[ncl-talk] Segmentation fault

Arnold.Sullivan at csiro.au Arnold.Sullivan at csiro.au
Wed Jul 23 23:16:24 MDT 2014

Hi there,

Trying to generate high resolution grid information and I got error message “Segmentation fault”. (The resolution is 432x234. N216)

The script can run 96x72 hardly on 192x144 but totally not able to run on 432x234.

Any suggestion to trick NCL??



The script is attached:

; Calculate T, U, V, C-Cell grid information
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"

resGrid = "N216" ;; "N48" ;; "N96"
if (resGrid .eq. "N48") then
  nLonDims = 96
  nLatDims = 72
end if

if (resGrid .eq. "N96") then
  nLonDims = 192
  nLatDims = 144
end if

if (resGrid .eq. "N216") then
  nLonDims = 432
  nLatDims = 234
end if

  nVert = 4
  nTLon = nLonDims
  nTLat = nLatDims
  nULon = nLonDims
  nULat = nLatDims
  nVLon = nLonDims
  nVLat = nLatDims+1
  nCLon = nLonDims
  nCLat = nLatDims

; basic grid info
  grid_x_Temp = fspan(0,360,nULon+1)
  grid_x_T    = grid_x_Temp(0:nULon-1)+360./nULon/2.
  grid_y_Temp = fspan(0,180,nULat+1)-90
  grid_y_T    = grid_y_Temp(0:nULat-1)+180./nULat/2.

  grid_x_Cemp = fspan(0,360,nULon+1)+360./nULon/2.
  grid_x_C    = grid_x_Cemp(0:nULon-1)-360./nULon/2.
  grid_y_Cemp = fspan(0,180,nULat+1)-90+180./(nULat)/2.
  grid_y_C    = fspan(0,180,nULat+1)-90

  if (grid_y_C(0) .le. -90) then
    grid_y_C(0) = -89.995
  end if
  if (grid_y_C(nULat) .ge. 90) then
    grid_y_C(nULat) = 89.995
  end if

; setting new varialbes
  x_T = new((/nTLat,nTLon/),float)
  y_T = new((/nTLat,nTLon/),float)
  x_U = new((/nULat,nULon/),float)
  y_U = new((/nULat,nULon/),float)
  x_V = new((/nVLat,nVLon/),float)
  y_V = new((/nVLat,nVLon/),float)

  x_vert_T = new((/nVert,nTLat,nTLon/),float)
  y_vert_T = new((/nVert,nTLat,nTLon/),float)
  x_vert_U = new((/nVert,nULat,nULon/),float)
  y_vert_U = new((/nVert,nULat,nULon/),float)
  x_vert_V = new((/nVert,nVLat,nVLon/),float)
  y_vert_V = new((/nVert,nVLat,nVLon/),float)
;  x_vert_C = new((/nVert,nCLat,nCLon/),float)
;  y_vert_C = new((/nVert,nCLat,nCLon/),float)

;; T-Cell
do i=0,nTLon-1
  y_T(:,i) = grid_y_T ;; "Center grid y"

  do j=0,nTLat-1
  x_T(j,:) = grid_x_T ;; "Center grid x"

    x_vert_T(0,j,i) = grid_x_Temp(i)
    x_vert_T(1,j,i) = grid_x_Temp(i+1)
    x_vert_T(2,j,i) = grid_x_Temp(i+1)
    x_vert_T(3,j,i) = grid_x_Temp(i)

  if ( j .eq. 0 ) then
    y_vert_T(0,j,i) = -89.9995
    y_vert_T(1,j,i) = -89.9995
    y_vert_T(0,j,i) = grid_y_Temp(j)
    y_vert_T(1,j,i) = grid_y_Temp(j)
  end if

  if ( j .eq. nTLat-1 ) then
    y_vert_T(2,j,i) = 89.9995
    y_vert_T(3,j,i) = 89.9995
    y_vert_T(2,j,i) = grid_y_Temp(j+1)
    y_vert_T(3,j,i) = grid_y_Temp(j+1)
  end if

  end do
end do
  x_T!0 = (/"nx1"/)
  x_T!1 = (/"ny1"/)
  y_T!0 = (/"nx1"/)
  y_T!1 = (/"ny1"/)
  x_vert_T!0 = (/"nc1"/)
  x_vert_T!1 = (/"nx1"/)
  x_vert_T!2 = (/"ny1"/)
  y_vert_T!0 = (/"nc1"/)
  y_vert_T!1 = (/"nx1"/)
  y_vert_T!2 = (/"ny1"/)

