23       5882958.50             2.27
198712           187.87       6740701.00             2.52
198801           187.29       8632582.00             3.22
198802           188.94      10857333.00             4.33
198803           165.94      10770795.00             4.02
198804            85.33       2107371.00             0.81
198805            61.39         54905.17             0.02
198806            61.65        149010.38             0.06
198807            60.82         78488.63             0.03
198808            71.79        564082.38             0.21
198809           120.55       2786888.00             1.08
198810           172.60       5516314.00             2.06
198811           189.12       6095115.50             2.35
198812           191.20       6744971.00             2.52
198901           187.24       8578201.00             3.20
198902           184.61       8591066.00             3.55
198903           149.27       6973746.50             2.60
198904           141.86       5343248.00             2.06
198905            63.04        215969.89             0.08
198906            59.07         34773.35             0.01
198907            59.81         13294.41             0.00
198908            67.04        362239.88             0.14
198909           129.87       3494199.75             1.35
198910           178.70       6210788.00             2.32
198911           186.98       6681196.00             2.58
198912           186.47       6635051.00             2.48
199001           189.11       8400517.00             3.14
199002           175.42       7250003.50             3.00
199003           150.33       6131139.00             2.29
199004           129.56       4277581.50             1.65
199005            61.65        166690.05             0.06
199006            59.67         32587.24             0.01
199007            61.64        141870.75             0.05
199008            70.33        447226.94             0.17
199009           129.56       3595238.25             1.39
199010           176.41       6638012.50             2.48
199011           189.69       7080681.00             2.73
199012           190.57       8622652.00             3.22
199101           186.79      11711858.00             4.37
199102           179.54      11788306.00             4.87
199103           144.78       7919204.00             2.96
199104           135.92       5671574.50             2.19
199105           101.11       2915937.50             1.09
199106            60.72        100991.35             0.04
199107            58.75         23973.59             0.01
199108            59.85         30948.64             0.01
199109            80.86        988438.12             0.38
199110           179.77       6879236.00             2.57
199111           187.52       6901193.00             2.66
199112           188.17       8165926.00             3.05
199201           188.92      12300287.00             4.59
199202           181.81      11926509.00             4.76
199203           151.86       9162506.00             3.42
199204           120.74       5166695.00             1.99
199205            64.23        316228.72             0.12
199206            60.84          9311.39             0.00
199207            58.44          2098.61             0.00
199208            59.99         10363.10             0.00
199209           115.30       2733559.00             1.05
199210           180.83       6409688.00             2.39
199211           183.81       6483797.00             2.50
199212           188.64       7305758.50             2.73
199301           189.19      10178930.00             3.80
199302           181.66       9871543.00             4.08
199303           139.78       8170791.50             3.05
199304            97.36       3006805.75             1.16
199305            59.88         27609.28             0.01
199306            60.21         84331.60             0.03
199307            67.60        433927.75             0.16
199308            66.79        374049.84             0.14
199309           121.61       3383062.00             1.31
199310           178.15       6800720.50             2.54
199311           185.81       6617387.50             2.55
199312           191.30       7441193.00             2.78
199401           191.15      11617743.00             4.34
199402           183.09      12575499.00             5.20
199403           109.52       5061511.50             1.89
199404           136.41       6677483.50             2.58
199405            61.03         75389.30             0.03
199406            64.70        391280.38             0.15
199407            58.03         15533.44             0.01
199408            61.68        115152.95             0.04
199409           113.84       2953267.25             1.14
199410           171.27       6268003.50             2.34
199411           187.34       6664852.50             2.57
199412           190.81       6925923.50             2.59
199501           190.59      10277948.00             3.84
199502           184.67      11052542.00             4.57
199503           175.33      12179758.00             4.55
199504            97.39       3057162.25             1.18
199505            70.94        847269.44             0.32
199506            61.22        137531.05             0.05
199507            58.01           115.25             0.00
199508            70.45        575910.88             0.22
199509           134.90       4123924.25             1.59
199510           157.20       5393814.50             2.01
199511           189.21       6824311.50             2.63
199512           187.64       7115409.50             2.66
199601           186.16       8336894.00             3.11
199602           189.60      11113126.00             4.44
199603           149.28      10178116.00             3.80
