[ncl-install] Problem Installing NCL on Windows 10 Linux Bash

SILVANA BOLAÑOS CHAVARRÍA silvana.bolanos at udea.edu.co
Mon Jul 30 18:08:29 MDT 2018


I have a problem installing NCL through Linux bash Shell window, I’ve done
everything until the part to say Install NCL in the tutorial, but after to
download NCL since a browser window (Firefox) using the Linux Shell,  I
can’t do the commands

    mkdir /usr/local/ncl-6.5.0

    tar -zxf ~/Downloads/ncl_ncarg-6.5.0-Debian7.11_64bit_gnu472.tar.gz -C

because when I try it, if firefox is running I can't do anything since
Ubuntu (Linux bash shell window), but if I stop the firefox and I write the
commands, these message appears:

     mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/usr/local/ncl-6.5.0’: Permission

So I don't understand what I should do.

Thank you, I'll be attentive


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