;; U-Cell
do i=0,nULon-1
  y_U(:,i) = grid_y_T ;; "Center grid y"

  do j=0,nULat-1
  x_U(j,:) = grid_x_C ;; "Center grid x"

  if ( i .eq. 0 ) then
    x_vert_U(0,j,i) = 360-360./nULon/2.
    x_vert_U(3,j,i) = 360-360./nULon/2.
    x_vert_U(0,j,i) = grid_x_Cemp(i-1)
    x_vert_U(3,j,i) = grid_x_Cemp(i-1)
  end if

    x_vert_U(1,j,i) = grid_x_Cemp(i)
    x_vert_U(2,j,i) = grid_x_Cemp(i)

  if ( j .eq. 0 ) then
    y_vert_U(0,j,i) = -89.9995
    y_vert_U(1,j,i) = -89.9995
    y_vert_U(0,j,i) = grid_y_Temp(j)
    y_vert_U(1,j,i) = grid_y_Temp(j)
  end if

  if ( j .eq. nULat-1 ) then
    y_vert_U(2,j,i) = 89.9995
    y_vert_U(3,j,i) = 89.9995
    y_vert_U(2,j,i) = grid_y_Temp(j+1)
    y_vert_U(3,j,i) = grid_y_Temp(j+1)
  end if

  end do
end do
  x_U!0 = (/"nx2"/)
  x_U!1 = (/"ny2"/)
  y_U!0 = (/"nx2"/)
  y_U!1 = (/"ny2"/)
  x_vert_U!0 = (/"nc2"/)
  x_vert_U!1 = (/"nx2"/)
  x_vert_U!2 = (/"ny2"/)
  y_vert_U!0 = (/"nc2"/)
  y_vert_U!1 = (/"nx2"/)
  y_vert_U!2 = (/"ny2"/)

;; V-Cell
do i=0,nVLon-1
  y_V(:,i) = grid_y_C ;; "Center grid y"

  do j=0,nVLat-1
  x_V(j,:) = grid_x_T ;; "Center grid x"

    x_vert_V(0,j,i) = grid_x_Temp(i)
    x_vert_V(1,j,i) = grid_x_Temp(i+1)
    x_vert_V(2,j,i) = grid_x_Temp(i+1)
    x_vert_V(3,j,i) = grid_x_Temp(i)

  if ( j .eq. 0 ) then
   y_vert_V(0,j,i) = -89.9995
    y_vert_V(1,j,i) = -89.9995
    y_vert_V(0,j,i) = grid_y_Cemp(j-1)
    y_vert_V(1,j,i) = grid_y_Cemp(j-1)
  end if

  if ( j .eq. nVLat-1 ) then
    y_vert_V(2,j,i) = 89.9995
    y_vert_V(3,j,i) = 89.9995
    y_vert_V(2,j,i) = grid_y_Cemp(j)
    y_vert_V(3,j,i) = grid_y_Cemp(j)
  end if

  end do
end do
  x_V!0 = (/"nx3"/)
  x_V!1 = (/"ny3"/)
  y_V!0 = (/"nx3"/)
  y_V!1 = (/"ny3"/)
  x_vert_V!0 = (/"nc3"/)
  x_vert_V!1 = (/"nx3"/)
  x_vert_V!2 = (/"ny3"/)
 y_vert_V!0 = (/"nc3"/)
  y_vert_V!1 = (/"nx3"/)
  y_vert_V!2 = (/"ny3"/)