199604            92.70       2866210.25             1.11
199605            64.55        335232.12             0.13
199606            59.99         91066.30             0.04
199607            62.69        247299.05             0.09
199608            69.27        517187.09             0.19
199609           155.68       5368655.00             2.07
199610           181.61       7173799.50             2.68
199611           189.45       7065001.50             2.73
199612           189.50       7898334.50             2.95
199701           186.46      11740264.00             4.38
199702           180.67      11188939.00             4.63
199703           139.14       6990326.50             2.61
199704           117.46       4220203.50             1.63
199705            70.26        704823.69             0.26
199706            60.28         51366.95             0.02
199707            63.74        249061.66             0.09
199708            61.10         97322.47             0.04
199709           108.33       2614929.00             1.01
199710           165.29       6042507.50             2.26
199711           188.45       6902390.00             2.66
199712           190.58       7272518.50             2.72
199801           189.38       9215345.00             3.44
199802           178.01      10429690.00             4.31
199803           154.42       9000917.00             3.36
199804           120.34       5060800.50             1.95
199805            67.66        616200.00             0.23
199806            61.67        201653.00             0.08
199807            62.25        164402.48             0.06
199808            72.50        758275.81             0.28
199809           131.61       4061941.50             1.57
199810           186.10       7294910.50             2.72
199811           190.88       7088617.50             2.73
199812           190.05       9920960.00             3.70
199901           187.31      12023474.00             4.49
199902           188.62      12757853.00             5.27
199903           151.95       9884891.00             3.69
199904           108.18       4214306.50             1.63
199905            60.94        113290.00             0.04
199906            60.79         85171.44             0.03
199907            60.72         74869.75             0.03
199908            62.36         80746.92             0.03
199909            97.95       1947393.38             0.75
199910           171.36       6218328.00             2.32
199911           189.10       6707055.50             2.59
199912           190.42       8328581.00             3.11
200001           190.33      12561036.00             4.69
200002           180.35      11993659.00             4.79
200003           145.13       8619997.00             3.22
200004           112.58       4142637.50             1.60
200005            61.01        105106.93             0.04
200006            60.46         70190.34             0.03
200007            69.90        607194.81             0.23
200008            64.17        227779.48             0.09
200009           119.07       3029975.75             1.17
200010           180.68       6563578.50             2.45
200011           190.26       6518543.50             2.51
200012           190.32       6462098.00             2.41
200101           189.84       8611800.00             3.22
200102           186.42      10760948.00             4.45
200103           137.53       7208090.00             2.69
200104           126.84       5091190.50             1.96
200105            65.49        380149.75             0.14
200106            60.76        111853.84             0.04
200107            60.71        109002.19             0.04
200108            61.63         96356.73             0.04
200109           138.65       4371487.50             1.69
200110           142.12       4435396.50             1.66
200111           189.60       6722699.50             2.59
200112           191.04       7359794.00             2.75
200201           189.28      11814031.00             4.41
200202           183.76      11148022.00             4.61
200203           145.29       7981722.50             2.98
200204           106.99       3709094.25             1.43
200205            73.59        976372.25             0.36
200206            62.61        264111.25             0.10
200207            62.63        179252.06             0.07
200208            69.76        569877.62             0.21
200209           109.89       2612813.75             1.01
200210           177.24       6680064.00             2.49
200211           189.27       7008887.50             2.70
200212           190.71       6903135.00             2.58
200301           191.31       8341610.50             3.11
200302           188.83      12410421.00             5.13
200303           129.06       7359107.50             2.75
200304           109.00       4194940.50             1.62
200305            62.24        197292.72             0.07
200306            56.91             0.00             0.00
200307            58.90          5340.21             0.00
200308            59.20          2997.99             0.00
200309           122.00       3621934.25             1.40
200310           178.63       7183232.00             2.68
200311           189.22       7387669.00             2.85
200312           190.92       7530582.50             2.81
200401           191.40       9793525.00             3.66
200402           188.03      12767275.00             5.10
200403           169.34      13087704.00             4.89
200404           104.61       4224465.50             1.63
200405            81.00       1824972.50             0.68
200406            59.12         50469.92             0.02
200407            61.50        141112.27             0.05
200408            65.43        292315.97             0.11
