[ncl-talk] Voronoi on sphere example - csvoro

legven at gmail.com legven at gmail.com
Sun Nov 9 03:03:37 MST 2014

Dear NCL users,
I have been trying to


;  Create input arrays.
  ndata = 100
  rlati = new(ndata,float)
  rloni = new(ndata,float)
  do i=0,ndata-1
    rlati(i) =  -90. + 180.**rand*
    rloni(i) = -180. + 360.**rand*
  end do

;  Obtain the Voronoi polygon for the first point in the input
;  dataset.  nv(0:numv-1) will contain integers to be used as
;  indices for rlato and rlono to determine the polygonal vertices.
  rlato = new(2*ndata,float)
  rlono = new(2*ndata,float)
  alen  = new(2*ndata,float)
  nca   = new(1,integer)
  numv  = new(1,integer)
  nv    = new(ndata,integer)


I run this sample many times, but always numv will be <= 15 for ndata
= 100 or ndata = 1000.
Values of alen will be positive only for first numv index's.

What's wrong?

Many thanks.
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