; Save epcp lts
  diro   = "./"
  outFileCT = diro+"oasis3_grids_"+resGrid+"_ct_22072014.nc"
  system("\rm "+outFileCT)
  outFileCN = diro+"oasis3_grids_"+resGrid+"_cn_22072014.nc"
  system("\rm "+outFileCN)
  outFileLC = diro+"oasis3_grids_"+resGrid+"_lc_22072014.nc"
  system("\rm "+outFileLC)

  tLonName = "um1t.lon"
  tLatName = "um1t.lat"
  uLonName = "um1u.lon"
  uLatName = "um1u.lat"
  vLonName = "um1v.lon"
  vLatName = "um1v.lat"

  tAngName = "um1t.ang"
  uAngName = "um1u.ang"
  vAngName = "um1v.ang"

  tVertLonName = "um1t.clo"
  tVertLatName = "um1t.cla"
  uVertLonName = "um1u.clo"
  uVertLatName = "um1u.cla"
  vVertLonName = "um1v.clo"
  vVertLatName = "um1v.cla"

  fout         = addfile( outFileCT,"c")
  fout at title   = resGrid+" Grid Info"

;** centre grid ***************
  fout->$tLonName$ = x_T
    fout->$tLonName$@units = "degrees_east"
    fout->$tLonName$@title = resGrid+" T-cell grid center longitude"
  fout->$tLatName$ = y_T
    fout->$tLatName$@units = "degrees_north"
    fout->$tLatName$@title = resGrid+" T-cell grid center longitude"
  fout->$uLonName$ = x_U
    fout->$uLonName$@units = "degrees_east"
    fout->$uLonName$@title = resGrid+" U-cell grid center longitude"
  fout->$uLatName$ = y_U
    fout->$uLatName$@units = "degrees_north"
    fout->$uLatName$@title = resGrid+" U-cell grid center longitude"
  fout->$vLonName$ = x_V
    fout->$vLonName$@units = "degrees_east"
    fout->$vLonName$@title = resGrid+" V-cell grid center longitude"
  fout->$vLatName$ = y_V
    fout->$vLatName$@units = "degrees_north"
    fout->$vLatName$@title = resGrid+" V-cell grid center longitude"

  fout         = addfile( outFileCN,"c")
  fout at title   = resGrid+" Grid Info"

;** coner grid ***************
  fout->$uVertLonName$ = x_vert_U
    fout->$uVertLonName$@units = "degrees_north"
    fout->$uVertLonName$@title = resGrid+" U-cell grid corner longitude"
  fout->$uVertLatName$ = y_vert_U
    fout->$uVertLatName$@units = "degrees_east"
    fout->$uVertLatName$@title = resGrid+" U-cell grid corner latitude"

  fout->$vVertLonName$ = x_vert_V
    fout->$vVertLonName$@units = "degrees_north"
    fout->$vVertLonName$@title = resGrid+" V-cell grid corner longitude"
  fout->$vVertLatName$ = y_vert_V
    fout->$vVertLatName$@units = "degrees_east"
    fout->$vVertLatName$@title = resGrid+" V-cell grid corner latitude"

  fout->$tVertLonName$ = x_vert_T
    fout->$tVertLonName$@units = "degrees_north"
    fout->$tVertLonName$@title = resGrid+" T-cell grid corner longitude"
  fout->$tVertLatName$ = y_vert_T
    fout->$tVertLatName$@units = "degrees_east"
    fout->$tVertLatName$@title = resGrid+" T-cell grid corner latitude"

  fout         = addfile( outFileLC,"c")
  fout at title   = resGrid+" Grid Info"

;** local rotation angle ***************
  fout->$tAngName$ = x_T-x_T
    fout->$tAngName$@units = "degrees"
    fout->$tAngName$@title = resGrid+" T-cell local rotation angle"
  fout->$uAngName$ = x_U-x_U
    fout->$uAngName$@units = "degrees"
    fout->$uAngName$@title = resGrid+" T-cell local rotation angle"
  fout->$vAngName$ = x_V-x_V
   fout->$vAngName$@units = "degrees"
    fout->$vAngName$@title = resGrid+" T-cell local rotation angle"

print("Now we finish outputing data .....")

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