200409           109.20       2616204.00             1.01
200410           150.31       5125432.00             1.91
200411           189.88       7001947.00             2.70
200412           186.87       7384578.50             2.76
200501           191.05      11991661.00             4.48
200502           189.21      14065021.00             5.81
200503           132.38       8213889.00             3.07
200504           103.14       3871026.00             1.49
200505            61.75        208752.70             0.08
200506            58.33         11524.60             0.00
200507            61.30         97457.73             0.04
200508            78.44        916404.94             0.34
200509           102.09       2039799.25             0.79
200510           151.01       4595453.50             1.72
200511           185.23       6148532.50             2.37
200512           190.96       9506285.00             3.55
200601           187.56      12872997.00             4.81
200602           188.11      11140044.00             4.60
200603           148.98       8618346.00             3.22
200604            78.12       1589034.00             0.61
200605            64.82        273003.66             0.10
200606            65.53        372925.78             0.14
200607            57.20             0.00             0.00
200608            87.89       1265864.62             0.47
200609           101.54       1936035.38             0.75
200610           154.00       4517946.50             1.69
200611           186.42       5755431.50             2.22
200612           189.63       6175134.50             2.31
200701           190.21       7081184.00             2.64
200702           188.24       8434514.00             3.49
200703           166.90       8819752.00             3.29
200704            81.30       1607377.75             0.62
200705            68.67        576336.38             0.22
200706            61.55        179280.62             0.07
200707            65.60        350317.78             0.13
200708            77.42        914445.94             0.34
200709           132.89       3763083.25             1.45
200710           174.10       6019801.50             2.25
200711           189.42       6462775.00             2.49
200712           190.05       8338190.00             3.11
200801           189.41      11542887.00             4.31
200802           174.21      10964693.00             4.38
200803           165.91      10519979.00             3.93
200804           118.77       4867870.00             1.88
200805            60.94         35521.18             0.01
200806            59.77         54510.78             0.02
200807            60.30         63111.68             0.02
200808            66.49        301777.81             0.11
200809           126.76       3484008.25             1.34
200810           177.60       6110077.50             2.28
200811           189.98       6475290.00             2.50
200812           190.98       8648837.00             3.23
200901           189.90      12884757.00             4.81
200902           188.25      13835034.00             5.72
200903           147.72      10766364.00             4.02
200904            81.31       1400254.50             0.54
200905            60.50        112645.30             0.04
200906            60.00         78611.38             0.03
200907            60.41         73888.84             0.03
200908            61.19         73062.33             0.03
200909           118.12       3013964.25             1.16
200910           166.84       5863988.50             2.19
200911           185.07       6540302.50             2.52
200912           189.52       7752534.50             2.89
201001           190.02      13205212.00             4.93
201002           186.46      13726960.00             5.67
201003           150.51      10831177.00             4.04
201004            91.73       2976922.75             1.15
201005            72.97        916567.62             0.34
201006            62.08        209955.53             0.08
201007            60.59        124919.97             0.05
201008            72.61        597272.06             0.22
201009           120.94       2921471.50             1.13
201010           166.15       5566319.50             2.08
201011           186.05       6479344.00             2.50
201012           189.44       9328653.00             3.48
201101           189.96      13068796.00             4.88
201102           187.97      13314144.00             5.50
201103           148.27       9988058.00             3.73
201104            69.24        620744.62             0.24
201105            60.86         89562.23             0.03
201106            61.80        143223.03             0.06
201107            70.62        580452.19             0.22
201108            63.93        221142.02             0.08
201109           104.05       2190230.00             0.84
201110           172.36       5941488.00             2.22
201111           183.80       5993302.50             2.31
201112           191.35       6359091.50             2.37
201201           191.20      10282536.00             3.84
201202           189.32      14278930.00             5.70
201203           127.16       8155351.00             3.04
201204           112.27       4187980.75             1.62
201205            65.30        396731.81             0.15
201206            58.49          8479.05             0.00
201207            61.92        113588.20             0.04
201208            61.84        138447.14             0.05
201209           114.79       2719771.00             1.05
201210           158.15       5137477.00             1.92
201211           182.39       6083364.00             2.35
201212           189.26       8843566.00             3.30

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